Bict 16/17. Straya m8 2.0

how old are they now? Have any others shows sex yet and are those alpha diesels taller or all about same height; thats a male indicator for me if they are considerably taller, but only time will tell
I planted em on the 13th or 15th of October, but our weather in-conjunction with me not feeding them because I thought the soil would has pushed em back a far bit. No sex shown yet, not really taller, just growing well, but no different to my cotton candy (second to last picture) and training day which are both fems.
Ayr bruiser they look gd mate
Like vn said they are on their way for sure and looking strong
I wanna ask out of all the tmb specials i sent what one has grown the best do far to you..not so much size but actual look in general of the plant.
I may be starting a late one yet....
Story ;
Tmb himself hasnt even grown out the alpha diesel yet they are a seed that he has of a dear friend of his who used to grow..i cant remember exactly how but i know @treemansbuds would tell us the story.......that dear friend passed away and only tmb could tell us the story properly
Im thinking a mad purps for a late starter and i dont think i sent you one of those as i only have a small amount of them hence why id like to come across a male at some stage
The alpha diesels are growing the best, but not much better than the og's and kushes.
I planted em on the 13th or 15th of October, but our weather in-conjunction with me not feeding them because I thought the soil would has pushed em back a far bit. No sex shown yet, not really taller, just growing well, but no different to my cotton candy (second to last picture) and training day which are both fems.
The sr71 for me last year took ages to show me it was a fem...seriously
And if u had a possible male @bict theres your chance for some awesome breeding...obviously being in the ground makes it near on out of the question though i spose
not really out of the question, but its not controlled. I let a male go for a bit in my garden last round here and only ended up with a few seeded lowers, not bad considering all the wind I had, literally only 25 beans
not really out of the question, but its not controlled. I let a male go for a bit in my garden last round here and only ended up with a few seeded lowers, not bad considering all the wind I had, literally only 25 beans
I'll leave the breeding till I can fully control it I reckon. Next season I may have poly tunnels set up in another location as well as my patch now. Those may provide a good location to breed.
not really out of the question, but its not controlled. I let a male go for a bit in my garden last round here and only ended up with a few seeded lowers, not bad considering all the wind I had, literally only 25 beans
Id love to get a cross with something like wonder woman and grand master
My wonder woman is struggling a bit, she's in the new extension with the Pakistan valley and nl X big bud. They'll be fine, just not as big as the others.
my bloody dog is struggling..not in the sense its of poor size but looks lanky almost like she said im flowering then took 3 weeks to turn around into veg mode..i dunno its weird