New guy

cat of curiosity

Well-Known Member
Hey there, Mariano206 here I am a 66 year old Viet Nam Vet who loves his indoor gardening..
I hope I will be able to learn on this site as well as share any info that I may have. I was a chef in my previous life (career) So yes I love to make all types of edibles as well.
you haven't learned anything from this site since you joined april 8 2012?

lol, have fun buddy and welcome to the posting world. @roseypeach has some edible recipes that are imo fantastic.

whacha growing?


Well-Known Member
Hey there, Mariano206 here I am a 66 year old Viet Nam Vet who loves his indoor gardening..
I hope I will be able to learn on this site as well as share any info that I may have. I was a chef in my previous life (career) So yes I love to make all types of edibles as well.
Guess he's gone for another 4 years or so ......probably better and less stressful anyhow .....