Mildew on leaves and stems


Well-Known Member
Got a few clones from the club and noticed one had a couple white spots. I have pretty low humidity so didn't think it would spread much if at all.

Well come a week or so after transplant and it is all over the bottom of the Chernobyl. Very thick plant which I have been thining out to help with the mildew problem. And now i noticed it on the stems as well and have never heard of mildew on stems

Should I cut the affected branches or treat it and hope it doesn't affect it much?

3x3 tent
315 lec
45-54 rh
6'' fan set to low
One clip fan
one small desk fan now blowing into Chernobyl you can kinda see in pic 2


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Def PM on your leafs. There's a thread that just started with organic treatment of pm. Could help you out. I've tried cutting the effected leafs but it just came back.
Def PM on your leafs. There's a thread that just started with organic treatment of pm. Could help you out. I've tried cutting the effected leafs but it just came back.
Ya that's what I'm realizing too, it just keeps coming back. First time with PM. No question it's on the leaves but I've just never heard of it on stems
This generally stems from overwatering, but is easy to fix. How often do you water? And giving a light neem oil spray can really help with getting rid of the mildew. Just try to do the spray towards the end of the light period.
Mix 1 oz of concentrated neem oil to 1 gal of luke warm water and add a couple drops of liquid dish soap. Shake real good and spray the plant from top to bottom,including all stems and leafs (bottom sides and tops). Be sure to shake the spray bottle every 30 seconds or so to keep the oil/water mixed up as well as possible. You want the plant to be completely drenched. Do this treatment 1-2 times a week up until flower. Once your plants go into flower, get a product called Green Cure which is potasium bicabonate and mix it half strength of what the label suggests (I believe the label calls for 2 tblsp/G so only use half of that). PM I believe is systemic which means it is in the plants and cant be "washed away" and will always be present in the plant unless you use a systemic product, but those can be pretty hardcore and not recommended for plants that are or will be flowered any time soon. Probably better used in the case of keeping mommas healthy since they wont be flowered or smoked any time soon and the half life of the chemicals can wear away. Best of luck with your PM issues!
What HydroRed says, or go straight to Green Cure (organic). It's around 20$ at the grow shop or hydro store or whatever they call it in your neck of the woods. Worse comes to worse, after harvest, WASH your buds in a 10-20% hydrogen peroxide solution, completely submerged. There's a Cervantes video somewhere on this in case you think I'm shitting you.

In the future: Buying clones is like having unprotected sex. No you're not going to die from PM, and either is your plant, but your life can be miserable for a while. Make a solution, either from Green Cure or neem oil as HydroRed says, and SATURATE the hell out of your clone as soon as you bring it home from the store. Even if you get clones from your tightest homeboy, follow that advice. One time application when you get home will work. Good luck
Good to know! How did you deal with it? None of the other plants are affected yet
Honestly..... I killed it. Was easier to remove the one and sulphur burn the room. The rest of my plants were fine. I was lucky. I did however scrub my room after the burn. It was all or lack of air movement. Added floor fans and it worked for me.
Good air circulation, correct RH and a proper cleanliness/maintenance schedule will help keep PM in check.
I just recently added supplemental T5HO UV lighting in my room that also helps aid in keeping PM out of my grow rooms. UVA-B-C light kills off mold spores & mildew etc.