Club 600

580g dried .

Ran out of glass jars . . I'll get more . . . Need about 2 more big jars.

Grown under 600w hps

Smoke report:

SMOOTHEST smoke I have EVER had. There is no coughing...literally you can smoke as much as you want....there is no burning so smooth!!! (I use a bong)(also I never flushed this plant, I always flushed because it was supposed to make the smoke smoother, this experience has shown me the opposite. .

The stone/high is wonderfull. It is a sativa and its supposed to make you "energetic" for me however I just become totally relaxed and I melt into my couch.....I know its a Sativa, the leaves were definitly Sativa but I must be honest, this is the best Indica stone I have ever had!!! (I just smoked some).

I feel so relaxed and happy right, cya'll later!
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I'm sure when legalization kicks in for recreational here, that the carry limit will be somewhere around an ounce.

The private prison system in the United States is nothing but the continuance of Jim Crow. Nothing to do with rehabilitation. Slavery was never abolished. It was expanded and disguised with some cockeyed form of legitimacy.
I have had the unfortunate experience of living in some private prisons, legalized slavery is what it is. They set up manufacturing plants on the felony prisons to have workers that will be there for a while, most guys/convicts working in those plants get a little over 20 a week, and that's after putting in a year. They start u at around 7 dollars a week. on the mimimum custody camps they litterally bus off inmates to different manufacturing plants and work the shit out them for a couple dollars a day. If you refuse to work they lock you up in seg. Shit is plain wrong to profit off of prison system. Doing things such as litter pick up for the state, i can see. That is what i did, litter crew for a while along with a few other jobs all paying a whopping 70 cent a day. So you can see why the average inmate is willing to do a lot to land one of these manufacturing jobs. But manufactering goods for little to nothing is wrong. And they are paying lobbyist a lot of money to keep mj illegal to keep their population/work force up. So that leaves the judges having to meet quota's that they will lock up enough inmates to keep beds full and then some. I am ranting now, this subject just hits to close to home. Wish i could stop it, but what can we do? Fucking money talks and BS walks
I have had the unfortunate experience of living in some private prisons, legalized slavery is what it is. They set up manufacturing plants on the felony prisons to have workers that will be there for a while, most guys/convicts working in those plants get a little over 20 a week, and that's after putting in a year. They start u at around 7 dollars a week. on the mimimum custody camps they litterally bus off inmates to different manufacturing plants and work the shit out them for a couple dollars a day. If you refuse to work they lock you up in seg. Shit is plain wrong to profit off of prison system. Doing things such as litter pick up for the state, i can see. That is what i did, litter crew for a while along with a few other jobs all paying a whopping 70 cent a day. So you can see why the average inmate is willing to do a lot to land one of these manufacturing jobs. But manufactering goods for little to nothing is wrong. And they are paying lobbyist a lot of money to keep mj illegal to keep their population/work force up. So that leaves the judges having to meet quota's that they will lock up enough inmates to keep beds full and then some. I am ranting now, this subject just hits to close to home. Wish i could stop it, but what can we do? Fucking money talks and BS walks
Yeah man some serious criminal shit they do eh. The "system" we operate under is truly fucked, make the best of it, as there is alot of beauty in the world. The chaos will always be there the way its set up
This is Aja. She's a Psycho Killer/Jack the Ripper.

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I had buds of leafs off of the jtr that thats crossed with, very cute.

Aja's sister, Aria, is doing it now too. They're pretty much twins, except Aja naturally split at her lower nodes and grew up into two.

Aja is something of a backcross....I expect strong Lemon. Nice.

These two, the only two I was able to salvage from my bumblings, have a sour, cheesy smell to them. No citrus so far.