Anti-Trump Protests


Well-Known Member
My theory involves the way you are so worried about @UncleBuck . I have never seen people get work up over one man on the internet. You are one of them guy. Funny shit
do you kill the mosquito sucking your blood or just let it suck away and leave full?

i'd like to make sure it's either dead or crippled and useless.


Well-Known Member
He is definitely a joke...
Do you think it's a joke that the candidate with a projected 2% overall lead in the popular vote wasn't elected?

Forget Trump and Hillary, the system itself is fucked.

If Trump won the popular vote and the EC no one would be arguing his legitimacy and I'd be on your side attacking the sore losers in my party.


Well-Known Member
Do you think it's a joke that the candidate with a projected 2% overall lead in the popular vote wasn't elected?

Forget Trump and Hillary, the system itself is fucked.

If Trump won the popular vote and the EC no one would be arguing his legitimacy and I'd be on your side attacking the sore losers in my party.
Did Pubs cry this hard or much less protest in the streets about SlickWillies abysmal showing of only 42% of the popular vote?

But its 2016 now and you Progressives are suddenly perplexed and dazed with it all.

This puts you squarely on the wrong side of History.


Well-Known Member
Did Pubs cry this hard or much less protest in the streets about SlickWillies abysmal showing of only 42% of the popular vote?

But its 2016 now and you Progressives are suddenly perplexed and dazed with it all.

This puts you squarely on the wrong side of History.
Were you even born then? Do you not remember Ross Perot( 18.9 percent of the vote) running as well as Daddy Bush (37.4 percent of the vote) .
His second time around he snatch 49.2 over Dole.


Well-Known Member
Did Pubs cry this hard or much less protest in the streets about SlickWillies abysmal showing of only 42% of the popular vote?

But its 2016 now and you Progressives are suddenly perplexed and dazed with it all.

This puts you squarely on the wrong side of History.
You're stupid if you think people supporting the popular vote are on the wrong side of history.

The last time this happened, Bush got in and we got perpetual war.


Well-Known Member
You're stupid if you think people supporting the popular vote are on the wrong side of history.

The last time this happened, Bush got in and we got perpetual war.
Cheesus, California votes went Hillary. She got all the EC votes as well. The difference in popular vote resides in California.

You're trying to justify having the Supreme Court hold a hearing on the relevance of the EC with ZERO argument save for "we're flipping cars over outside."

Na Nana Boo Boo, Stick Your Head in Doo Doo.


Well-Known Member
yawn Now you boring the shit out of me.
Lets talk about what you expect from Trump. What do you expect to gain
Without Economics there is no Politics. I do not expect to gain value in Federal Reserve Notes under Trump. That's about the size of it. Slightly larger than Progressive Penis.


Well-Known Member
Without Economics there is no Politics. I do not expect to gain value in Federal Reserve Notes under Trump. That's about the size of it. Slightly larger than Progressive Penis.
it does not have to be monetary. I see you defend Trump, so my question is what do you expect to gain from the man you defend ?