Anti-Trump Protests


Well-Known Member
I've been busy "modding" -- IE: trolling stormfront for young nazis to suck off. I used to hang around here more, but as the throwback redneck generation begins to (thankfully) die off, me and my diseased ilk are finding less and less allies around here.


Well-Known Member
He just turtled UB, lol....cowardly little pussy redneck.

No doubt abusing what little 'power' he's got before he hits the wall....


Well-Known Member
I'm calling you out LIAR. You are nothing but a liar and I have not made threats.
You can truthfully say that to just about anybody. Everybody lies.

Lou's exaggerations were really shaking everybody up. I was really nervous talking to you. You could tell by the tail down and ears down kind of look.


Sector 5 Moderator
OK, it was fun for awhile but I think Lou is plotting to kill me so it's time for me to say goodbye. All this modophobia stinks. I tried having a good time with you guys but you want to tell lies on me and get me banned for no reason other than I didn't vote for hillary. That's politics folks; grow up. Enjoy it without me. Potpimp out.