The official Hillary Clinton will be our next president thread

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Whoa, scary- but wasn't Halloween last month?

Maybe not- I have a bad feeling this nightmare will last four years!
I have a bad feeling this nightmare will last four years!

Pushed Bernie aside, and then failed to reach the top, damn I bet that is upsetting.

You a big DIY'er? Awesome project idea you should look into to help with the soreness. 2 beer job at the most.

can anyone name another candidate that is better qualified than her on any matter, foreign or domestic?

her track record is unbeatable on many fronts. she is the most qualified candidate with respect to foreign policy and knowledge, she has overseen a booming economy with massive job creation and GDP growth, secured healthcare for millions of children, stood up for and advanced women's rights, and so much more.

also, LOL.

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still living in the past, eh?

the guy you celebrated winning now has a 32% approval rating and is under criminal federal investigation by a special prosecutor.

"I didn’t think I’d say this and I’m going to say it and I hate to say it. … If I win, I am going to instruct my attorney general to get a special prosecutor to look into your situation because there has never been so many lies, so much deception"
still living in the past, eh?

the guy you celebrated winning now has a 32% approval rating and is under criminal federal investigation by a special prosecutor.

"I didn’t think I’d say this and I’m going to say it and I hate to say it. … If I win, I am going to instruct my attorney general to get a special prosecutor to look into your situation because there has never been so many lies, so much deception"
Good thread, I will read it again.
Hillary clinton is also under investigation. Bernie Sanders and his wife are under FBI investigation for bank fraud. Obongos entire legacy is getting men in to womens washrooms. Trump is just as bad though, a full on Israel first zionist who was mentored by a kiddy diddling aids carrying yid. It's seriously concerning how often Trump sexualizes his own daughter, but then again all those powerful bloodlines are completely inbred so nbd right
Hillary clinton is also under investigation.


Bernie Sanders and his wife are under FBI investigation for bank fraud. Obongos entire legacy is getting men in to womens washrooms. Trump is just as bad though, a full on Israel first zionist who was mentored by a kiddy diddling aids carrying yid. It's seriously concerning how often Trump sexualizes his own daughter, but then again all those powerful bloodlines are completely inbred so nbd right

when did you decide to be a holocaust denier with a tiny penis?
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