The huge irony here, is Trump is such a lick spittle, he needs people to like and approve of him. In the campaign that played well for his base, anytime he'd reach for the middle on something they would take to the internet and complain and he'd take it right back to the extreme right.
Well now he's got more than his base in his ear. He has the whole country. He wants the approval of others so bad he might actually start doing things like expanding Obamacare (he already said he would keep it and change some things), granting amnesty, equal pay for woman, transgender rights.
Trump could actually be a good president for liberals...but he could never be a good president for his base because he cant actually do the things he promised. He has already back peddled on all his major promises.
The left is upset Trump won sure...
But his base is gonna be even more upset when they realize they just got swindled by the guy everyone on the left and middle right said would swindle them.