Good Morning/Weather Report Suite

It's 81F with 47% humidity at 1755. Our high was 86F and the forecast low is 54F. We did have a very brief shower on Wednesday. But for the month of October we had 0 inches and 0 tenths. It kicked my Darwin Dope patches' asses.
We ended up busting precp records all over the state in October. Locally, we tallied 10.36" vs our average of 3.35". November has started nicely, sunny and balmy until we get to today's forecast of .75" of rain. Next week ain't lookin' bad: sunny and in the 60's, lows in the low 50's.
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We are having a much cooler day today. At 1010 it's sunny, 69F with 44% humidity. Forecast high of 77F with no chance of rain today, and a low of 48F tonight. Only one cool night though. The lows are back in the mid 50's until next weekend. That comes with a few days of mostly cloudy when I'm needing all the sun I can get.
We ended up busting precp records all over the state in October. Locally, we tallied 10.36" vs our average of 3.35". November has started nicely, sunny and balmy until we get to day's forecast of .75" of rain. Next week ain't lookin' bad: sunny and in the 60's, lows in the low 50's.
Shame we can't spread it out. It rained every day the two to three weeks when I was trying to collect CPDA pollen. Not sure if any of it took on the BP, the one plant I wanted to make sure I seeded with the good stuff.
That sexual union happens fast! Unless you were pollinating in the middle of a downpour, I'm guessing you'll get some seeds from her.
That sexual union happens fast! Unless you were pollinating in the middle of a downpour, I'm guessing you'll get some seeds from her.
The ones I dusted in the same patch {the two CPDA's} took. But it did pour right afterward, and my bag of collected pollen did get rained on. There might be a few seeds, which will be fine. Last year's BP only had 3 seeds, one of which I used for the BP I have going now. Last year's BP had the best taste and high of the 12 plants I finished. The CPDA was the biggest producer and the 2nd best smoke.
As I write this, the sun is just setting behind the Rocky Mountains, capping another absolutely amazing day in Colorado; it's early November and it has been one gorgeous, sunny, dry, get outside and do your favorite thing day after another.

Even now I'm enjoying a beer at my neighborhood tap house (your 'hood doesn't have one? So sad) outside on the patio on shorts and a tee shirt. And I'm not even chilly.

Walked my dog at the park and the sun was bright- even hot at the west end of the lake where the late afternoon sun was reflecting up towards us from the water.
Good evening. It's clear, 66F with 65% humidity at 1920. High was 82F, the low tonight is forecast as 53F. I got a lot done today. I checked on all my plants but one, and I was close enough to it that I would have tended it too, if I had only thought of it.
I have office relief today. Damn early office relief. Did get to see an awesome sunrise driving in though. But damn the traffic is crazy early in the morning. I feel for all you guys out there in that rat race everyday.

It's sunny, 58F with 72% humidity at 0715. Forecast high of 76F with no chance or rain today, and a low of 56F tonight.

If you guys have not done it already, remember to vote today.

Wet Season has ended here. Was unusually longer, wetter, & windier this years than the past 10 yrs I have been here. It actually stretched into November when usually done October. Blue skies, about 75f and calm as fuck this morning
We had a cooler day here too. The first time I have been cool during the day wearing just my hiking shirt. It's clear, 56F with 62% humidity at 1730. Forecast low of 47F. Only two days with lows in the 50's in my 10 day forecast. The other 8 or in the 40's. It was really overcast today.

Good evening. It's moony, 57F with 68% humidity at 2115. A pleasant 75F this afternoon. Forecast low of 47F tonight.

It got down to 40F inside my shelter at the camp this morning. There was a patchy frost on the ground, with real ice on the roofs of cars and houses. Didn't get to see what it did to the Fall/Winter seed testers.