Midweek Song Promotions

I have my fingers crossed today is the day, been waiting since my birthday to purchase new strains and the last 20 days have felt like eternity :oops:
Anyone got any info with what's going on Iv been trying to contact them about a wire transfer with no response[/QUOTE
It took a couple of days to get a reply last week.
Lewis told me the Credit card payment service would be up & running by the end of last week, I've not tried it yet though

My bank wanted to charge $40 for an international wire transfer... yeah, I'm gonna wait it out... :(
I had the same thing £25 charge and I'm in UK same as midweek song so it's not really international lol
Any suggestions on another reputable supplier?

Hi, for a speedy service try www.freedomseeds.com they have a good selection of breeders, not as many as some other seed banks but worth a look. You also have Gorilla (http://gorilla-cannabis-seeds.co.uk/), they are good but take a while to post out. Herbies are good (http://www.herbiesheadshop.com/mobile/) , so is the vault (https://www.cannabis-seeds-store.co.uk/), then there is attitude (https://www.cannabis-seeds-bank.co.uk/)
In Holland you have https://www.dutchseedsbank.com/

All these uk seed banks are all good trustworthy sites, midweek song is my 1st choice, but freedom seeds are a close second.
The Dutch ones are ok, I've used dutchseedbank and anesiaseeds.com and a friend regularly uses the other 2, or u could go straight to the breeders sites, dutchpassion.com, seedsman.com, greenhouseseeds.com etc, Hope this helps you out.

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