Well-Known Member
Oooo the Changed Stick Man, very sexy thatI am being kind aren't I?!!Normally she would get called all of the names under the sun and I would get pissed off, throw more nutes at her and lose interest. But no i'm being calm, and I'm fortunate enough to be around her at this stage, so we are keeping a steady head and a steady ph, and some lovely E/C PPM readings.I'm a changed Stick Man! lol
I want to try and keep things as perfect as possible after a couple of miserable grows.
Yeah the how long left stage! "How longs left?"
"1-2 weeks'
2 weeks later....
"How longs left?"
1-2 weeks!"
Or if you have seen the film Snatch
"How long with them Sausages Charlie?"
"Five minutes Turkish"
"It was two minutes five minutes ago!"

LOL no I haven't seen that film, thanks for the tip

But the other day! Have you seen the new Mechanic film? At the start, he's listening to... Royal Blood, most definitely must be haha
oh and here's some budness for your enjoyment!