Club 600

Thats a decent carry limit I guess
Lol, I never leave the house with less than 150grams, never know when you need to roll a joint. FFS, we get a 5gram limit. Although nothing under an ounce ever goes to court. And even with a few units you'll get a couple of days community service. Read this article recently:

I love in the article how one group wants more people put in jail (namely long standing prison wardens and prison staff who fear loosing their stoooopid).
The Dutch prison crisis: A shortage of prisoners
Lol, I never leave the house with less than 150grams, never know when you need to roll a joint. FFS, we get a 5gram limit. Although nothing under an ounce ever goes to court. And even with a few units you'll get a couple of days community service. Read this article recently:

I love in the article how one group wants more people put in jail (namely long standing prison wardens and prison staff who fear loosing their stoooopid).
The Dutch prison crisis: A shortage of prisoners
Yeah I usually roll around with a bunch of prerolls and then a pack of ground up ready for pipe (or vape) smoke so not as much, but I can see that much easy, 150g not shit eh for someone who smokes/vapes all day everyday. Here you gotta be an ass to get grabbed for any maryjane related stuff here, like selling to the locals without payoffs. Even then you gotta be real blatant, not the same as a local but still. The focus here has never been on the herb though they still cut shit down bc of the fkn dea
Good Morning 600 Club, I got a call from an older gentleman how has horrible migraine headaches and is willing to try edibles for the pain hopefully, I sent him all the holistic info and a ginger tea recipe for him to try at home. His first statement was I do not want to use a syringe, we spent a good hour on the phone talking it all out lol. Great guy I hope I can get him right and stop having these headaches. Fucking sad state of our industry in this stage of the game, we have to seriously start education people the right way, I cant wait. If anyone has any edible recommendations for a older European dude send them my way, he wont toke for nothin.
@moondance Anything with loads of butter or chocolate to help delivery with medibles in my experience.

All I read was the title of that article and that was enuff. sounds like where Im from and what they would say....not enough prisoners, get fucked, theres not supposed to be prisoners!!!!!!
I studied Criminology as part of my Joint Degree and one of my papers was on Rehabilitation Rates for prisoners. It is absolutely shocking! The Dutch justice system looks at alternatives to Prison for offendors and often uses Community Service Orders as punishment to enable people to stay with families and not go inside where imprisonment leads to it's own issues (like reintegration problems). The article brings this up and I think its comendable that a Justice system can deal with things like that in this manner (even though they only let you grow 5 plants lol).