Possibly Stupidest Question Ever Asked


Active Member
Just making sure... nutrients are the fertilizer right?

One last question... I read somewhere on here that you should use this feeding cycle: feed water water feed

So if I water every week, would it go like this?

Week 1: Water
Week 2: Water
Week 3: Feed
Week 4: Water
Week 5: Water
Week 6: Feed

and so on?


Well-Known Member
it all depends what nutes you use. I use botanicare and feed every watering, but it varies depending on the products you use.


Well-Known Member
as for water water feed thats a good method but you cannot always pin it dow to 1 time a week.
you need to water whan the plant needs it and that could be every day or every 3 days or 5 or however fast the plants are drinkin it up.
usually i go by weight.
put the pot in fresh soil and feel how much it weighs then water it and feel it again.
then when its nearly back to what it felt like before watering hit it again.
or put your finger down a few inches into the soil and water when it feels dry at about 2 to 2.5 inches


Well-Known Member
thats the cycle i use. but thats also whats recommended by the house brand nutes i use.
whatever brand you use will determin the feeding shedule .
alot of products are designed to be used every feeding. so pick a brand and then ask again what shedule to use and im sure someone that uses that brand will help you out


Well-Known Member
The only stupid question is the one that you don't ask.
I have found thru feeding plants too much that it's better to give them too little than too much. You have it right. Water, water, feed. This is GENERALLY what is best in vegitative state, but when you start flowering, you'll want to kick it up a bit because the ferts used for flowering are usually higher in the "P" number(second #) which is Phosphorus, and lower in the "N" number(first #) which is Nitrogen. Nitrogen is the one you give your plant when it's veggin' and is the one that causes the problems.