Help me out guys plz


Well-Known Member
OK guys I've been having problems with this plant its been over a week I've been trying to add nitrogen ( bc i thought it may be a nitrogen deficiency) and that didn't do the trick so today I flushed my 7g plant for about 10 min with a ton water going through it. Im thinking now it looks like i have nute burn or possibly a calmag provlem but im not sure. My question is, I'm going to the store tomorrow to pick up some calmag do I need to grab anything else while I'm there? Anything that may help this plant continue to thrive.

Pics are taken over a week from newest to oldest.


how late into flowering? its normal to turn yellow near the end. but thats usually with lower leaves first. That looks like the top is more yellow to me. I read some where that flowering uses less N, so is a nitrogen deficiency possible during flowering ?or common? Idk. My guess would be light burn, with maybe a little nute burn.


Well-Known Member
I don't worry about pH BC I'm 100% organic
what week are you in? my pic should look the same as yours..but lighting... week 8 sativia dominate buddhas grape... imma chop her down not sure if she will swell ? but as soon as i started flushing. they started looking like yours.



Well-Known Member
I'm in week 6 Im looking online to try and find a solution for this I'm thinking dolomite lime and Epson salt


Well-Known Member
I'm getting really aggravated BC I can't find a complete recipie for all organic grow. And I need to get something to be able to check my soil levels and shit

bryan oconner

Well-Known Member
anonymous. unless your not the only person with the same aviator picture . i posted a lot of info on plant problems to you . and it would of answered all your questions . with pictures .

bryan oconner

Well-Known Member
do you read your other posts ? do you read info supplied to you ? do you take the time to learn ? (no no no ) you dont . again your answer to your posts . copied and pasted from your other post ....... they are hungry for nutrients . read this . i know the issue right off . read learn . tell us what you think it is . will get back to you . dont want to take the time to learn chop them right now throw away my opinion save time money


Well-Known Member
do you read your other posts ? do you read info supplied to you ? do you take the time to learn ? (no no no ) you dont . again your answer to your posts . copied and pasted from your other post ....... they are hungry for nutrients . read this . i know the issue right off . read learn . tell us what you think it is . will get back to you . dont want to take the time to learn chop them right now throw away my opinion save time money
I have read that and I've read the other post what I think it is doesn't matter if im wrong. THATS WHY I ASKED FOR HELP BC I DONT KNOW! But I just got home from buying dolomite lime, soft rock phosphate, alfalfa meal and epsome salt I am looking for a good recipie for top dressing with the these amendments. I believe my problem is one of a few things first being nutrient burn and my nutes have been locked out. Two I thought I may have nitrogen deficiency but I've eliminated that from being a problem. Which leaves me to my third solution which I believe is a calmag problem which is why I bought these amendments. But if you know my problem then being a dick about it and trying to make me find out for myself doesnt help. I could have done everything wrong without your help. But I came to you guys so I don't fuck up too bad. But to answer your question. Your dead wrong I've put hours on top of hours trying to learn even own two books on this, and god only knows how much money today alone i spent 50 bucks bc no one could give me a straight answer.So I feel there is nothing wrong with trying to ask more experienced growers a simple problem that they may have encountered before!

lio lacidem

Well-Known Member
I have read that and I've read the other post what I think it is doesn't matter if im wrong. THATS WHY I ASKED FOR HELP BC I DONT KNOW! But I just got home from buying dolomite lime, soft rock phosphate, alfalfa meal and epsome salt I am looking for a good recipie for top dressing with the these amendments. I believe my problem is one of a few things first being nutrient burn and my nutes have been locked out. Two I thought I may have nitrogen deficiency but I've eliminated that from being a problem. Which leaves me to my third solution which I believe is a calmag problem which is why I bought these amendments. But if you know my problem then being a dick about it and trying to make me find out for myself doesnt help. I could have done everything wrong without your help. But I came to you guys so I don't fuck up too bad. But to answer your question. Your dead wrong I've put hours on top of hours trying to learn even own two books on this, and god only knows how much money today alone i spent 50 bucks bc no one could give me a straight answer.So I feel there is nothing wrong with trying to ask more experienced growers a simple problem that they may have encountered before!
Theres nothing wrong with asking questions...but I would refrain from starting multiple threads on same Issue. Not 100% on the soft rock phosphate but that may contain heavy metals. You may wanna look that up and see if im correct before using it.


Well-Known Member
Theres nothing wrong with asking questions...but I would refrain from starting multiple threads on same Issue. Not 100% on the soft rock phosphate but that may contain heavy metals. You may wanna look that up and see if im correct before using it.
I'm trying to research it all right now so far all I can find is stuff on the dolomite lime and Epsom salt for taking care of my calmag problem. And I have made multiple threads but every few days my situation changes and the links he givin me I've read many times its the first things that pop up on Google any jackass with two brain cells can find it. It understanding what it is, and what it does, and how it works is what I need help with. Not to mention they say with every plant problem there is that it can look like this but be totally something different.

lio lacidem

Well-Known Member
I'm trying to research it all right now so far all I can find is stuff on the dolomite lime and Epsom salt for taking care of my calmag problem. And I have made multiple threads but every few days my situation changes and the links he givin me I've read many times its the first things that pop up on Google any jackass with two brain cells can find it. It understanding what it is, and what it does, and how it works is what I need help with. Not to mention they say with every plant problem there is that it can look like this but be totally something different.
Im gonna go through your posts and see If I can help but its gonna be rough as you have done alot trying to fix it already. The best approach with plants is slow the hell down do not try alot of diff cures until you actuallyhave locked down the problem as these ffixes can cause avsnowball effect


Well-Known Member
Im gonna go through your posts and see If I can help but its gonna be rough as you have done alot trying to fix it already. The best approach with plants is slow the hell down do not try alot of diff cures until you actuallyhave locked down the problem as these ffixes can cause avsnowball effect
Yes I do agree that is my biggest mistake is trying to fix to many things


Well-Known Member
Ok first off how did you build your soil? Im asking this to verify my thoughts on original problem.
Mix of ffof and happy frog but I was a dummy I didn't know both those soils are already hot and I added mexi guano Jamaican guano kelp meal earth worm castings and I also was using all that plus molassas for my air stone tea.


Well-Known Member
When this plant finishes I plan to re use my soil but add kelp, alfalfa, blood, bone, dolomite lime, soft rock phosphate, mexi and jamacian guano plus some more perlite and use my soil like that with straight water and maybe an air tea once a month.