I'm not averse to showing his flash, however you gotta prove your cash kemo.....You know me; I;m open. I'd have to see him in action a couple of times before I drop cash. Not sure you want to deal with me? My credit is solid.
I'm not averse to showing his flash, however you gotta prove your cash kemo.....You know me; I;m open. I'd have to see him in action a couple of times before I drop cash. Not sure you want to deal with me? My credit is solid.
That was pretty epicFirst to market @see4 (tim verners lee mention, I envy you!!)
To quote the sage: "Technology, Gromit!"
You need to bring the latest underage family mule tech online NOW! You're in competition with hungry horny Chinese who live in their customer care call centers! If your indirectly-descended workforce cannot out-accelerate the 2015 models, just stop breathing now, y'know?
You say this and yet you realize the fiscal impact of his being offline for a season..... We know you have a solid head on those broad shouldersI gotta compete with the Chinese? I think trump is going to send them all packing and bring "jobs" back to the US. Besides, you know me Kemo, I had my neice working shit this Summer too. way bigger hits. The nephew is being groomed for greatness.
Lol I didn't figure in the Niece AccordsI gotta compete with the Chinese? I think trump is going to send them all packing and bring "jobs" back to the US. Besides, you know me Kemo, I had my neice working shit this Summer too. way bigger hits. The nephew is being groomed for greatness.
You say this and yet you realize the fiscal impact of his being offline for a season..... We know you have a solid head on those broad shoulders
That is the problem, you are RIGHT!! You are smart and savvy and you would come up with something, but you'd still lose all that down time, whereas I might be able to assist you with leveraging that time.You;re right (as usual). I just figured I;d come up with something while he was down.
LOL, yeah... you could fit a bowling ball up @Alienwidow prolapsed poop chute.Annie, Annie, Annie....... Did Yoda give up on Luke?
This kid is butthole tight (well, not Alienwidow's butthole).
When we (he) steal steaks, I follow him out of the store in case anyone gets grabby. He starts yelling rape, or child molester, or something so I can interrupt and fight the security while he runs away. Then I act dejected for letting him get away once they explain what the little bastard did. One time though, he was pinched inside the store. This guy approached him and asked what he had under his shirt. My nephew said "all I have in my pants is my dick and twenty-five cents" but they both knew the jig was up so that little fucker pulls the steaks out tears the plastic and throws them on the ground so they slap loudly. He started yelling at the guy "you call this shit meat?!!?..it can't possibly have the right expiration date.. demanding to see the USDA paperwork on it. While the guy looked around at all of the faces agape, he ran out and I announced "I'll get him!" then ran after him. We laughed for a good hour.
That is the problem, you are RIGHT!! You are smart and savvy and you would come up with something, but you'd still lose all that down time, whereas I might be able to assist you with leveraging that time.
Damn! Now I;m pickin up what your puttin down.
Fireball + Jack Daniels Tennesee Ciderwhiskey.... and paranoia
That was kind of my plan. I figured drugs will get you in a lot more trouble than stealing a few things. He is sizing up his classmates for potential "soldiers".
The last time "I felt like this", I was in the presence of the Dali Lama at Brandeis University a decade back. I was within 50 yards of him along with 2,000+ other people. But it was an overwhelming experience nonetheless.First to market @see4 (tim berners lee mention, I envy you!!)
But in today's economy might it be cheaper to start over with newer, younger, cuter? This one has to be showing some wear and tear, right? Why else could a plan as sharp as yours get popped? it had to be the age on him. Buy new/fresh and cheap, upgrayedd
Yes!! and longer service intervals.
~edit~ That last betrays my incapacity for really getting out of my own headspace. If there is anything I should have learned about Clayton, RIU royalty he, it is that he lives for the short intervals between major services. And disservices. He is peculiarly engaged in a way the simultaneously awes and upsets me.
Then it's youre fault for being a fucking idiot and a great role model, I hope he rats you out you piece of shit .I feel kind of like it;s my fault. We;ve been stealing stuff all Summer and selling it on ebay and CL. He's 9 so nobody paid a whole lot of attention. He's become really good at being "every boy". He did get caught a few times but he said I was his dad and they called to come get him (I was waiting in the parking lot). A couple of times they were talking about the police so I started slapping him about the head and shoulders until the just asked us to leave. That was Summer though, when all the kids are out of school. I think that was our mistake today. We had a few beers and got greedy. I don;t know who he called but I haven;t heard anything yet. He couldn;t call me because I helped him load the tv in the cart.
Then it's youre fault for being a fucking idiot and a great role model, I hope he rats you out you piece of shit .