'The Irony Is Delicious..'

Let's take that one step further with Donna Brazile and forum questions and are you forgetting DWS shutting down Sanders database for breaching Clnton 's even though it was public knowledge that there was a bug in the system, 6 months prior when Sanders REPORTED it? You do know there was documentation that Clinton went into Sanders DB yet she wasn't shutdown..nope..she just stole his supporters including myself and added them to her DB.
Didn't one of Sanders techies actually exploit the bug? I agree that DNC acted abysmally and over reacted, but I think somebody in his campaign staff did some dirty here. At least that was my impression at the time.
Sky, I think you are showing discuss with every party known to man. Fuck the old republican party which I was part of but not anymore. I am a newly registered non affiliate for a while and I feel like I have a lot of friends from every party at the moment. Out with the old and in with the new. It will get better. The last time I looked our market was soaring to record highs and POTUS TRUMP hasn't even been elected for two days yet. Things will be OK.

Nitro - I was remarking on the crassness of Kellyanne Conway.
Alienating our foreign 'friends' is not a good way to keep an economy going. Let's hope the giant wall over Mexico doesn't alienate all of South America and our friends to the north. Let's hope the doubling of tariffs with China doesn't alienate the worlds largest supplier of goods. Let's hope that walking away from the Paris agreement doesn't alienate all of Europe.

Let's hope.


Here is some excellent POTUS TRUMP ENTERTAINMENT

Didn't one of Sanders techies actually exploit the bug? I agree that DNC acted abysmally and over reacted, but I think somebody in his campaign staff did some dirty here. At least that was my impression at the time.

Did you not understand what I just said?

They knew about the bug because Sanders reported it long ago and they did nothing. One of Sanders IT (who was subsequently terminated) went in and left trails on purpose to let them know this was ongoing..Nothing was DL'd by Sanders..

Edit: I truly wish people would get educated before they comment.
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Nitro - I was remarking on the crassness of Kellyanne Conway.

SKY, Ya I know. I don't know much about her except she joined the team late and here we are. I believe the new TRUMP voters are people from all parties now. So OK, even I got pissed at the old pub party. What do you think of the huge POTUS TRUMP RALLY in the market? What a great start, maybe Trump is already setting records for recovery. GO TRUMP GO
Did you not understand what I just said.

They knew about the bug because Sanders reported it long ago and they did nothing. One of Sanders IT (who was subsequently terminated) went in and left trails on purpose to let them know this was ongoing..Nothing was DL'd by Sanders..
Left trails on purpose?

That's not how it works, that's called making excuses for stupidity.

No one is saying Sanders did it, but someone on Sander's team did something stupid that they were probably told not to.
SKY, Ya I know. I don't know much about her except she joined the team late and here we are. I believe the new TRUMP voters are people from all parties now. So OK, even I got pissed at the old pub party. What do you think of the huge POTUS TRUMP RALLY in the market? What a great start, maybe Trump is already setting records for recovery. GO TRUMP GO

I'm really happy for you Nitro and wish Trump well.

I just hope he understands what he's gotten himself into..he's not really political and now he's got to be..pretty tall order.

He can't just up and leave once he gets bored.

Also, I have issue with his statement that if he didn't win, this was a waste of time money, that's a really bad attitude for someone in public service.

That is what this is..PUBLIC service.
I'm really happy for you Nitro and wish Trump well.

I just hope he understands what he's gotten himself into..he's not really political and now he's got to be..pretty tall order.

He can't just up and leave once he gets bored.

Also, I have issue with his statement that if he didn't win, this was a waste of time money, that's a really bad attitude for someone in public service.

That is what this is..PUBLIC service.

Hey SKY, Thats not one of my favorite things that he has said either. Trump certainly showed how hard he can work in the last 500 days. Fuck, it was like a crab opener for months. When he gets in the white house he may not take any vacations or weekends off for the whole four years. imo Thats a lot of energy!

Here is some excellent POTUS TRUMP ENTERTAINMENT

You're old, I get it. You could care less about the country. But honestly, it's not a joke. What happens over the next 4 years will affect this country for decades to come. Let's hope it's for the better.

Let's hope.
Did you not understand what I just said?

They knew about the bug because Sanders reported it long ago and they did nothing. One of Sanders IT (who was subsequently terminated) went in and left trails on purpose to let them know this was ongoing..Nothing was DL'd by Sanders..

Edit: I truly wish people would get educated before they comment.
Sheesh. you are getting cranky. Or maybe I'm just now getting to know you.

Hmmm. The guy that Sanders terminated did some dirty. Why else would have he been terminated?

from Politifact: http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-m.../22/bernie-s/Sanders-take-Clinton-voter-data/

Our ruling

Sanders said that his campaign did not go out and take information from the Clinton campaign. From all accounts, it is true that the Sanders campaign did not attempt to break into the voter data of a rival campaign. The Sanders people stumbled upon a glitch.

But rather than reporting the glitch immediately, they probed the database for a bit under two hours. At some point, the staff produced a page of information that at the very least would show the count of certain voters.

Experts familiar with the Democratic voter data base say that the Sanders campaign would have gleaned valuable information. At the end of the day, they knew some things about the Clinton campaign that they hadn’t known before, even if they didn’t seek to crack into the Clinton data.

We rate Sanders’ claim that the campaign didn’t "go out and take" information as Mostly False.

I don't really care. I think Sanders ran a clean campaign and DNC-Clinton campaign was not as clean. Just, let's be honest about it. We aren't Republicans.
That's how democracy works. After all, we didn't get everything we wanted under the Obama administration, did we?
Because the Republican party broke the law and did not allow bills to pass. And because the Democrats are pussies with no backbone and didn't stand up to the bullshit The Turtle pulled.
You're old, I get it. You could care less about the country. But honestly, it's not a joke. What happens over the next 4 years will affect this country for decades to come. Let's hope it's for the better.

Let's hope.

See4, I can agree with that. kinda like Evolution, " big changes over time for the better" sounds pretty good.
I'm really happy for you Nitro and wish Trump well.

I just hope he understands what he's gotten himself into..he's not really political and now he's got to be..pretty tall order.

He can't just up and leave once he gets bored.

Also, I have issue with his statement that if he didn't win, this was a waste of time money, that's a really bad attitude for someone in public service.

That is what this is..PUBLIC service.
actually, he CAN resign, leaving pence as POTUS.

which would be much better than fake catholic kaine. you know kaine want's to kill the 'able', just like cain killed able...
Not at all.

Sanders campaign entered into a public database and got shutdown though.

Only threatening lawsuit got it back (along with the board asking for her resignation behind closed doors).

I'm still not seeing treason. You'll need to do better than that.
Because the Republican party broke the law and did not allow bills to pass. And because the Democrats are pussies with no backbone and didn't stand up to the bullshit The Turtle pulled.
the dems were definitely standing this round, beating, badgering, and even KILLING those who disagreed with them. like you and uncle buck with your words.
you talk about standing up, it's time to face the music. hillary would have killed legal pot, but now, because we read when you guys bitched and bullied, there's a chance for prohibition to end.

that's a bitch, ain't it?