Help me out guys plz

Im going to start a conversation with you. Check your mail on here in a couplr minutes.

Mix of ffof and happy frog but I was a dummy I didn't know both those soils are already hot and I added mexi guano Jamaican guano kelp meal earth worm castings and I also was using all that plus molassas for my air stone tea.
How does that sound to u. There really isn't too much more I can do to this grow but let it finish but its not to late to do NY other plants the right way BC there only 2 weeks old but my big girl will be finishing in 3 to 4 weeks
Organic soil is a living thing and when there's an imbalance it will not fix itself overnight nor will your leaves suddenly turn green supple and healthy when it does. It seems likely you have an absorbtion issue which is not as easy to correct in living soil as adjusting ph and/or flushing. I would simply top dress with some EWC and hydrate some dolomite lime or Epsom salt or organic cal/mag and then give straight water as normal until harvest which looks to be only 3-5 weeks away....fact: magnesium is an element that helps terrestrial plants uptake other nutrients from the soil given the proper ph range. Even if you provide soluble magnesium it will take weeks to recover your plant as these things take time. Replace microbes lost through "flushing" by adding fresh EWC on top; always keep it simple as possible- no sudden moves.
You have to kind of pre-empt issues before they happen in organics which is why you should be researching books on organic growing instead of google. Knowledge is power...
Check out:

True living organics
by the Rev

Teaming with microbes by Lowenfels anc Lewis
OK guys I've been having problems with this plant its been over a week I've been trying to add nitrogen ( bc i thought it may be a nitrogen deficiency) and that didn't do the trick so today I flushed my 7g plant for about 10 min with a ton water going through it. Im thinking now it looks like i have nute burn or possibly a calmag provlem but im not sure. My question is, I'm going to the store tomorrow to pick up some calmag do I need to grab anything else while I'm there? Anything that may help this plant continue to thrive.

Pics are taken over a week from newest to oldest.
Growing pot isnt this hard, you have an imbalance in the soil or you fucked it up along the way with too much of something, I personally think its the latter. Its too late to do anything now, flushing set it back 1 week. Dont do anything else except water it normally and light feedings till the end or your gonna destroy your crop chasing google diagnosis'. Toss the soil start a new follow the recipes, theres plenty of tried and true ones out there. If you cant find one then ask me I have one I got from a member here a while ago and never looked back. Good luck
Growing pot isnt this hard, you have an imbalance in the soil or you fucked it up along the way with too much of something, I personally think its the latter. Its too late to do anything now, flushing set it back 1 week. Dont do anything else except water it normally and light feedings till the end or your gonna destroy your crop chasing google diagnosis'. Toss the soil start a new follow the recipes, theres plenty of tried and true ones out there. If you cant find one then ask me I have one I got from a member here a while ago and never looked back. Good luck
I'd love to hear your recipe I have now bought dolomite lime alfalfa meal kelp meal ewc molassas soft rock phosphate and perlite by the ton. But I don't know what I'm missing, or how much of each to use, or how to use it. I've planned on adding blood meal and bone meal to this just haven't bought it yet what am I missing. And how is it all best used in ur opinions
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I've taken a few of yalls advise ive mixed some dolomite lime in g of water and flushed that through and did a small top layer of ewc and now I'm going to leave it alone and let it do its thing no matter what happens but I'd still like to hear more for my other babies which are only 2-3 weeks old
I'm trying to research it all right now so far all I can find is stuff on the dolomite lime and Epsom salt for taking care of my calmag problem. And I have made multiple threads but every few days my situation changes and the links he givin me I've read many times its the first things that pop up on Google any jackass with two brain cells can find it. It understanding what it is, and what it does, and how it works is what I need help with. Not to mention they say with every plant problem there is that it can look like this but be totally something different.
you said you "flushed them"
what did the runoff look like?
If I were to guess the first couple times was dark?
When this plant finishes I plan to re use my soil but add kelp, alfalfa, blood, bone, dolomite lime, soft rock phosphate, mexi and jamacian guano plus some more perlite and use my soil like that with straight water and maybe an air tea once a month.
Start a leaf compost right now and the results will SHIT all over any of those man, plus you get fresh humus, massive microbial life, tons of redworms, and the resulting leaf compost is higher than manure in nutrients, while at the same time being PH neutral and buffering as well as having the best CEC you can get.
Reamend with equal amounts of compost to aeration and add that to your soil at a 50/50 ratio
I guaran-fuckin-tee you will never go back to using any other growing method.
And it's free....
I've taken a few of yalls advise ive mixed some dolomite lime in g of water and flushed that through and did a small top layer of ewc and now I'm going to leave it alone and let it do its thing no matter what happens but I'd still like to hear more for my other babies which are only 2-3 weeks old
Dolomite lime takes too long to break down, you need to add it into your mix right at the start in your soil for it to work correctly, but seeing as you want organic, it shouldn't be really necessary. What you should use to immediately affect your PH is hydrated lime You have over complicated your mix in my opinion, like adding Epsom salts (CalMag + is much better, or kelp) and all that worm casing and bat shit. I think you got a nute lockout personally, seeing as you stated that you have bumped up the N, because that is what if looks like to me, a N def. H&G makes soil specific nutes, so you might want to think of that, but you being organic, you probably don't want to go there. Good luck
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When i have run into problems i check this 7 steps checklist and it should point you in the right direction.. i have never done a organic grow.. i thought you always had to PH the water.. regardless of synthetic nutes and organic grow. so what ever material you have will be available. try this page it might help.. at least narrow down the plants issue happy growing
When i have run into problems i check this 7 steps checklist and it should point you in the right direction.. i have never done a organic grow.. i thought you always had to PH the water.. regardless of synthetic nutes and organic grow. so what ever material you have will be available. try this page it might help.. at least narrow down the plants issue happy growing
like I said, to a degree.
Ph is important for anything growing, again, to a degree.
The reason ph isn't as paramount in organics is because the plant root exudates will attract and create their own ph friendly environment via microbes, quite fascinating really, it's a self regulating sort of thing, provided the media is healthy enough to GROW those roots, to create those exudates.

I haven't ph'ed a thing, since oh, probably, since Bill Clinton was president
I've taken a few of yalls advise ive mixed some dolomite lime in g of water and flushed that through and did a small top layer of ewc and now I'm going to leave it alone and let it do its thing no matter what happens but I'd still like to hear more for my other babies which are only 2-3 weeks old

Id probably have gone with too many nutrients as you first thought and kept it simple.
Yes I believe you guys are right I have nutrient lock out BC I have symptoms on n deficiencies cal mag deficiencies and a mix of other things I have gave flushed the plant a few days ago and gave it some lime in a g water and have been just leaving it alone. And today is the first day I've went in the room and it started to smell like dank.
Here's today's pics not much change but hasn't gotten worst in my opinion I will post pics every day if anyone want to follow and continue to help an aspiring crop king lmfao


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