Watering question

BiG $m0k3

Active Member
Okay so this is my 2nd grow. I bought clones and transplanted them into 1.75 gallon plastic pots. I watered them until I saw a little bit of runoff. That was 5 days ago and the soil is still soaked just as much as it was the first day I watered it. Is that normal? I use a moisture meter that is accurate. That's how I know they're still just as wet as the first day I watered them.
What about the weight thing? Come on big, this ain't your first rodeo. (Well second).
Yea i know to lift it and feel the weight. but is it bad for the soil to stay wet that long? Is 1.75 gallons too big of a pot for a new clone? clone is mabe 5 - 6 inches tall
the plants dont have enough roots to drink that much yet. The plant can only use as much water as it can take up. Im guessing your soil has a excess of peat in it? Thats not a bad thing you just need to watch it and in the future water a bit less a little more often until they fill the pots with roots. I know its best to water deep in order to stimulate roots growing out, but theres no sense in watering deep at this point when it simply leads to over watered plants :)
the plants dont have enough roots to drink that much yet. The plant can only use as much water as it can take up. Im guessing your soil has a excess of peat in it? Thats not a bad thing you just need to watch it and in the future water a bit less a little more often until they fill the pots with roots. I know its best to water deep in order to stimulate roots growing out, but theres no sense in watering deep at this point when it simply leads to over watered plants :)
Thank u man. great advice!