Well-Known Member
i didn't realize i was a hero, i'm just a cheap bastard.
I'm Scottish and a bastard but thrifty doesn't mean cheap!

Right? Same here.
I'm not buying the 'subtle additives' thing about AN or any other water bottled nutrient line. I don't WANT PGRs in my nutes, thanks! And I'm a big fan of knowing exactly what I'm feeding my plants that are going into my face.
Old med user should use some of that chemistry knowledge to divine what is and is not in the major brands. I bet he'll find the same that @MisterBlah and many of the rest of us did; that the mystery of the bottles is there just to separate the uneducated from their money.
I'm certain that I could grow as well or better were I to delve into the science of making my own nutes but dammit man I'll be 62 by the time you read this and Keeping It Simple Stoner has become my mantra since I started doing my own version of DWC back in '01.
I just buy the base nutes and the last ones I got were $40/gal. 3 - part AN pH perfect for $40/gal when to buy it up here in BumF**k, Alberta at $25/quart is dirt cheap to me. Other than that I must have Big Bud and Rhino Skin.
I am also very thrifty with my use of the nutes and have done DWC runs without ever changing the nutes with great results. The first 3 gallons of AN I got in '02 lasted until a few years ago and there is still some bloom and micro left for the wife's tomatoes. lol
I did at least 40 tubs and many more plants in promix off those jugs so got way more than my money's worth with so much less work than blending my own.
Learning all this stuff is like going back to school for chem class again. Hard enough in my 30s but might just kill me in my 60s after a minor stroke 3 years ago.

Good on you and all that want to advance the freedom that DIY nutes give you. It can only advance our collective knowledge of the best way to grow our favorite plant!