I have been so fucked on lsd. Get this one time I was so wacked at the Chicago art institute I walked in with a bottle of water. Half way through some security lady asked me for the bottle and I was so fucking lost. I asked her If she wanted it and she was like no wtf. Then I was apologizing and told her I'd set the bottle down in the corner. It was some ghetto lady who had never seen hippies tripping and she was wiggling the fuck out. All I could mutter after a 10 strip + was I'm sorry, Here is the bottle! I thought she thought it was vodka....it's a fucking museum lol. Water and food isn't allowed obviously.
It wigged m e the fuck out. Then on the way home I was arguing with the train guy saying I paid and the pricing is bullshit for the service. Then I thanked the guy and told him to fuck off when I reached My stop. I felt bad for the bastard the day after. He was just doing his job and I was tripping like a piece of shit. I even saw a kid from middle school on the train. He was trying to tell me his life story. All I could say is I'm tripping harder than a mother fucker. He looked confused as fuck.
Should have seen me that day I was in the orange haze trying to oversee an ex move her shit out of the house of an old work colleague, an ex and her daughter were moving all the stuff while I sat in the ac. I oversaw from the front seat of my truck parked at the mailbox lmao, I got out twice I think, just to float around for a few minutes
It wigged m e the fuck out. Then on the way home I was arguing with the train guy saying I paid and the pricing is bullshit for the service. Then I thanked the guy and told him to fuck off when I reached My stop. I felt bad for the bastard the day after. He was just doing his job and I was tripping like a piece of shit. I even saw a kid from middle school on the train. He was trying to tell me his life story. All I could say is I'm tripping harder than a mother fucker. He looked confused as fuck.
Thanked the guy then told him to fuck off lmfao, classy holy shit dude I am fucking dying here
I have a tendency to tell people Im really fucked up when I am really fucked up, so I can relate
I'm the classiest piece of shit you'll ever meet lol. Especially when u get me on some good drugs. Half the reason I stay away from them lol. I have little filter in real life. After some L I'll tell you how shit really works according to me without filter and it's crass as fuck.
I'm the classiest piece of shit you'll ever meet lol. Especially when u get me on some good drugs. Half the reason I stay away from them lol. I have little filter in real life. After some L I'll tell you how shit really works according to me without filter and it's crass as fuck.
< Same same buddy. #nofuckingfilter
Should have seen me that day I was in the orange haze trying to oversee an ex move her shit out of the house of an old work colleague, an ex and her daughter were moving all the stuff while I sat in the ac. I oversaw from the front seat of my truck parked at the mailbox lmao, I got out twice I think, just to float around for a few minutes
Lmao that's too funny. That's how it goes tho. I wouldn't of lifted a finger for them in that state of mind unless they were passing a joint.
Ha ha these stories remind me of when i took a huge hit of 2CB after playing a set. I thought it was x until after an hour my mate told me to be prepared for the 12 hours of power....fuck me was he right ha ha. I was sitting at the bus station for over an hour waiting for my bus and it was right in front of me the whole time. My mate, who also had some, sat up the back of a packed bus and could not stop laughing for 4 hours! All we wanted was a ciggarette and we couldnt.
When we got off, my mates mrs took one look at us and walked off shaking her head. After I got home, Oprah was on tv, I was tripping so hard I remember having a conversation with Oprah. Some friends were worried about me (they rang and got no sense out of me at all) so rocked up...I was climbing up the back of my lounge having a full conversation with fucking Oprah ha ha. Needless to say, they had to take me to pick my mrs up from work as I was in no state to drive LOL
I flew offshore once (more than once) after a night of rolling balls, fuck I was still rolling at the heliport. Thankfully I was able to get some solid sleep once I landed on the platform.
Ha ha these stories remind me of when i took a huge hit of 2CB after playing a set. I thought it was x until after an hour my mate told me to be prepared for the 12 hours of power....fuck me was he right ha ha. I was sitting at the bus station for over an hour waiting for my bus and it was right in front of me the whole time. My mate, who also had some, sat up the back of a packed bus and could not stop laughing for 4 hours! All we wanted was a ciggarette and we couldnt.
When we got off, my mates mrs took one look at us and walked off shaking her head. After I got home, Oprah was on tv, I was tripping so hard I remember having a conversation with Oprah. Some friends were worried about me (they rang and got no sense out of me at all) so rocked up...I was climbing up the back of my lounge having a full conversation with fucking Oprah ha ha. Needless to say, they had to take me to pick my mrs up from work as I was in no state to drive LOL
hahahaha easty you fit right in with us crazies :)
Ha ha these stories remind me of when i took a huge hit of 2CB after playing a set. I thought it was x until after an hour my mate told me to be prepared for the 12 hours of power....fuck me was he right ha ha. I was sitting at the bus station for over an hour waiting for my bus and it was right in front of me the whole time. My mate, who also had some, sat up the back of a packed bus and could not stop laughing for 4 hours! All we wanted was a ciggarette and we couldnt.
When we got off, my mates mrs took one look at us and walked off shaking her head. After I got home, Oprah was on tv, I was tripping so hard I remember having a conversation with Oprah. Some friends were worried about me (they rang and got no sense out of me at all) so rocked up...I was climbing up the back of my lounge having a full conversation with fucking Oprah ha ha. Needless to say, they had to take me to pick my mrs up from work as I was in no state to drive LOL
Lmfao that's too funny. It's scary that rc drug shit tho. It fucks some people for good.
Yep you be like that dude talking about scopolamine talking about his mate still peeking out from behind the blinds after a trip

Crocodile... nope that's the other shit from south America. U can have someone help rob there own house lol. This shits for real. I've heard tons of stories about it. One can buy it from select sources.
Fuck yeah, seen it put people in mental institutions over here! One of my mates never came back from a trip (multiple actually)! Very scary shit!
That's what I'm talking about. It's happening more and more with all the weird shit they are making. I'm a naturalist. Lsd, mushroom, and thc can all be found in nature or derived from nature so it's safe in my eyes. Fuck that wacky rc game