Well-Known Member
Your proving my point lol
Why would they tolerate it?
You forget what would happen if we go to war...
Allies such as China would clearly involve themselves.
Russia got sanctioned for supposedly anexing Crimea but Crimea actually had a referendum and 80% voted to join russia...
The sanctions are clearly a show of USA aggression because you feel threatened.
Even Obama has upgraded Russia's status to a important country...
Your clearly a very dillusional individual like your girlfriends
I'm guessing the only way your gunna understand this is by a mushroom cloud in your back yard...
I can see why russia are preparing for war...
You lot are trying to start one because you have your nickers in a twist for not being the worlds only superpower anymore.
And russia officially have more nuclear warheads than the USA so why would they need a bigger army?
You were clearly one of the fat ugly kids that got bullied to fuck in school because you look like guatamalan fairy princess I bet lolol
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