Baseless accusations end up in court all the time. Fuck, watch Judge Judy just once. All it takes is one person filing paper work and you are going to court over it.

Sexual predators are the worst, especially when children are involved. But until proof is brought forward, it didn't happen.

Judge Judy, lol. You gotta be fucking kidding me, I thought you are smarter than that, guess not. You do realize that's a TV show right?
Judge Judy, lol. You gotta be fucking kidding me, I thought you are smarter than that, guess not. You do realize that's a TV show right?

We get bad checks once in a while and have to take people to small claims to collect. Really, you fill out a piece of paper and say so and so did this, owes that etc and then they schedule a court date.

Criminal court isn;t much different. Get a lawyer, accuse someone of something, and you are going to court. Sexual cases are easy, little to no evidence is required.
Again, where is the proof? She said he raped her, no proof. Now she is being threatened? By who and how?

Words out her mouth.
We get bad checks once in a while and have to take people to small claims to collect. Really, you fill out a piece of paper and say so and so did this, owes that etc and then they schedule a court date.

Criminal court isn;t much different. Get a lawyer, accuse someone of something, and you are going to court. Sexual cases are easy, little to no evidence is required.

Your knowledge of law is pathetic, don't embarrass yourself further
I'm not a bit surprised that a sack of useless filth such as yourself would find threatening a rape victim amusing.

Alleged rape victim.

Hmmm . . . alleged treasonist, money launderer, election rigger, and rumors, (supposedly from the NYPD) say she may be a possible pedophile.

Yep, lot of fiction out there!

** I'm with Him ** (and you're losing!)
So let's get this straight for the record:

•Democrats are following "Hitlery", a name comparing her to Hitler over using the wrong email server

•Trump is "fantastic" and going to make America great but is on trial for raping little girls

Have I accurately portrayed the Republican mind set or is there an inaccuracy there?

Hillary set up a private server so the legitimate public FOIA requests would not catch any of the e-mails where here and her husband were using their foundation as a slush fund and running their household as a criminal empire.

The Clintons are worth hundreds of millions of dollars gotten from selling influence. They have no businesses or jobs yet rake in 'donations' from foreign governments and special interest groups.

The most corrupt white privilege couple on the planet but hey, they are dems and dems are all crooks so they get a pass....

Trump isnt on trial for shit. The first case was thrown out, the second case gets a hearing in December. I am pretty sure it gets thrown out real fast when the doe sisters suddenly have to give their testimony under oath.
Alleged rape victim.

Hmmm . . . alleged treasonist, money launderer, election rigger, and rumors, (supposedly from the NYPD) say she may be a possible pedophile.

Yep, lot of fiction out there!

** I'm with Him ** (and you're losing!)

Been incubating for a while, eh socko? Been 'here' since 2009 yet you've got less than 200 posts and 38 'likes' under your belt? (LOL!)

Yep, seems legit to me!

Hillary set up a private server so the legitimate public FOIA requests would not catch any of the e-mails where here and her husband were using their foundation as a slush fund and running their household as a criminal empire.

The Clintons are worth hundreds of millions of dollars gotten from selling influence. They have no businesses or jobs yet rake in 'donations' from foreign governments and special interest groups.

The most corrupt white privilege couple on the planet but hey, they are dems and dems are all crooks so they get a pass....

Trump isnt on trial for shit. The first case was thrown out, the second case gets a hearing in December. I am pretty sure it gets thrown out real fast when the doe sisters suddenly have to give their testimony under oath.
Hillary set up a private server so the legitimate public FOIA requests would not catch any of the e-mails where here and her husband were using their foundation as a slush fund and running their household as a criminal empire.

The Clintons are worth hundreds of millions of dollars gotten from selling influence. They have no businesses or jobs yet rake in 'donations' from foreign governments and special interest groups.

The most corrupt white privilege couple on the planet but hey, they are dems and dems are all crooks so they get a pass....

Trump isnt on trial for shit. The first case was thrown out, the second case gets a hearing in December. I am pretty sure it gets thrown out real fast when the doe sisters suddenly have to give their testimony under oath.
Evidence of anything you claim?


Fucking cuck.
Hillary set up a private server so the legitimate public FOIA requests would not catch any of the e-mails where here and her husband were using their foundation as a slush fund and running their household as a criminal empire.

The Clintons are worth hundreds of millions of dollars gotten from selling influence. They have no businesses or jobs yet rake in 'donations' from foreign governments and special interest groups.

The most corrupt white privilege couple on the planet but hey, they are dems and dems are all crooks so they get a pass....

Trump isnt on trial for shit. The first case was thrown out, the second case gets a hearing in December. I am pretty sure it gets thrown out real fast when the doe sisters suddenly have to give their testimony under oath.

Are you aware that your name is ANALEXCESS and that you've got a boy screaming in shock/pain as your avatar?

Are you aware that your name is ANALEXCESS and that you've got a boy screaming in shock/pain as your avatar?


My name is a cross strain of marijuana. Not like you would know that on a POT WEBSITE. Northern lights crossed with skunk... Very tasty!!!

As for the kid, it is the expression given when people look at your grow.... Shock and pain... So sad!!

I have never had any weird thoughts about my avatar yet you seem to have. There is therapy for that.