Calling Dyna Growers


Well-Known Member
I just filled a 40 gal rez with PT, FP, B, cal mag, drip clean and h202. My pH is 4.5. Should I add more PT or pH up to get it to 5.8? The last time I added pH up it got cloudy.
Not to be pushy lol but its past time for me to water so if someone could answer that would be great!
Sorry I'm having a hard time getting used to posting. If you sat there and watched your water get cloudy then you have nutrient precipitation which will in turn lock out those nutrients. You really need to dump it and start again I would not I repeat would not give that to your plants. Try adjusting your water pH up a little bit before adding the nutrients to your Reservoir. Or let it run and chances are it will come up a bit on its own. One thing I know for certain is do not irritate your plants with that cloudy solution.
Sorry I'm having a hard time getting used to posting. If you sat there and watched your water get cloudy then you have nutrient precipitation which will in turn lock out those nutrients. You really need to dump it and start again I would not I repeat would not give that to your plants. Try adjusting your water pH up a little bit before adding the nutrients to your Reservoir. Or let it run and chances are it will come up a bit on its own. One thing I know for certain is do not irritate your plants with that cloudy solution.
I just filled a new rez and am trying to avoid it getting cloudy. Hence my question on how to raise the pH WITHOUT it getting cloudy. I just ran out of pH up also so am trying to raise it with lime
Are you recirculating or drain to waste ? Your water should not be getting cloudy ever when mixing a new nutrient solution. I trust you are mixing the base nutes one at a time in the proper order into your 40 gallons of water correct? Don't you mean lemon? That will make it more acidic you can use a small amount of baking soda completely dissolved in a few cups of water. Add this a little and I stress a little bit at a time and you're pH will raise to your target
Are you recirculating or drain to waste ? Your water should not be getting cloudy ever when mixing a new nutrient solution. I trust you are mixing the base nutes one at a time in the proper order into your 40 gallons of water correct? Don't you mean lemon? That will make it more acidic you can use a small amount of baking soda completely dissolved in a few cups of water. Add this a little and I stress a little bit at a time and you're pH will raise to your target
I'm doing dtw. I've already added some lime mixed in water. I just poured in the water not the sludge in the bottom. I've got it up to 5.6
I would leave it there as it may creep up over a day or two. If not try the baking soda. A little won't hurt in a pinch as a Ph up substitute.
I would leave it there as it may creep up over a day or two. If not try the baking soda. A little won't hurt in a pinch as a Ph up substitute.
I just used it to water one plant with. The others I think can wait until tomorrow. I'm not fully trusting my pH pen either. It started reading way high to I took it to my garden store and he calibrated it but now it seems my pH from the RO is way low. Unless its accurate now and was way off before. Tomorrow I'll get more pH up and take my pen in and have it checked also. Thank you for help. I really appreciate it!
The water looks kinda muddy now after adding the lime. I hope I didn't mess up 40 gallons of new nutes!
Coco will have a tendency to hold onto the calcium and magnesium from the limestone not releasing it right away but gradually. This may cause the pH of your media to creep up. A very good idea with cocco or any media is as I am sure you already know is to flush once a month with a quarter strength nutrient solution but include the Cal Mag. I'm no expert with cocoa but you seemed like you needed some advice sooner than later so I hope I helped in some small way. BTW the pH of RO water generally runs on the lower side sounds like your pen is ok but when in doubt I always double-check.
Coco will have a tendency to hold onto the calcium and magnesium from the limestone not releasing it right away but gradually. This may cause the pH of your media to creep up. A very good idea with cocco or any media is as I am sure you already know is to flush once a month with a quarter strength nutrient solution but include the Cal Mag. I'm no expert with cocoa but you seemed like you needed some advice sooner than later so I hope I helped in some small way. BTW the pH of RO water generally runs on the lower side sounds like your pen is ok but when in doubt I always double-check.
I did need the help asap! I'll update tomorrow and also let ya know if I killed one. Lol. Thanks again!