Medical Patient Needs Help Designing My GrowRoom. NEED ADVICE!


Active Member
Hi. I'm a medicinal marijuana patient in europe and according to my countries laws I am able to have three plants at any one time for personal use. However I am unable to excede this limit or face strict penalties. So. My dillemma is simple enough. How can I grow the most medicine using this closet. The grow space measures 140cm (4'7") tall by 110cm (3'7") wide by 50cm (1'8") deep. I have currently aquired a 250 HPS bulb for the budding chamber (with ballast), A Squirell cage fan, carbon filter, duct, and other various hanging mechanisms. I plan on using a 200w nuturelight for the veg chamber.

So my question is simple. How can I utilize this space to the max. I live not far from amsterdam so aquiring various seeds is not a problem. Any info or tips on what I've currently got planned would be greatly appreciated. Also what would you suggest would be the best strain for this size of a space? Im currently leaning towards Romulan or Strawberry Cough (which I've read are good to treat my medical ailment). Or would lowrider do much better in a space like this? Also wondering. How can I keep the mommy in vegetative cycle during budding period for the other girls? Can i just keep the light cycle at 18h and prune her back all the time?

Oh yeah. also. thats a darth vader poster in the drawing plans. gotta love darth. Also I plan on making a journal out of this for you all to watch. I won't just bail after a few posts. peace.



Well-Known Member
welcome to rollitup. the best way to build your room is to first read the growfaq section of this site and the stickies at the top of each forum. you'll get all of your general questions answered and have specific questions that you can post and get decent answers.

best of luck and good growing

ps - yes, you keep the mother plant in 18/6 and cut clones whenever you want.


Well-Known Member
sketch is nice. Love the vader! I don't see in the sketch how the air gets from the chambers to the vent chamber with the fan, but you definitely want to make sure you get the hot air from the chambers up and out of there. Also, make sure you have intake air going through both chambers at all times as the plants need to breathe.

With only 3 plants, you definitely don't want to do lowryder. Supposedly (i still haven't tried) you can't clone and yields will tend to be lower. You need to get a plant that provides a good yield. I think the strawberry cough would be a good fit if I'm reading that drawing right at 140cm. Romulan will be shorter and probably cause you to have to lower the lights...I can't tell if that is in your plans or not. But yeah....look for a strain that gets a good yield and the medical effects you want -- not really sure, but I think these two strains you mentioned have totally opposite effects and have a good time being free to provide yourself with nature's medicine.

Good luck,



Active Member
Thanks for your responses. I was just making sure there wasn't some glaring error in my plans before I dove into it. I wasn't sure about a few things. I've read through the grow faq. A great resource. Just still had a few lingering questions.

1: whether the vegging chamber would be large enough to keep the mother alive over a period of time (I plan on continuously keeping the mom for clones). Is this possible? If not. What is the best way to keep a supply of clones but stay within my limit of three plants. If it is possible to keep a mom in constant veg, then could I keep her alive for up to a year and jsut continuously prune her back?

I had planned on keeping the mom in veg and then after harvest I would take two clones from her. Veg the clones and then start budding once again after a few weeks.

Second question involves ventilation.

To answer PhillyPete I was going to have two holes cut at the bottom of the doors as intake holes (don't worry i ll cover them over so light doesn't constantly leak in). The extractor will be positioned on the shelf above the grow space, i will have duct sucking air out from a hole cut near where the reflector will be hanging, it then will go through the extractor and out through my carbon filter.

The squirrel cage extractor is pretty beefy for the space i ve got. Should move more than enough air. My only problem is that I have two chambers which need to be ventilated. Since I'm going to be using CFLs in the vegging chamber, would cutting a hole at the top of the space and installing a small fan be enough to extract air from the vegging chamber?

I painted the entire inside of the space white and im ready to start construction on the vegging chamber. That is, if you all think that having a mom in constant veg is a realistic way of keeping my source of clones coming. Any advice greatly appreciated and please remember I absolutely cannot go over the three plant limit.



Well-Known Member
1: then could I keep her alive for up to a year and jsut continuously prune her back?

2.. Since I'm going to be using CFLs in the vegging chamber, would cutting a hole at the top of the space and installing a small fan be enough to extract air from the vegging chamber?

1. yes, that's what most people do who clone.

2. probably