Making up my mind

what should i do

  • high road and keep my mouth shut

    Votes: 2 40.0%
  • low road and crush his family

    Votes: 3 60.0%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member

this is a simple one.......29 days after my father died my older brother when and applied to the court to have me removed and have him appointed as my personal representative .......but while he was doing this was playing nice to me near 2 moths (i found out the day they served me with papers)

now my brother is a joke he is a idiot and he filed the papers in court under the wrong section ......he committed fraud on the court system ......the other thing is i know he is committing fraud with the IRS

now he has fucked up enough i know he can not win in court he can not remove me thanks to his actions (he fucked up and wrote in a email he is a dick about money and that will not change) ...he showed he is untrustworthy

now i want to hear other ppls thoughts ......when i go into court should i point out the fact he is a defrauding the IRS for the last 5 years and the fact he plans to defraud the court system
(he has had irs troubles before due to it he is backwards on his own house 65k into it with 150k owe )

i can not afford to be linked to any fraud with this as the money can be taken .......this is my last chance at life does not work head to Mexico some cartel will kill my white ass
You aren't being very clear with the details, or lack thereof.
Committed fraud on court system: How? Based on what you wrote, I'd say he misfiled; made a mistake and will have to refile.
How is he defrauding the IRS?

Yeah, he's made it clear that he will fuck you, so nail him first and point it out (if true)
Ime the court won't care about his IRS troubles, it is likely irrelevant to the case to have you removed. Having said that, you could always alert the IRS to his fraudulent ways separately, not sure how that would work but I'm guessing they may be interested. Maybe you should threaten him with the IRS thing as a form of blackmail. But my best advice to you is same as before. Use the Ricin Ring...
You aren't being very clear with the details, or lack thereof.
Committed fraud on court system: How? Based on what you wrote, I'd say he misfiled; made a mistake and will have to refile.
How is he defrauding the IRS?

Yeah, he's made it clear that he will fuck you, so nail him first and point it out (if true)
he filed it under small estate ....that is 50k or less.........the value of the house and 401k and all the other things dad left about 500k

because wade filed it for small estate it makes the money that the court can attach too only about 1700 bucks .....where in reality they get 1700 and 3.6% of anything over 20k mark .......he is jewing them out of about 19k

if they figure this out at the time they end the probate it makes everything seize able including my half of it ....all because he wants to keep 20k more

as for the irs stuff .......he has been lying to the IRS for the last 5 years about owning a 3rd car just for work so he has been writing off his mileage on his taxes
Ime the court won't care about his IRS troubles, it is likely irrelevant to the case to have you removed. Having said that, you could always alert the IRS to his fraudulent ways separately, not sure how that would work but I'm guessing they may be interested. Maybe you should threaten him with the IRS thing as a form of blackmail. But my best advice to you is same as before. Use the Ricin Ring...

i can not kill him
he is my brother ....we are in the middle of ugly court shit .....they will automatically look at me tho a microscope ......i will get caught

as for telling the court about the irs it is not ment as blackmail it is ment to show proof in his own finances he is dishonest .....he should not be allowed to make any choices that effects my life ..
.....he should not be allowed to make any choices that effects my life ..
Why not? You've already bent over and let him get this far. Did I miss the part where you explain to us how the attorney you've hired is handing all this?

Once you get you check and punch your brother in the throat, my only professional advice is to have someone else do it, while you're standing across the street.


I'm sure it is apparent how I voted in this poll.

But still it needs to be acknowledged that little or no good comes from revenge.
The decisions you are having to make I do not envy.

So I'm sending you a hug.

I need a hug sometimes when I'v got heavy shit on my mind.
Why not? You've already bent over and let him get this far. Did I miss the part where you explain to us how the attorney you've hired is handing all this?

Once you get you check and punch your brother in the throat, my only professional advice is to have someone else do it, while you're standing across the street.

naw i am worst then that .........i am more of a asshole then he knows thanks to bi polar .........what i want to do is a long game i have more then enough info about his money and he general life to use to destroy him .....he cuts the strings that kept me in check with what i would be willing to do

court is first once the info is on the official record it becomes a problem for him ......he will lie about it and a simple check will prove he is lying....winning all court battles there way out .....meaning this house will be sold in probate...meaning he has to come up with the full amount to buy it if he wants (no way he can) so someone else owns it ...

leaving him in a house he hates in a area he hates ......from there i wait to he moves in 5 to 8 years then i track him down using his ssn number and i buy the houses near him and i slowly drain all his money away with dumb shit also dropping his land value......between not getting this place and the debt i will cause him to run up will be fun to watch him break from the stress then i will go up after not talking to him for 20 yeas tell him all me

wade is 50 with a fucked up body (i am talking metal hip and knee when was 24 from car wreck ) ......he has only 5 10 years before arthritis will cripple him causing medical bills to pile up more .....his wife is 53 and she is going deaf ....with a 10 year old kid and all that expense

i am evil money is what he cares about .......the fight in court comes out of probate it is costing him already to me does not matter as the insurance and ira money is more then enough to set me up skills with plants pays the bills and i can work for the next 40 years

killing him is to easy .........hitting him not enough must break him causing him to kill himself (money is the way to do it to him)

this was more of a moral/ethical crisis for me ........after all was brother but this basically give me the answer i thought i was going to get i am naturally to nice i need to let my darker side out to play more i will

this is chess with the ending goal of causing my brother to take his own life .......and it is all legal ....misdemeanor harassment/ civil action only
I agree with Abe supercro !
Get yourself a qualified mouthpiece.
If you can't do's time to find an equalizer to help him see things your way.
i'd seek justice thru the court system first and when that's been finalized, then decide if your brother gets mercy or vengeance
Very awkward situation to be in.

My brother is a prick, but he's sold me out to the police several times now for various things.

I think you need to stop & think long term rather than revenge right now.
Imagine life after you fuck him, or he fucks you?
Other family members will be caught up in this & you could be left covered in "shit"

The last time by brother reported me to the police for growing marijuana they arrived to my door & asked if I was while laughing, I laughed & asked if they would like a look, basically it back fired on him. I acted like a roll model to the cops I he was done for wasting police time, I then went to my parents house (where he lives) & beat the shit of out him & trailed him out.

Since that nothing's been the same with my family, my temper got the best of me.
Although they realise why I done it, two wrongs do NOT make a right.

Revenge is a dish best served cold, if you want revenge, wait.

If you want to think long term & the impact this might have across the entire family, then your being the mature one.

Take it easy my friend & think before you thump.

this is a simple one.......29 days after my father died my older brother when and applied to the court to have me removed and have him appointed as my personal representative .......but while he was doing this was playing nice to me near 2 moths (i found out the day they served me with papers)

now my brother is a joke he is a idiot and he filed the papers in court under the wrong section ......he committed fraud on the court system ......the other thing is i know he is committing fraud with the IRS

now he has fucked up enough i know he can not win in court he can not remove me thanks to his actions (he fucked up and wrote in a email he is a dick about money and that will not change) ...he showed he is untrustworthy

now i want to hear other ppls thoughts ......when i go into court should i point out the fact he is a defrauding the IRS for the last 5 years and the fact he plans to defraud the court system
(he has had irs troubles before due to it he is backwards on his own house 65k into it with 150k owe )

i can not afford to be linked to any fraud with this as the money can be taken .......this is my last chance at life does not work head to Mexico some cartel will kill my white ass

As long as he can't remove you then what the problem is? Seems the high road has been paved for you...........
This long term vengeance plan seems real thought out obsessively thought out buddy should put that effort into a lawyer rather than taking bits and pieces of cool movies and trying to apply them to real life ....just saying

For instance----you say he is 50 years old above and all fucked up physically as it is your long term make him suffer plan could easily back fire just because he'd probably be around 80 years old when you finally went up to say --GOTCH YA!!!!.....which by then he'd probably suffer from memory loss and smile at you say ---hi my names tom--and proceed to invite you in for blueberry pancakes with toilet paper on top .....point being you'll both probably have kicked the bucket by the time your vengeance is served ...

Get a good lawyer