Trump leads with 46% while Clinton trails at 45% after FBI reboots email scandal investigation.

I just wish that choomie would understand that there is nothing wrong with loving men, sexually.

i wish the same for him. if he could just come to terms with his latent homosexuality, he could stop making bigoted slurs to people who aren't even gay.
I Bet if Putin was in the vote , You be probably shocked how many Americans would vote for him
Lets not forget one of the most important things here Hillary and Obama's policies have allowed other countries to almost surpass USA in military strength..
Who really screwed that up ??? We have allowed Russia to become a threat again.
And don't think there push overs.
They have surpassed USA in upgraded Nukes . What about China ??? they say there on track by 2020 4 years to surpass USA and number 1 super power remember ..
Its just not carriers or military to be a super power its money also . Which gain we do not have we need to borrow ..
USA military is falling apart out dated over priced Garbage

And yes like the Clinton foundation working with countries Getting them deals to the higest Bidder ..

surely is doing nothing for the average citizen ...

PS lets not forget the most famous Iran Nuke deal thanks to Obama and Hillary there bad policy has made USA the laughing stalk of the world all them trilions of dollars in Iraq and now Russia controls it all funny

Putn is saying we took Iraq, Iran, Syria from usa like taking candy from a baby

I agree that we have a shit stupid electorate that would vote for Trump and some of whom would vote for Putin if they could.

The rest of the stuff is pretty much rambling musings. What is your point? That under Obama, Putin has made Russia into a super power?

Umm, no. Putin is on borrowed time. He is spending Russia's money on war trinkets at an unsustainable rate. His country is in recession and he's spending 5% of GDP on arms. He can't keep up with the US, not now and not in a couple of more years of sanctions brought on by his adventures in Ukraine.

Obama has been brilliant in boxing Russia in and letting Putin waste its resources. What you are seeing is his saber rattling to distract the people and it will only work for so long.

He can say what he likes, but like Trump, he holds the weaker hand and is losing the game. The game is not over yet, and you believe the bluff.

Too funny you are. A coward too.
Russia has a real problem on it's hands with the loss of constitutional government and installation of a repressive dictator in the form of Putin. The smart action taken by Obama to institute economic sanctions with the cooperation of other economies is biting into the Russian economy. What the people of Russia to do about their problem is up to them and not the US. But the US and other nations don't need Russia as much as Russia needs them and so, the advantage is on the US's side.

Putin will not use nuclear weapons, that's just plain dumb. He's rattling swords and making a show of things to keep the people of Russia focused on nationalist pride instead of how shitty things have gotten for them lately. 5% of GDP spent on trinkets of war during a recession is unsustainable. I'm sure you've heard of the line about how not learning history...and so forth. Putin has Russia headed into the same arms race and economic trap that brought down the Soviet Union.

Remember when Romney told Obama that Russia was our biggest threat and obama laughed?
Remember when Romney told Obama that Russia was our biggest threat and obama laughed?
Was he right at the time?

To be honest, I don't think Russia is our biggest threat even now. Russia is certainly one of our biggest threats but is it THE biggest? China is a big threat. North Korea is a big threat. ISIS is a big threat. The terrorist element of the evangelical church movement is a big threat. Trump not accepting defeat and encouraging violence is a big threat. Brexit destabilizing the economy of the EU is a big threat. Cops shooting kids during routine traffic stops is a big threat.

I dunno man, a country with a belligerent dictator and failing economy seems like a big threat. Philippines, Venezuela and Russia fit those descriptions. Maybe when Clinton is inaugurated, you'd put the US in the same category as Venezuela and Russia.

The constitutional crisis in Brazil might turn out to be a big threat.

By your standards, to pass the "Romey debate test", we need to project out four years to identify our biggest threat and be called out if we didn't read the tea leaves correctly.

Come to think of it, you made a shit stupid post. I suggest you delete it while you still can.
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No...I'm stoned, having fun w/ your deficiencies, and justifying your occupation.

win/win......... until I get bored.

defending your latent homosexuality and getting duped into fake, debunked twitter headlines barely seems like it would be fun.
YOU're the one who is yelling that the sky is falling, and then you say that WE are brainwashed??

Get a clue, Son! Your profile says that you are 26 years old, so you obviously don't know shit about anything. Why not read what people that are older and much wiser say, instead of posting your juvenile bullshit?

Just a suggestion.


Why not go out of your little bubble and take a look at what's going on in the world...

NATO are moving hundreds of troops, tanks and jets to eu countries bordering russia due to thousands of russian forces being stationed there being trained to invade the Baltic.

Norway are even being considered as a strategic target (nuclear target) by the russians due to america sending marines there to protect the border.

We are on the brink of war and you are absolutely clueless.

Do the research and you will see im correct ;)
Why not go out of your little bubble and take a look at what's going on in the world...

NATO are moving hundreds of troops, tanks and jets to eu countries bordering russia due to thousands of russian forces being stationed there being trained to invade the Baltic.

Norway are even being considered as a strategic target (nuclear target) by the russians due to america sending marines there to protect the border.

We are on the brink of war and you are absolutely clueless.

Do the research and you will see im correct ;)

russia is full of cucks.
Why not go out of your little bubble and take a look at what's going on in the world...

NATO are moving hundreds of troops, tanks and jets to eu countries bordering russia due to thousands of russian forces being stationed there being trained to invade the Baltic.

Norway are even being considered as a strategic target (nuclear target) by the russians due to america sending marines there to protect the border.

We are on the brink of war and you are absolutely clueless.

Do the research and you will see im correct ;)
Umm, Russia is an economic disaster.
Russia's military is the fourth largest in the world and it's economy ranks 11th.
Russia is spending 5% of it's GDP on arms. Yet it's overall GDP dropped 3.5% last year.
Russia is contained and under economic sanctions that will hold the economy down through the 2018 elections.

How long do you think the people of Russia will be satisfied with 16% inflation, a weak ruble and withering prospects for the next generation?

This isn't a child's game of a bully's bluff on a school yard. Putin's strategy can't win in the long run.
this really happened oct 7th
40 Million Russians Set to Drill for World War III
I stage: organization of civil defense actions.

The stage is going to practice notification and gathering of senior officials of federal and regional executive authorities, local governments and civil defense forces, deployment of civil defense management system on all levels, readying civil defense communication and notification system. After the National Crisis Management Center have brought the management signals, all management bodies, state authorities, forces and facilities on duty and people will be notified through notification systems available.

II stage: Planning and organization of civil defense actions. Deploying a team of civil defense forces and facilities designed to respond to large disasters and fires.

The stage plans to practice deployment a mobile interagency multi-functional team of civil defense forces and facilities in each federal district in order to carry our rescue and other urgent operations, civil defense actions and to deploy special civil defense units in constituent territories; putting rescue military units, divisions of the federal fire service, rescue units on standby. The stage provides for the team to be reinforced, activation of backup control centers and practicing collecting and exchanging information in the field of civil defense.

III stage: Organization of actions of civil defense management bodies and forces for response to large disasters and fires.

The stage will deal with the use of the civil defense team to respond to large disasters and fires, setting up aerial and mobile control centers, revising of routes for save evacuation of people, organization of vital services; taking off fire and rescue units of the federal fire service to put out fires and conduct rescue operations at potentially dangerous facilities, including closed administrative territorial entities.

The drill will rehearse radiation, chemical and biological protection of the personnel and population during emergencies at crucial and potentially dangerous facilities. Fire safety, civil defense and human protection at social institutions and public buildings are also planned to be checked. Response units will deploy radiation, chemical and biological monitoring centers and sanitation posts at the emergency areas, while laboratory control networks are going to be put on standby.

The fact that among the measures tasked for the civil defense team will be a response to "disasters and fires" as well as the rehearsal of "radiation, chemical and biological protection", makes it clear that Russia is about to hold its biggest nuclear war drill since perhaps the end of the Cold War.

from Russia Today, hahaha.

Loser! Sad!
I guess hillary didn't give Russian Uranium One enough in order to be covered by the Russian media in a positive light.

Also, Russia didn't leak info, USA intelligence did:

Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Steve Pieczenik just put out two videos. One is stating that the rank and file of the US intelligence community is rebelling against what they are calling a silent coup by the Clintons and their sphere to seize control of the government. Pieczenik says the intelligence 'counter-coup' is what has been feeding info to Wikileaks. He goes on to state that Hillary cannot be allowed to be president and that the FBI are going to attempt to have her and Bill brought up on charges before the election, mostly regarding the Clinton Foundation, as the Weiner emails were just the go-ahead to blow the whole thing open.

The second video is him talking about how both Hillary and Bill were customers at Jeffrey Epstein's "Lolitaexpress" pedophilia sex retreat in the Bahamas.

But hey, you'd better vote for Clinton. You wouldn't want to be a racist, now would you?
I guess hillary didn't give Russian Uranium One enough in order to be covered by the Russian media in a positive light.

Also, Russia didn't leak info, USA intelligence did:

Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Steve Pieczenik just put out two videos. One is stating that the rank and file of the US intelligence community is rebelling against what they are calling a silent coup by the Clintons and their sphere to seize control of the government. Pieczenik says the intelligence 'counter-coup' is what has been feeding info to Wikileaks. He goes on to state that Hillary cannot be allowed to be president and that the FBI are going to attempt to have her and Bill brought up on charges before the election, mostly regarding the Clinton Foundation, as the Weiner emails were just the go-ahead to blow the whole thing open.

The second video is him talking about how both Hillary and Bill were customers at Jeffrey Epstein's "Lolitaexpress" pedophilia sex retreat in the Bahamas.

But hey, you'd better vote for Clinton. You wouldn't want to be a racist, now would you?

Reported as spam
Umm, Russia is an economic disaster.
Russia's military is the fourth largest in the world and it's economy ranks 11th.
Russia is spending 5% of it's GDP on arms. Yet it's overall GDP dropped 3.5% last year.
Russia is contained and under economic sanctions that will hold the economy down through the 2018 elections.

How long do you think the people of Russia will be satisfied with 16% inflation, a weak ruble and withering prospects for the next generation?

This isn't a child's game of a bully's bluff on a school yard. Putin's strategy can't win in the long run.

Your proving my point lol

Why would they tolerate it?

You forget what would happen if we go to war...

Allies such as China would clearly involve themselves.

Russia got sanctioned for supposedly anexing Crimea but Crimea actually had a referendum and 80% voted to join russia...

The sanctions are clearly a show of USA aggression because you feel threatened.

Even Obama has upgraded Russia's status to a important country...

Your clearly a very dillusional individual like your girlfriends

I'm guessing the only way your gunna understand this is by a mushroom cloud in your back yard...

I can see why russia are preparing for war...

You lot are trying to start one because you have your nickers in a twist for not being the worlds only superpower anymore.

And russia officially have more nuclear warheads than the USA so why would they need a bigger army?

You were clearly one of the fat ugly kids that got bullied to fuck in school because you look like guatamalan fairy princess I bet lolol
