An abundance of trich's

Well, that two weeks was going by BOG's longer 60 day time frame...
I will check on that spot tonight, but I don't think it's PM... I checked every part of both plants this morning and didn't see anything else...
What would be the next step I should take?
If it's just on a couple of spots just remove those leaves and keep a close eye on them until finish, you're kind of far in to be spraying anything, definitely don't spray that SM-90 shit someone suggested on your buds.

If it's worse than a couple of spots you should spray as it could be in the buds as well, this stuff will work for about 2 weeks. Only thing it can do is burn your hairs a bit if you mix in too much, follow the directions closely and you should be fine.

  • 1x tspn baking soda per gallon of water
  • a couple of drops of dish soap
  • a couple of drops of vegetable oil
  • Mix well, ideally several times over at least 24 hours

  • Turn lights off, you can run a lamp or shop light but don't be spraying them while your main lights are on or you'll burn the shit out of them
  • Spray them all well, make sure you get the bottom and under the canopy which is where it usually starts
  • Let your fans dry them for a couple of hours
  • Turn light back on

That'll kill it and keep PM from growing for a couple of weeks without destroying your bud or putting a bunch of chems in it
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getting in late, but yes, it is mold. you are contaminated with billions of spores, just waiting for the moisture and temp to be right to begin growing.

you need to get that moisture under control. it would also be a good idea to keep your temps a little higher for the next two to four weeks (yeah, you're probably a month from what i consider 'ideal' harvest point). powder mildew prefers (edit due to stonedness) lower temps, and is very proliferate this time of year due to humidity and cooler temperatures.

i WOULD NOT SPRAY THE BUDS! @GroErr gave some great and sound advice, and you should do that rather than use chemicals harmful to humans if you do spray. the soap and oil will certainly help inhibit the mildew/mold, but it's molding due to high humidity and transpiration. if you don't get the humidity down, spraying may very well add to your problem as you will be raising humidity, and you will have extra water in your tent.

you may lose some product if it gets in the buds, but you can salvage by making edibles with the contaminated product. the mold won't survive the oven decarb, let alone the butter making process, and the puff/dust/spores are dangerous to your lungs, not your gi tract. if it's already going 'poof' when you touch it, PLEASE WEAR A MASK! any medical or consruction style mask will do, and your lungs and potential longevity will thank you. i'm saying this from a smoker's point of view, lol. take care of the lungs, they are very hard to replace...

i recommend two things, and i would apply both immediately...

1) sacrifice a bit of reflective surface for a drier 'day' period. leave your tent open during lights on so that soil moisture and runoff isn't trapped in a mylar box cooking nasty shit. in addition, do whatever you can to keep your residence 'dry'. don't leave doors and windows open, use the extruder when you take a shower, etc. anything to lower humidity helps, including an expensive to run and buy dehumidifier (which may be necessary in your area, and something to consider for your next grow)

2) check daily for leaves resting on other leaves. the transpiration process removes water as evaporation, but if your leaves are like a stack of blankets, it won't evap, it will condense on the layered leaves and cause mold identical to the pictures you have provided. if necessary (and it looks like it is), selectively remove some of the OLDEST fan leaves, the ones most damaged and/or fading. DO NOT go overboard here, just thin it so it can get air flow and remain dry. think clothesline compared to throwing your clean wet clothes in a basket and leaving them.

hope this helps, i'm tired and stoned, so if this post makes no sense, please disregard, lol.

good luck! :)
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I spray my zucchini leaves with baking soda and dish soap, also put in a bit of milk but I would probably leave that out if spraying buds :(. Good luck, I've only had it on my outdoor plants and it was a losing battle. I get it every year on my zucchini bad
Shit I forgot to fill that in and just noticed when you mentioned it, the first line I had was 1 tspn/gallon but didn't write n the baking soda - lol That works by changing the ph on the surface so it can't grow but wears off. I use it outdoor, my area's bad for PM but I don't like spraying chems on my plants. Only downside is it wears off. Best thing is prevention but you can't control that outdoor in your garden!
I actually wash my harvested buds in a baking soda peroxide solution. Some people think I'm nuts but I don't seem to lose much if any trichomes and I don't get moldy buds at all.
i would do the same if we got mold, but not as a preventative after harvest with no problems apparent. not dogging you at all, good advice, and i approve this message, lol...
i would do the same if we got mold, but not as a preventative after harvest with no problems apparent. not dogging you at all, good advice, and i approve this message, lol...
I dont always do this, but if I've had an issue with PM or bugs I do. My last harvest I found maybe 10 fungus nats or so in the wash. I'm investing in intake filters for next time.
I dont always do this, but if I've had an issue with PM or bugs I do. My last harvest I found maybe 10 fungus nats or so in the wash. I'm investing in intake filters for next time.
don't make my mistake and plan for exact air flow... oversize for passive intake. i have to modify our tent after this grow to relieve some of the negative pressure. forgot about the hvac lesson in registers small, return big. i don't remember the ratio, but i think it's ten times the area/flow than register; ie if you have a 6'' fan, an 18x18 or 18x20 should work well. this area can be divided so that intake comes from multiple points and light leak not as difficult an issue to fix.

and of course i don't know your grow or details, so please disregard if this is not compatible with your situation. :)
Shit I forgot to fill that in and just noticed when you mentioned it, the first line I had was 1 tspn/gallon but didn't write n the baking soda - lol That works by changing the ph on the surface so it can't grow but wears off. I use it outdoor, my area's bad for PM but I don't like spraying chems on my plants. Only downside is it wears off. Best thing is prevention but you can't control that outdoor in your garden!
No and I've tried :(, zucchini is the only thing that gets it though that I see.
don't make my mistake and plan for exact air flow... oversize for passive intake. i have to modify our tent after this grow to relieve some of the negative pressure. forgot about the hvac lesson in registers small, return big. i don't remember the ratio, but i think it's ten times the area/flow than register; ie if you have a 6'' fan, an 18x18 or 18x20 should work well. this area can be divided so that intake comes from multiple points and light leak not as difficult an issue to fix.

and of course i don't know your grow or details, so please disregard if this is not compatible with your situation. :)
3x3x6'7" with an 8 inch fan on a speed controler for exhaust. Growing nothing ATM.
3x3x6'7" with an 8 inch fan on a speed controler for exhaust. Growing nothing ATM.
18x18 or four 9x9's should do it, placed at the bottom of the tent for cool air intake and upward airflow for the plants.

you can also use pvc or aluminum elbows for light proof intakes, spaced around the bottom of the tent. you would need around 8-12 6'' for best results, or 6-8 8''.

or you can go smaller. perhaps start by testing a small one, and work up until you have the proper flow you are aiming for. :)
don't make my mistake and plan for exact air flow... oversize for passive intake. i have to modify our tent after this grow to relieve some of the negative pressure. forgot about the hvac lesson in registers small, return big. i don't remember the ratio, but i think it's ten times the area/flow than register; ie if you have a 6'' fan, an 18x18 or 18x20 should work well. this area can be divided so that intake comes from multiple points and light leak not as difficult an issue to fix.

and of course i don't know your grow or details, so please disregard if this is not compatible with your situation. :)
I think you may want to lessen the intake a bit but not much. The ideal situation in a room or tent is a slight negative for odour control but not enough to suck the sides in lol.
I think you may want to lessen the intake a bit but not much. The ideal situation in a room or tent is a slight negative for odour control but not enough to suck the sides in lol.
yep, and that's one touchy line, lol. 1lb of negative pressure sucks them in, but one square inch more and it'll hang slack.

good point, and thanks for adding, i totally forgot to mention that! lol :)
what area are you in? we get some blight and fungus issues that are a bitch to eradicate, i was thinking it was just the locale and indigenous pests/infections...
Actually from what I've read it's in the soil so the only way to ensure not getting it is move :(. I've really only had it once on my plants (girlfriend does the veggies) and that was an auto. I'm in eastern Ontario so hot and humid in summer, cold as fuck in winter :(.
yep, and that's one touchy line, lol. 1lb of negative pressure sucks them in, but one square inch more and it'll hang slack.

good point, and thanks for adding, i totally forgot to mention that! lol :)
This may or may not help but each 6" will allow 100 CFM at 500 fpm so not much noise. If the fan pushes 500 CFM then 5 is what you would need to keep sound at a minimum, residential duct is sized at 750 fpm.
It was only that leaf on the S&S Cindy, but the B.M.R. had (7) fan leaves with it on them... nothing crazy like that sugar leaf, but definitely present...
GrowErr and Cat, I am taking your advise and mixing up that concoction; however, does the type of soap and oil matter? Like, I have Dawn Ultra Antibacterial soap and I have zero vegetable oil... but I have virgin olive oil, canola oil or grapeseed oil... will one of those work?