11/9 the day legal pot died

go read Trumps views on medical and recreational marijuana. Then read up on Rudy Giuliani and Chris Christie views on medical and recreational marijuana. After the readings, ask yourself what would happen if he appointed either of the two to Attorney General.
Let me know your answer...after you actually do the reading.
You ask me to read an unspecified amount of political commentary, a famously inconsistent source, to find out why Pablo's eminently reasonable objection is false? To me, that smacks of not having a concise and cogent argument. Without your providing links to a good executive summary of the situation, accept that i am not motivated to do your work for you.
Yes so why foment hysteria in the meantime? We've lived with this dichotomy for years now what's another couple. If Trump chooses to disassemble what the states have he will have to do it within the DEA budgetary constraints.

As for your asset seizure giving them unlimited budget for this you've obviously not dealt with an agency who gets funds via this source. Just because the agency captures the assets does not make them immediately available to fund current investigations. Further the funds themselves are apportioned throughout the agency so it won't necessarily even make it into further confiscatory acts.

The apportionment of those funds happen much higher up the chain than the guys at the bottom who are doing the investigating and enforcement.
don't' confuse preparation and foresite with hysteria
You ask me to read an unspecified amount of political commentary, a famously inconsistent source, to find out why Pablo's eminently reasonable objection is false? To me, that smacks of not having a concise and cogent argument. Without your providing links to a good executive summary of the situation, accept that i am not motivated to do your work for you.
you can very well just cut and paste and google Trumps view on weed or Chris Christie view on weed or Giuliani. You can't be that lazy to not want to research on your own. Very simple thing to do and you are not a dumb individual, so I 'm left wondering why the refusal ? Would you not think doing your own research will provide you a better answer.
My answer would be Trump is surrounding himself with people who are very much against pot. Do you not think this will influence his decision on pot. . Do the research guy, if you want to debate the topic.
the momentum for legalization is too strong, paranoid if you think trump as president means it's suddenly going to swing the other way.
anne I don't know what we should do except plan for the worst & hope for the best.
I agree with that JJ, planning for the worst and hoping for the best. So please give us a list of some of the plans we should be making. I don't think going around and getting people hysterical over how it's always been is helping with that philosophy. How about some real suggestions for the first time grower to start with their 6 plants.

Frankly I think for every single person who starts growing now it will make an invincible juggernaut, essentially over growing them. The feds will not be able to kick down every person's door who has 1 or 2 plants and put us all away. They simply do not have the budget. Finally the backlash of gutting the will of the people could end up with a very unpredictable outcome.

So let's really talk here. What do you think the average person who wants a little pot for their arthritis should do in CA to ameliorate the effects of a Trump presidency?
I agree with that JJ, planning for the worst and hoping for the best. So please give us a list of some of the plans we should be making. I don't think going around and getting people hysterical over how it's always been is helping with that philosophy. How about some real suggestions for the first time grower to start with their 6 plants.

Frankly I think for every single person who starts growing now it will make a invincible juggernaut essentially over growing them. The feds will not be able to kick down every person's door who has 1 or 2 plants and put us all away. Finally the backlash of gutting the will of the people could end up with a very unpredictable outcome.

So let's really talk here. What do you think the average person who wants a little pot for their arthritis should do in CA to ameliorate the effects of a Trump presidency?
Come to the final RIU BBQ and team up.....hope to see you there
I can see it turning back probably to the way it was back in the Bush era. All speculative , like the whole thread, but, the fox is watching the hen house again lol

But seriously even if the feds don't like weed, they will have a hard time making convictions. They will probably lose their cases if they try to prosecute people like Steve Deangelo. They would have to find a jury that would convict and I don't think that would be doable for them.

Again in pure speculation, I can very well imagine them doing smash and grabs, breaking down big ops, and in general making marijuana businesses miserable. Also I can't imagine them lightening up on tax code 280e which is literally taxing these legal ops to death.

As a producer and a business man, I really don't see a price decline anytime soon, again pure speculation. Perhaps prices will rise, and I remember the good ole 4k elbows under the Bush era lol <<< with even the little airy buds thrown in lol

We've evolved a but since then. The only thing acceptable now is pure fire. It is a hard sell for anything else. The market demand is for top shelf strains grown to their potential, grown to be like candy.Anything less or the smaller lower buds just get pressed into rosin.

Anyhow good luck for everybody. I think we have some very good years ahead of us . Some of us may have to make some changes and adapt, but the bottom line is people want fire and they are going to get it wether its legal or not and wether the gov likes it or not, and wether if it comes from the shop , or if it comes untaxed from the guy with the flavor of the week that they just happen to know.
the momentum for legalization is too strong, paranoid if you think trump as president means it's suddenly going to swing the other way.
Strong how ??? How strong are you represented in legislation ? We have a Republican house, a Republican senate, the SCOTUS will soon lean right as well. Please remind me of the Republicans or the rights platform on legal weed.
The last few days it's seems like some of these people are getting ready for civil war. :-?

Going off the deep end. :sad:
not a civil war , just recognizing how a lot of Trumps ideas some of us are against. I really expect more from somene holding the position of POTUS...but hey grab them by the pussy right :|