EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

But i do not think he would of destroyed Trump but the numbers would looked better Bernie was trying to be to much of Robin hood steal from the rich and give to the poor.

Truth is we cannot expect some one that is rich to pay for others takes away the meaning of trying to succeed.
I mean why bother then just be like the rest and just squeek by
Yes but ALOT of very rich people got that way (since Reagan) by putting the squeeze play on regular working folks. You make it sound like the rich got that way through hard work...self determination...and perseverance. Nope. They got that way by breaking the backs of organized labor and sly slick ways on Wall Street. Shipping jobs overseas. ...and buying politicians and media to make it all seem ok.
Ask yourself....why is it that the super rich are getting richer while the state of the working class has been on a steady decline since the eighties? Yoand your descendents are supposed to go steadily UP in life....and its backwards now. While the rich reap all the fruits of our labor. They not only want and have the whole pie...they got the tin the pie is cooked in.
People seem to forget how good a life most working class stiffs had it before the Reagen eighties. It started with the bust up of the airline workers unions in '82 abouts. Anyone remember that? That got the ball rolling. This whole trickle down economic lie. This free market everyman is is own entity lassize faire capitalism bullshit. Yeah right.
That is how most people get rich its working long hrs setting goals balancing books and investing properly other words putting in the time when i started my company back in 2003 i first 2 years was 18 hrs a day i worked round the clock went to schools to learn basic accounting invested in soft ware Simply accouting etc i set goals and it took off
Sure tax loop holes are convenient and proper book keeping is key knowing where to place expenditures etc so yeah its hard work

Lets see here did Bill gates break peoples backs no he came up with a plan or invented something
how about McAfee virus soft ware this guy worked with family like 8 people 100 million dollar company first year
Your making it out like companies like Monsanto or Walmart's its not all like that
The concept of working hard and investing right can bring one wealth but usually is mixed w some luck. npr had a show a study was done the idea of 3conomic mobility up the classes is far more rare than most Americans think. most wealthy people are born or married into it. im not talking upper middle class i mean big wealth
Nothing to decode here, Bernie got fucked... The Clintonites thought they could flip a switch n tell us all to get in line..it don't work like that, we weren't Dems or GOPs ..we despise both parties..we backed that old crazy Jew from Vermont because we liked him and believed in him..if he runs indy , he wins. .they tried to force feed us that cunt, we rejected her like vomit..they lost because they they tried to get slick
That is how most people get rich its working long hrs setting goals balancing books and investing properly other words putting in the time when i started my company back in 2003 i first 2 years was 18 hrs a day i worked round the clock went to schools to learn basic accounting invested in soft ware Simply accouting etc i set goals and it took off
Sure tax loop holes are convenient and proper book keeping is key knowing where to place expenditures etc so yeah its hard work

Lets see here did Bill gates break peoples backs no he came up with a plan or invented something
how about McAfee virus soft ware this guy worked with family like 8 people 100 million dollar company first year
Your making it out like companies like Monsanto or Walmart's its not all like that

You're a moron; do you know just how many dirty deeds were done at Microsoft? They bankrupted companies by stealing their technology and grew to corner their market. That's called monopolism and it's inimical to a free and fair market.

I don't buy any of your shit about your getting an education, because if you WERE a businessman or an accountant you'd have long since figured out that fortunes are now made in this country by financializing an activity, not by streamlining it.

You're a hack who flunked Quickbooks. GTFO.
The concept of working hard and investing right can bring one wealth but usually is mixed w some luck. npr had a show a study was done the idea of 3conomic mobility up the classes is far more rare than most Americans think. most wealthy people are born or married into it. im not talking upper middle class i mean big wealth


And we have a winner! Give this man a canna cookie and a personalized voice mail recording by none other than Carl Castle!

It turns out that upward mobility is LESS LIKELY in America than in most other developed nations, and has been since the 1980s.

Coincidence? o_O pleeeeeeeese.
Bernie still got less votes than Hillary.

Trump also got less votes than Hillary.

Hillary won the popular vote in both the primaries and the election, and youre saying Sanders is the one that got fucked?

Bitch please.
The BITCH is a LOSER the same as you. Well she has a hell of lot of money and is facing thousands of years in jail and your a broke nobody so there is that. You may be sneaky but your very bad at it cheeseyrice.



She won the popular vote, keep praising the fascist system.

And we have a winner! Give this man a canna cookie and a personalized voice mail recording by none other than Carl Castle!

It turns out that upward mobility is LESS LIKELY in America than in most other developed nations, and has been since the 1980s.

Coincidence? o_O pleeeeeeeese.

Can I have a canna cookie?
The news is good..Bernie is not ruling out 2020.

Yeah, but that's only on the condition that the fountain of youth is not a myth, and is located before campaign season begins.

It just wouldn't be effective for Bernie to campaign in 2020 carrying a respirator and a bottle of oxygen everywhere. I think that would turn voters off.

Forget Bernie for 2020. He'll be too old. But Bernie 2.0 (i.e. Elizabeth Warren) will be ready to take over where Bernie left off.