2x2.5 grow tent LED question


Well-Known Member
Hi gang, quick question or two. First is it worth building a COB setup for my 2x2 vs the Mars 600 I have now ? Also for a small veg chamber would like to know your recommendations "using just a T5 single atm"

Thanks all !


Well-Known Member
Hi gang, quick question or two. First is it worth building a COB setup for my 2x2 vs the Mars 600 I have now ? Also for a small veg chamber would like to know your recommendations "using just a T5 single atm"

Thanks all !
Can only find the spec on the mars II 700 but it looks piss poor, also no luminous output stated which makes me even more suspect, the same sort of investment in the latest generation of cob's would monster that old design buck fer buck. I'd be tempted to see if you can't simply modify it to accept white cob's? I have a mates UFO type mono 90w jobbie and will be covering its conversion to white citizens or luxeons very shortly.


Well-Known Member
I have a Chinese light that had one side go out. I should see what I can do with what is still working.

Is there a good source for citizens in the U.S.¿

Budget Buds

Well-Known Member
I'm going to be building a cob light for my 2x2 here soon, Decided on 4 vero 29 52v 7th gen 3000k with arctic alpine active cooling driving them at 1050 mah. I've been told the ppfd will be around 1150 . I'll be able to build it for less then 250 . if your going to use led the most cost efficient way is diy. Mars hydro are junk . build your own ) BB