President Donald J Trump .

Been believing this shit for a year,I believed so much I sent in the max $2,700 donation per person .

I can believe every bit of it,and I'm a happy man but unclebucks diaper is full :bigjoint:

This election made a nazi male rapist happy. oh yeah,

I have no idea what's going to happen over the next four years but we are all in for some history.
when I voted today I took a side arm & matching 357 carbine just in case blm wanted to flex .

The best is yet to come when President Trumps special prosecutor reopens the email fiasco,finds intent & collusion with the Clinton foundation,then seizes all Clinton assets,even the $1.8 billion Hillary transfered to quatar last week to hide .

Book em Dano as Hawaii 5 0 used to say ;)

Dictators lock up their political opponents. Morons believe far right or far left media.
Move along fog and go grab your mom by the pussy no room for losers in this thread
enjoy yourself today.

I was invited in. Sooo much looking forward to pointing out that you guys voted for him when Trump triggers the next recession. What's it going to take? A year? Maybe two?
enjoy yourself today.
I was invited in. Sooo much looking forward to pointing out that you guys voted for him when Trump triggers the next recession. What's it going to take? A year? Maybe two?
That was already pretty much baked into the economy no matter who won so I'm not sure how much of a trigger situation that will be.
enjoy yourself today.

I was invited in. Sooo much looking forward to pointing out that you guys voted for him when Trump triggers the next recession. What's it going to take? A year? Maybe two?
interesting TBH you been in recession and do not even know it that is how brain washed you are
Go quit your job today you think your going to get another one tomorrow ??

USA has been limping along for over 12 years

I do not thing any person in the whitehouse can fuck it up any more then it already is .
Your as low as it goes only one way to fix it and move up you only have one direction to go

USA's economy has been stagnant for a very long time

If your polls are any indication how Hillary was to win lol so is your polls on your economy its BS
That was already pretty much baked into the economy no matter who won so I'm not sure how much of a trigger situation that will be.
Oh yeah sure. That's exactly what you would have said if the election had gone the other way. :hump:

I thought this country had enough of cutting taxes and increased spending when Bush was leaving office. This crowd learns slow.

That said, agree that we were due for another recession. Maybe past due. Doesn't matter. It will be Trump's recession when it hits. And elections matter when an emergency arises. I don't think he's up for it.
interesting TBH you been in recession and do not even know it that is how brain washed you are
Go quit your job today you think your going to get another one tomorrow ??

USA has been limping along for over 12 years
Oh now you are drifting off into the fact free world. Which, I guess, is where this country is heading.

Agree about the limping along bit. Not about a recession. Oregon has just barely returned to unemployment levels prior to Shrub's great recession The next one is due and it will be Trump's to deal with.
You do not think, Ask yourself how much it cost him to become president , then ask Hillary how much she spent to lose.. bet you the numbers are insane
That right there should tell you something about business

She got schooled in every aspect even with her 25 years in politics SCHOOLED
He didnt spend money, he invested. He will be the richest man in the world. He is the greatest turd salesman the world has seen.
You do not think, Ask yourself how much it cost him to become president , then ask Hillary how much she spent to lose.. but you the numbers are insane
That right there should tell you something about business

She got schooled in every aspect even with her 25 years in politics SCHOOLED
Dude, I got schooled too but am in good company. In fact most of the people who voted did not vote for Dump. Just saying that the electoral college isn't a reflection of numbers of people.

Not saying "rigged", just, saying this election only settled what the government will be for the next two years.

And agree that the amount of money spent is ridiculous. I don't see that changing under Trump's GOP, unless he does away with the need for them altogether.
Anyways its done sore losers will be sore losers And obviously what were seeing on the news, the biggest sore losers are the Democrats
Maybe trumps first order is sending army out to kill on site these terrorist.

I would give them 2 hr warning then send army in to clean up
no chance of that. his "charity" gave $100,000 to the Citizen United movement which allows more corporate money to corrupt politics.
Anyways its done sore losers will be sore losers And obviously what were seeing on the news, the biggest sore losers are the Democrats
Maybe trumps first order is sending army out to kill on site these terrorist
democrats are terrorists that should be killed on *sight, sounds very Trumpish.
That's what I'm talking about,I hope their miserable too :bigjoint:

When does the 747 leave for Canada ,you know the 1,the 1 full of all those Hollywood shit heads who cried their moving to Canada when Trump won .

Let me offer them some help,dial 1-800-2menandatruck moving,they do internet forum moves too buck :lol:
that highlights the main reason people shouldn't listen to celebrities. when have they ever done what they said? leo flying arond on jets accepting climate change awards, chelsea doing the same, they are all a bunch of bigots.
Make certain you Trump Gold Members post pics and swag from the victory dinner @Illinois Enema Bandit if the sheister even has it.

I'm really looking forward to the upcoming cabinet of has-beens..Gingrich, Guiliani..Tubby Bridgegate. That's the way forward if there ever was:lol:

I hear Bernie sanders is cooking the hot dogs on the grill & Obama applied for head waiter :lol:

I think we found a job Obamas qualified for,remember what your gal said " four years ago that bastard would be carrying our luggage " ,he should do fine working the mustard & ketchup station :bigjoint:
Well if your not causing a issue and safety of the people , or burning down the American flag what would you call that.
A act of terrorism in some form or just a MELTDOWN

And we all know how United states stands with Terrorism they come in all colors shapes and forms
Yup if your creating a disturbance burning down the American flag your a fucking terrorist and threatening to kill a president