UncleBucks Bet

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Jesus that was a painfully slow response. Its ok your double loss (Hillary and your bet) prolly affects your central nervous system, for the worse. When your account comes back full force you will be the only one on my ignore list.
You spend all your disability free time altering quotes instead of learning to play piano or something? Sad.
Dude, it's a simple click and it all goes away. :D
The amount of time and energy saved is worthwhile.
How does that detract from him being an honest statesman?

This must be a Buckold thing since urban dictionary is the only source of:

I just call 'em raisins.

I call em popcorn because they usually have white puffy hair.
WTF are you doing posting here?
Didn't you make a bet to leave site if trump won?
Why didn't you not keep your word?

The one thing any real man has is his "word", seems you lack balls and integrity. Your mother did a great job with you, sad, it starts at home.

Similar to those who get banned? Kinda like how they stay banned?
Similar to those who get banned? Kinda like how they stay banned?

Please forgive the 'tubepot' sock, he is a mentally ill troll that only pops it's head out from under the bridge when he senses negative energy to feed on.
He/it serves no real purpose here, as evidenced by it's dull 'posts', horrible grammar, and:

Member Since:
Mar 12, 2014
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Jesus that was a painfully slow response. Its ok your double loss (Hillary and your bet) prolly affects your central nervous system, for the worse. When your account comes back full force you will be the only one on my ignore list.
you can add me as well, I really wouldn't mind at all.
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