Hillary can't be trusted

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Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
the best predictor of trump support, besides low education, residence in a mobile home, racism, and the like, is hostility towards women.

are you one of those cunt scab women who hates all other women? think they are out to get your man, meanwhile you fantasize of sucking another guy's dick while your hubby eats our your rancid pussy?
Is it better to invite small children to adult parties where they pretend to eat people and drink blood? Carve pentegrams into their naked bodies or make blood sacrifices? Collect artwork that glorifies cannabilism and pedophilia?

Hillary, Huma, and john are all implicated.

You literally are voting for the devil. Good luck with that.


Well-Known Member
Voting trump is more disgusting than rituals glorifying cannabilism and artwork of frightened naked children?
Not what I said. I said being a corrupt Evangelist who would sacrifice their ideals to put Trump in office is completely disgusting. I don't watch your fucking videos. Most times they are bullshit anyway. But whatever you saw, that's what you are equivalent to.


Well-Known Member
How many of you Hillary voters would participate in the rituals above? Where do you draw the line on morality?
Your "morality" is tainted with an obsession over other women's fetuses and willingness to corrupt your own faith to persecute others. Keep your fucking religious zealotry to yourself, inquisitor.
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