How to germinate in cold weather?

so I'm new to growing but I have all my gear ready. My seeds were left in a bottle of distilled water for a day and they sunk. I then placed them in a plastics bag with wet paper towel. It has been 3 days I'm scared that they will not germinate. What shall I do?
so I'm new to growing but I have all my gear ready. My seeds were left in a bottle of distilled water for a day and they sunk. I then placed them in a plastics bag with wet paper towel. It has been 3 days I'm scared that they will not germinate. What shall I do?
I think soaking seeds is a waste of time. Think about it, meaning that a damp paper towel is wet, right? You are already soaking the seed, just by doing that, right? Some seeds take longer than 3 day's, but temp plays a big part, as warm is good, cold is bad. Put your towels on a paper plate and put it on top of something that produces heat, like a cable box, your receiver, something like that. Even better, get a seedling mat at Amazon, Good luck
I think soaking seeds is a waste of time. Think about it, meaning that a damp paper towel is wet, right? You are already soaking the seed, just by doing that, right? Some seeds take longer than 3 day's, but temp plays a big part, as warm is good, cold is bad. Put your towels on a paper plate and put it on top of something that produces heat, like a cable box, your receiver, something like that. Even better, get a seedling mat at Amazon, Good luck
I let it sit in the water for a day and they sunk. I moved all 6 seeds to the paper towel but so far nothing. It is day 2
Johnson best way is to place a cfl or 2 inside a tight box until it gets warm enough, use a thermometer, 80F is great. medium must be sterile airy and moist not wet. I don't soak them anymore but I don't think soaking them for a day is causing them to not sprout, i think the paper towel method is crap, do not tamper with them at all, good luck
I use the paper towel method. But, I like to wedge it between my ass cheeks. That way I know they're safe and warm. Also. Whenever I let rip a wet one. They get a light sprinkle of fecal matter.
ok ok now i get it, that asshole johnson is is pooping all over riu thats what caused me all the confusion, until i saw his anal seed sprouting thread. Anyway, i suggest that you don't feed the troll, peace
ok ok now i get it, that asshole johnson is is pooping all over riu thats what caused me all the confusion, until i saw his anal seed sprouting thread. Anyway, i suggest that you don't feed the troll, peace
I didn't realize it was all over the place, I assumed one thread and all having fun, my bad :(.
ok ok now i get it, that asshole johnson is is pooping all over riu thats what caused me all the confusion, until i saw his anal seed sprouting thread. Anyway, i suggest that you don't feed the troll, peace
There is a difference between trolling and setting-up for comic relief.
I would classify these Johnson threads as the latter.
Johnson best way is to place a cfl or 2 inside a tight box until it gets warm enough, use a thermometer, 80F is great. medium must be sterile airy and moist not wet. I don't soak them anymore but I don't think soaking them for a day is causing them to not sprout, i think the paper towel method is crap, do not tamper with them at all, good luck
So keep the seeds in a box and a light above the box?
so I'm new to growing but I have all my gear ready. My seeds were left in a bottle of distilled water for a day and they sunk. I then placed them in a plastics bag with wet paper towel. It has been 3 days I'm scared that they will not germinate. What shall I do?
Revert to your anus tactic .....but for seeds leave them in your anus for best results ......take them out of the bag first ...

Your welcome