Planted all in one pot


Active Member
i obviously made a here it is. in one big pot i planted alot of seeds n now they are sprouting like crazy. so the thing is in a single hole i dropped 1-2 seeds so they came out and are too close to each other. :wall:
how (and when) can i transplant them safely n when can i do it without killing them or fuking up thieir roots. (they are about 10 dats old now)
thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
you're kind of screwed. if they were bag seeds and you have a bunch more i would just start over with each seed in its own container. you can try and gently separate the plants but you are likely to stress them so much that starting over would be better.


Active Member
damn!if i water the soil n take a scoop of the soil with the little plants inside them and gently separate them n plant them think it will work?


Active Member
You can try. If you are very careful then you might be able to pull it off. But planting all of them in one pot is a big no no.


Well-Known Member
i would take the ones that have the biggest distance between them. They're only ten days old, so the roots aren't too long yet. I would try to scoop as deep as a plastic cup and then transplant them to a bigger pot.
About the ones that are too close, i wouldn't bother. They're still young, so be very careful with your moves, and hopefully they'll survive the stress.

I agree with desertat too, they're only 10 days old, so if you still have seeds and you'd start over, you wouldn't lose that much time. Considering that even if they survive the transplant, the growth will be stunned for some days.


Well-Known Member
you're kind of screwed. if they were bag seeds and you have a bunch more i would just start over with each seed in its own container. you can try and gently separate the plants but you are likely to stress them so much that starting over would be better.
it MIGHT work to some degree. you;re still going to delay the plants growth for those that do survive. sooner is probably better as the roots will just get more tangled over time


Well-Known Member
what I do if this happened to me is run warm water untill the soil is gone then slowly seperat the roots done this 2 times be for


Well-Known Member
Take the plants out of the pot, wash off gently with COOL water until the whole plant and root are exposed and cleansed of dirt. Gently separate and plant into own pots gently filling in with soil. water and enjoy.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
:wall: IS that not what I just said holy crap:wall:


RUI is a very large place. Sometimes there is an Echo....:weed:

I have also done this with very nice results. But I also used luke warm water that was about 65-70 degress or so.
But I did not wash until all dirt was gone. I think this would damage the fine hairs that are on the roots.


Active Member
yo i plated 2 plants pretty close together i transplanted them and they're fine, just make sure you transplant them into a big pot if their is two pant and water them more you should be good.

wannabe grower

Well-Known Member
The dang things are weeds when it comes down to it. Take em apart and put em in seperate containers, if they live cultivate em, if not toss em. It's really pretty simple. 10 days is not a long time in their life cycle overall, the roots are not overly developed and if you're gonna move em now is definately better than later.


Well-Known Member
i ripped four plants outa a pot and stuck them all into a dwc. The one that wasnt maele is flowering nicely. Lol, they survuve just realise later u will have to do a lotta patient kicking urself in the ass as u wait and wonder how mucch better they would have been if you had not had to repot. Rinsing them carefully in water is what i did. :wall:


Well-Known Member
I have done this myself, one hole and lots of seeds i waiting until the group of them was round 10 inches tall then removed all the dirt slowly untangling the roots until your done

I have heard that by doing this it makes stalks stronger and has an overall benefit too the plant...

true or not?


Active Member i just finished the transplanting actions. one stayed in the big pot the others i took them out with a big scoop n separated them with warn ontariogrower n NoDrama said, so now i just got to wait n see what happens.


Active Member
I have done this myself, one hole and lots of seeds i waiting until the group of them was round 10 inches tall then removed all the dirt slowly untangling the roots until your done

I have heard that by doing this it makes stalks stronger and has an overall benefit too the plant...

true or not?
im not sure about this..a friend reccomended this to me to make sure they all sprout out.