President Donald J Trump .

Listen to some policy speeches. You might feel better. Or take a look at wikileaks and be glad you didn't elect the most evil woman in america to office.
Can we discuss Trumps child heath-care now and do you think your husband will see any pay increase from his low paying job ?
I can understand you're excited cos "your team" won, but surely deep down you can the prize was a shit sammich either way.

Some day we'll have a decent candidate from the centre instead of being forced to choose the best of a pretty shitty bunch.
Dig into hillary a bit and you will see the corruption, greed, and yes even evil. You just have to do a bit of independent research.

Establishment media is going to spend the next four years pushing for a civil war. They do not want to lose their grip on America.

Can we discuss Trumps child heath-care now and do you think your husband will see any pay increase from his low paying job ?
I have posted his plans in video and text form.

I support cutting out the middle man (government) to give the money directly in voucher form.

It was Trump who wasn't going to accept the winner if it wasn't hi there is no violence that would fix this.
... so you are against social justice? And if you are so anti black lives matter , wich should have been called all lives matter in the first place IMO; why do you have a black man avatar? Is it supposed to be ironic?
You are a great grower and Trump is a terrible person IMO. There is no connection.
"I'm calling you b." But "I got the number anyway baby"

It appears as you'll be getting my last reply on this site,if it even posts before being timed out,my account is impossible to use ,I chose you to reply to because you questioned my ethics involving my avatar .

My avatar pic is of 1 of the coolest mother fuckers on the face of this earth,a man of zero political ideology & one of my personal idols I've had the great pleasure of spending time talking with , talking about the issue that's the most important issue in the world to him & myself ,which isn't politics,ask member @shr8 to explain why he is one of the coolest men alive.

His name is Lenny White, he is a living legend & one of the few people who inspire me,while not a household name very few in his profession are fit to shine his shoes,race or color is irrelevant to me except when its used as an excuse to hurt people ,my reasons for using his pic as my avi are because he is one of my role models,not political , " social justice " is a false front & a lie,that's why I'm against " them ".

If its the racism angle you were aiming for your off base bro,those who've known me here for 8 years know that's not my trip,kinda hard to be racist when your wife & children aren't white or american born ,don't buy into the nonsense sjw accusations everybody who isn't extreme far left is from stromfront,its smoke & mirror tactics used when no facts can be argued & nothing more ,I'm anti BLM because they are violent thugs & murderers who've been paid millions to create angst & division .

Note ,it took me nearly an hour to log on,then nearly 2 hours of constant reloading to even respond to your question, it appears my gloating has violated site rules ,I made a bet with unclebuck where if Hillary won I would leave riu forever,unclebuck bet if Trump won he would leave this site forever ,it appears my gloating cost me my account here for violating the TOS in my gloat post,it is what it is .

Take from my post what you will,my choice of avatar has been explained,if for some reason shr8 don't explain who my avi pic is feel free to google him & see its not a political thing,or irony ,I'm a musician & Lenny is a role model for me .

Im nearing the 4 hour mark now ,Panhead out .
Well i be damned if it isn't Buck lol Hey how you like Trump as president now any plans on going playing on the freeway tonight ???
I just want to know whats it feel like knowing almost all the women voted for Trump :) lol and even illegals remember 42 percent lol
Now that was funny wasn't it

But i am wondering whats worse Hillary as a liar or you for not leaving this site like your Bet but hey i know you would never women up to that

Hope you do not mind going to put you on follow now have a great day Trump 2016 and grabbed her but good by the piss hole
@UncleBuck GTF outta here loser. You're not supposed to be in this forum


Hahaha, I love the uneducated!
Nope. I ignore 99% of his posts. His troll style is old, tired, and pathetic.

He lies, slanders, cheats, steals, harrasses, threatens, and abuses people for either amusement or because he is an intolerant bigot. I am leaning more towards him just being a dick who enjoys torturing others in the most personal and humiliating way possible. Character assassination.

He is the RIU version of Hillary.

Yeah you're terrified enough, don't need buck making it any worse.
Yes, Hillary is terrifying. I am not ashamed to say it.

I am extremely relieved that she was denied the presidency.
Yeah lets see how this works out for your family. You too poor to cast a vote for Trump, but you did. GOOD LUCK.
I'm sure I will get plenty of lol from you in the next 4years
It appears as you'll be getting my last reply on this site,if it even posts before being timed out,my account is impossible to use ,I chose you to reply to because you questioned my ethics involving my avatar .

My avatar pic is of 1 of the coolest mother fuckers on the face of this earth,a man of zero political ideology & one of my personal idols I've had the great pleasure of spending time talking with , talking about the issue that's the most important issue in the world to him & myself ,which isn't politics,ask member @shr8 to explain why he is one of the coolest men alive.

His name is Lenny White, he is a living legend & one of the few people who inspire me,while not a household name very few in his profession are fit to shine his shoes,race or color is irrelevant to me except when its used as an excuse to hurt people ,my reasons for using his pic as my avi are because he is one of my role models,not political , " social justice " is a false front & a lie,that's why I'm against " them ".

If its the racism angle you were aiming for your off base bro,those who've known me here for 8 years know that's not my trip,kinda hard to be racist when your wife & children aren't white or american born ,don't buy into the nonsense sjw accusations everybody who isn't extreme far left is from stromfront,its smoke & mirror tactics used when no facts can be argued & nothing more ,I'm anti BLM because they are violent thugs & murderers who've been paid millions to create angst & division .

Note ,it took me nearly an hour to log on,then nearly 2 hours of constant reloading to even respond to your question, it appears my gloating has violated site rules ,I made a bet with unclebuck where if Hillary won I would leave riu forever,unclebuck bet if Trump won he would leave this site forever ,it appears my gloating cost me my account here for violating the TOS in my gloat post,it is what it is .

Take from my post what you will,my choice of avatar has been explained,if for some reason shr8 don't explain who my avi pic is feel free to google him & see its not a political thing,or irony ,I'm a musician & Lenny is a role model for me .

Im nearing the 4 hour mark now ,Panhead out .

Hey panhead , I got your back brother. My days are numbered here also so if i don't hear from you again I will alway respect you. nitro