why be happy about having Trump?

I was pissed at the electoral system when gore lost. bUT now that I'm older I see the importance. why should the whole country be governed by the people of new York chicago and Los Angeles ? ?
New York has tons of racism don't worry.
Seriously people can move and not change their politics it just so happens you have stagnant racist culture in less popular aged areas it's less fair for a sparsely populated state to control the election over the popular vote then the other way around. This is why the electoral college was started to keep power in the hands of the elite not the majority and it's been working bush gore now Clinton Trump. Though I find my own examples a little ironic I mean apples and oranges not so much as a grapefruit but whatever.
or r
Whaddya mean "disgusting"? It's just Pepe's underside, perfectly natural!

trail·er trash
US informal derogatory
  1. poor lower-class white people typified as living in trailers.
    "their parenting style has moved the family from upper-middle-class suburban to trailer trash in one generation"
  2. Supporters of Donald Drumpf
That's not fair to those who are zef or realy trash. As a scum myself I just wana sy that calling poor people Trump supporters is an insult to poor.
They have the choice to be farmers and you have the choice to be what you want as well. That's the individualistic perspective. But, as a country, we sometimes need to consider the bigger perspective outside of ourselves because, in order to live peacefully within a society, we have to learn tolerance for those who don't share a single-sided view.

We need someone to grow the food and slaughter the animals to make the food that feeds the highly educated minds and dumbass minds alike. And those highly educated minds can, in turn, create technologies that make life better for everyone, too. It is working together that makes the scale balance. But what's happening is that one side bangs on that scale and tips it and then the other side bangs it and tips it the other way. The idea, as I always understood it, was that America is a country where all citizens are united -at least at some level. We're supposed to not only take care of ourselves, but take care of others, too.

You can handle yourself....me too...and that's great. But there are also the little, old ladies and gentlemen...and young kiddies who may not be able to. They are our fellow citizens, capable or not...smart or dumb....good looking or not...lazy daydreamers or people who work 70 hours a week in a factory....musicians...builders...designers. We all have different voices and some of them need a megaphone.

I wholeheartedly agree with your sentiments. But unfortunately that still does not explain nor convince me that the Electoral College is the right approach.

What is it about the farmer that makes his/her vote count more than mine? My vote should be considered less because I live in a nice area and I went to a good college? That doesn't seem fair or logical.

We are supposed to vote people into office who progress the betterment of our society, including the people who are not able to vote. That's a democracy. And as such, every individual who has the right to vote, should, and their vote should be counted exactly the same as the next person.
or r
That's not fair to those who are zef or realy trash. As a scum myself I just wana sy that calling poor people Trump supporters is an insult to poor.

Not sure I fully understand (excessive typos and all)......

"Zef" = "Really trash" ?

South African term that can be likened to 'Kitch' or 'common'.

Zef style has strong 1980s influences and is stereotypically associated South African caucasians of low-middle social-economic status. However, it not nesessarily a derogatory term."
Ok I finally agree with you. If I move to LA I should not be able to tell another state they can't have Nuclear Power or force those Nuclear states to subsidize other energy.

In this case accurate reflection would be the number of Reps + Senate. I'm sorry where is your petition to change the number of House Reps again, is it posted online?

If you have your buddy rename your account to UncleBet I may consider answering more of your posts till then you're basically dead to me.

A state has no right to tell another state what it can do. That is the federal government's job, if necessary. I'm in favor of state's rights with an underlying set of laws, guidelines and programs drafted by the federal government.

Each state should have a dynamic set of representatives that represent the majority of each state's people to represent them in the House and Senate. Our President should be elected by the citizens of the United States of America, not the citizens comprised of each state, that's what the state's representatives are for.

Your issue with UncleBuck is not my issue, you should get over it.
Look at the bright side of Trump being elected. Just think of all the looting you can do now. Everyone knows stealing from civilians who have nothing to do with anything will fix it. Four more years of pissing and moaning, calling names and behaving like a child gonna fix it? You're worse than the fucking idiot you're crying about everyday, How's that working out for you? Have you been you able to change the way votes are tallied yet. How about trying to bully people on the internet for having opinions different than yours, how much progress have you made with that technique?

Did you campaign for Clinton or any other candidate's better suited than Trump, Which would've been anyone of them. I bet you didn't.

Maybe deep inside you really wanted Trump to win. Another four years of being a victim and pointing fingers at everyone else for your short comings. Another four year excuse to be a miserable failure at life. Try getting off your ass and doing something other than being angry troll. Getting a job and taking responsibility for yourself and your situation like a big boy is liberating, but you'd rather spend all your time looking for negative shit. so that's all you find
Look at the bright side of Trump being elected. Just think of all the looting you can do now. Everyone knows stealing from civilians who have nothing to do with anything will fix it. Four more years of pissing and moaning, calling names and behaving like a child gonna fix it? You're worse than the fucking idiot you're crying about everyday, How's that working out for you? Have you been you able to change the way votes are tallied yet. How about trying to bully people on the internet for having opinions different than yours, how much progress have you made with that technique?

Did you campaign for Clinton or any other candidate's better suited than Trump, Which would've been anyone of them. I bet you didn't.

Maybe deep inside you really wanted Trump to win. Another four years of being a victim and pointing fingers at everyone else for your short comings. Another four year excuse to be a miserable failure at life. Try getting off your ass and doing something other than being angry troll. Getting a job and taking responsibility for yourself and your situation like a big boy is liberating, but you'd rather spend all your time looking for negative shit. so that's all you find
I am replying to you comment about looting i'm from la and have looked in to rioting and looting. And just want to say that looters are opertunests, they do not go to protest they go to take advantage of protestors. When ever the police and media want to show what hoodlems protestors are the show a bunch of wepons. Rioting can be a form of protest but in this case i thik it is counterproductive. It is also not the norm in this case there have been a few acts of violence and destruction of property but not as much as there have been hate crimers against folks since trump started in .
Not sure I fully understand (excessive typos and all)......

"Zef" = "Really trash" ?

South African term that can be likened to 'Kitch' or 'common'.

Zef style has strong 1980s influences and is stereotypically associated South African caucasians of low-middle social-economic status. However, it not nesessarily a derogatory term."
Zef south African...
I am replying to you comment about looting i'm from la and have looked in to rioting and looting. And just want to say that looters are opertunests, they do not go to protest they go to take advantage of protestors. When ever the police and media want to show what hoodlems protestors are the show a bunch of wepons. Rioting can be a form of protest but in this case i thik it is counterproductive. It is also not the norm in this case there have been a few acts of violence and destruction of property but not as much as there have been hate crimers against folks since trump started in .

not trying to be a dick, but that's really hard to read bro.
I wholeheartedly agree with your sentiments. But unfortunately that still does not explain nor convince me that the Electoral College is the right approach.

What is it about the farmer that makes his/her vote count more than mine? My vote should be considered less because I live in a nice area and I went to a good college? That doesn't seem fair or logical.

We are supposed to vote people into office who progress the betterment of our society, including the people who are not able to vote. That's a democracy. And as such, every individual who has the right to vote, should, and their vote should be counted exactly the same as the next person.
I agree that the electoral college is flawed. I wasn't arguing that point. I was merely explaining how the popular vote is flawed as well.
not trying to be a dick, but that's really hard to read bro.
I will try to spell check and punctuate better. Sometimes its phonetic, i read better then i write. , Could proly use a grammar class and its not that easy to write on my tab here. Duly noted though guys.
I agree that the electoral college is flawed. I wasn't arguing that point. I was merely explaining how the popular vote is flawed as well.

I honestly don't see the flaw. If there is one, I don't see how it's any worse than Electoral College.
I will try to spell check and punctuate better. Sometimes its phonetic, i read better then i write. , Could proly use a grammar class and its not that easy to write on my tab here. Duly noted though guys.
No worries man. Just trying to help. It's easier to get your point across when people have an easy time reading and understanding what it is you are trying to say.
I honestly don't see the flaw. If there is one, I don't see how it's any worse than Electoral College.
Because then only the popular kids get to decide what happens in the hallways of the school. If they want to bully the country kids because their shoes are worn out, then, by their popularity, they are vindicated.
Because then only the popular kids get to decide what happens in the hallways of the school. If they want to bully the country kids because their shoes are worn out, then, by their popularity, they are vindicated.

No, that is literally the exact opposite of what happens, but I can see your argument.

In a popular vote, EVERYONE'S vote is counted. There is no popularity contest. And people who live in rural areas can vote for their Republican representative who will represent them in the House or Senate, so bullying can't take place.
I am replying to you comment about looting i'm from la and have looked in to rioting and looting. And just want to say that looters are opertunests, they do not go to protest they go to take advantage of protestors. When ever the police and media want to show what hoodlems protestors are the show a bunch of wepons. Rioting can be a form of protest but in this case i thik it is counterproductive. It is also not the norm in this case there have been a few acts of violence and destruction of property but not as much as there have been hate crimers against folks since trump started in .
Rioting isn't a form of protesting at all. Rioting is when groups of criminals use some social issue as an excuse for violence, robbery, and arson. Protesting is a peaceful gathering of citizens protected by the constitution. I think Trump is scum, and getting a nice 60" TV for free isn't gonna change that. The only thing that'll change is the lives of the people who own, work and depend on the places being burned and looted. Trump will be Trump and doesn't matter how much shit is stolen or destroyed.
Rioting isn't a form of protesting at all. Rioting is when groups of criminals use some social issue as an excuse for violence, robbery, and arson. Protesting is a peaceful gathering of citizens protected by the constitution. I think Trump is scum, and getting a nice 60" TV for free isn't gonna change that. The only thing that'll change is the lives of the people who own, work and depend on the places being burned and looted. Trump will be Trump and doesn't matter how much shit is stolen or destroyed.

your racism is so thinly veiled that you shouldn't even bother.
Yawn, you are really boring. You hate democracy, and would rather see a Republic run by your white nationalist kin folk. We get it.

Ohh introduce the race card, best way to win the argument.

A state has no right to tell another state what it can do. That is the federal government's job, if necessary. I'm in favor of state's rights with an underlying set of laws, guidelines and programs drafted by the federal government.

Each state should have a dynamic set of representatives that represent the majority of each state's people to represent them in the House and Senate. Our President should be elected by the citizens of the United States of America, not the citizens comprised of each state, that's what the state's representatives are for.

Your issue with UncleBuck is not my issue, you should get over it.

A state has no right to tell another state what to do. Agreed
The federal governments job? Lulz this is a pot site so no dice there.
The underlying Law can clearly be found already, "reserved for the States or the People".
Federal citizens is a strange concept. There are state citizens and states give power to the federal government. Of course The People can choose to be independent of both which is why the Individual retains the most rights. Your nationalism is really weird and creepy.

Then on to the "should's" of a Democracy again. Here's a scenario. You're a gun owner and proud of it. John Smith is running as president and his first order of business is to exterminate gun rights. You voted no for John Smith but he won by one vote. Now what?

You never defined your term "true Democracy" either.

My issue with UncleBunk is not your issue, agreed; yet here your are involving yourself. You Progressives are a strange bunch.
blah blah blah.....(ellipsis)...........(more ellipsis)...blah blah

My issue with UncleBunk is not your issue, agreed; yet here your are involving yourself. You Progressives are a strange bunch.

I own [and love my] guns and want a small government. I'm not a progressive. And you are blatantly retarded.