Cotton seed meal ?

Thanks I knew I had never read where anyone used it and I didn't know way, but I knew there was a good reason. I had noticed it's high N content and curiosity made me ask.
nothin wrong with it, but not for cannabis, its badass for berry-bushes, azaleas and such
sort of the same boat as soybean meal, it's acidic and slow release.
annnnnnd GMO'd
which isn't the greatest

My soybean starts breaking down in a week and I have never heard anything about acidic problems from it. Any links? Not saying you are wrong, but I use it often and have never expierenced either of the problems you mention. Slower than blood maybe.

You can get non GMO soybean here

Or grow your own here. The shit is the bomb for cannabis. 7-1.5-3
My soybean starts breaking down in a week and I have never heard anything about acidic problems from it. Any links? Not saying you are wrong, but I use it often and have never expierenced either of the problems you mention. Slower than blood maybe.

You can get non GMO soybean here

Or grow your own here. The shit is the bomb for cannabis. 7-1.5-3
I looked and looked.. I could very well be full of shit
it's possible my THC laden brain may have confused the two.
My brain does that
it's likely my brain mixed that the both were GMO'd crops, and since the cottonseed meal was acidic?
I don't know man,and i'm sober.. so I have no excuse
it's Friday and i'm just waiting for beer and sushi..
Growing soybeans would be kickass though man
I coulda swore I saw that somewhere though?
Most soy is GMO for sure something like 90% of commercial crop. Get your hands on some seeds before its too late. Soybean meal has been great for me tho brother.

"Gardener asks, "What should I feed my lawn?" The answer is soybean meal. Another gardener asks, "What can I feed my roses?" Soybean meal. "What about my rhododendrons?" Soybean meal. "What about...?" Soybean meal. Soybean meal. Two pounds per hundred square feet."

707 at 51 days the soy releases enough N throughout as you can tell no lack of N with not a very heavy amount. 2 cups per 30gals maybe, with only fish as N as well I think.

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Cotton is a heavily sprayed crop, and banned for use in organic farming in some states because of its residual pesticide content. You can find pesticide-fee cotton seed meal if you look hard enough, but there are easier ways to get your N.
Alot of it is also Genetically engineered to be round-up resistant and has a gene that expresses the BT toxin, which also disqualifies it for organic use in some states.
Cotton is a heavily sprayed crop, and banned for use in organic farming in some states because of its residual pesticide content. You can find pesticide-fee cotton seed meal if you look hard enough, but there are easier ways to get your N.
Alot of it is also Genetically engineered to be round-up resistant and has a gene that expresses the BT toxin, which also disqualifies it for organic use in some states.

Thanks that's really good to know. Never thought about it being a no food crop, just seen it on the shelf at the store and knew I had never noticed a mention of it , so I figured I'd ask . Good info :bigjoint:
Very acidic! A EDU. I read years ago stated that it took 10lbs of lime to neutralize 100lbs of cotton seed meal. That's a LOT of lime.

I use soy in my mixes now instead of blood and save the blood for top dressing for a shot of N. I'm sure it's GMO since it's $14 for a 50# bag. Organic soy is way above my pay grade being retired with a very limited income.

Very acidic! A EDU. I read years ago stated that it took 10lbs of lime to neutralize 100lbs of cotton seed meal. That's a LOT of lime.

I use soy in my mixes now instead of blood and save the blood for top dressing for a shot of N. I'm sure it's GMO since it's $14 for a 50# bag. Organic soy is way above my pay grade being retired with a very limited income.

Thanks @Wetdog, can you elaborate on top dressing with blood meal. Do you scratch in a dusting or add a tbs to a gallon of water ?
Well, it's mainly for garlic in early spring, coming out of dormancy and pepper plants that like lots of N. Almost never for mj. That gets milder and slower N sources, unless you use really light doses. @ 12-0-0, you can't get too happy with blood meal.

I'll get a small handful (~1/8 cup), and sprinkle it around near the outside edge of the container. I also water earlier so the mix is moist and the blood stays put and doesn't migrate too close to the stem. Sorta melts in place. These are 5 gal buckets at least and up to 20 gallons. Smaller than that would get a tsp to a TBL dissolved in water and watered in. It's something that you need to learn by doing.

Not much help, I know, but it's like learning to ride a bike by reading a book. Just ain't gonna happen till you get on the thing and bust your ass a few times.

Just go slow and light and OBSERVE what happens. It will click and that "lightbulb moment" is pure joy.

What to do with collected organic cotton seeds from mature volunteer plants in purchased bulk topsoil ? Any ideas on how to process them before use as soil amendment?