the point is we got someone running who has an upcoming rape case. who cares if its today or 3 years for now. i know rape probably doesnt mean much to you, how else would you get laid right?.. but its a pretty serious accusation for someone who had the possibility of running our country. you fucking retard
Damn man, remind me to not get into an argument with you. That was fucking great. LOL.
yeah there are some very very creepy photos of Ivanka and Donald. With her legs all intertwined with his and her arms all wrapped around him in ways that just look wrong. That family is demented and completely out to lunch.

Yep, nothing creeeeeepy here!



Take a good LOOK at her body language in the last pic and TELL me he didn't assault her.....fucking SICK beyond comprehension...

download (8).png
This entire fiasco is surreal. I heard Hill was going to rally in Florida with the Miss Universe who Donald called Miss Piggy. Just hearing that alone, having Miss Piggy involved , this has gone just too damn far!!!!!!
She's become a very popular celebrity with latina telenovella fans. Trumps behavior towards her has turned that crowd against him. Especially in Florida, this was a shrewd move.

Remember Trump's "nasty woman" quip, as if women always should be nice even when men aren't? Who says women have to be nice? Clinton's move to revisit Trump's "Miss Piggy" faux pas is downright cut throat, smart, mean and exactly the kind of action she needs to take to win FLA.
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Lolz, trial is after the election, but dems are using it now...thank you for making my point. You're not very good at this political debate thing...use some common sense you dumbass.
You are talking like you approve of the raping of a 13 year old. When is the proper time to discuss the accusation of the Republican nominee for President involved in the rape of a 13 year old ?
Yep, nothing creeeeeepy here!

View attachment 3821004

View attachment 3821003

Take a good LOOK at her body language in the last pic and TELL me he didn't assault her.....fucking SICK beyond comprehension...

View attachment 3821013
He grabs her by the pussy. Her nipples look a little hard. You think he's grabbing it now ?
This entire fiasco is surreal. I heard Hill was going to rally in Florida with the Miss Universe who Donald called Miss Piggy. Just hearing that alone, having Miss Piggy involved , this has gone just too damn far!!!!!!

lol and it back fired trump owns Florida and up on her .

London it seems you approve Of Hilarious corrupt operation
You still looking for a job ? i here the Russian uranium mine working in Oregon USA is hiring

listen to her now in her speeches lol screaming not going after trump any more but his supporters lmao
she is done 5 days and counting
Ryk just for you brother

The claim has particular political salience at the moment because of an investigative piece published byThe New York Timeson Thursday that showed the Clinton Foundation, run by former President Bill Clinton and current presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, hadaccepted millions of dollars from foreign donors, including some in Russia, who were seeking the government’s approval of a deal that would transfer the rights to about 20 percent of U.S. uranium mines to a Russian-held company.

Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State at the time, and her department, as well as a number of other U.S. agencies, approved the deal. Multiple approvals were required because uranium is considered an asset with national security importance

Under the deal, Russian firm Rosatom took control of a Canadian company called Uranium One. This gave Rosatom control of uranium production facilities across the globe, including about one-fifth of the capacity in the United States.

Inan interview with Fox Newshost Greta Van Susteren, Barrasso said that he opposed the sale back in 2010, when it was first contemplated. And said, “Now you have [Russian President] Vladimir Putin owning 20 percent of American uranium – controlling that. And we know that Russia sends uranium to people who are not our friends, to our bitter enemies, including Iran.”

Related: EU Dials Back Gazprom Investigation, but Still Riles Kremlin

At the time, Barrasso said, he was assured by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission that the Uranium would not leave the U.S.

In fact, we do know that uranium has left the United States, has gone overseas, and under the direction of Vladimir Putin.

Because of the importance of uranium to both national security and energy generation, uranium exports are tightly controlled. On Thursday, though, Barrasso claimed that that Rosatom is moving it out of the country without permission.

Van Susteren asked if the Nuclear Regulatory commission had granted an export license, and Barrasso said that it had not – he had asked the NRC to alert him if a license request was submitted.
hope solo:
For one, the United States doesn’t actually produce all that much uranium (about 2 percent in 2015) and is actually a net importer of the chemical, according to Jeffrey Lewis, a nuclear nonproliferation expert at Middlebury Institute and former director at the New America Foundation.

For another, Russia doesn’t have the licenses to export uranium outside the United States, Oilprice.org pointed out, "so it’s somewhat disingenuous to say this uranium is now Russia’s, to do with what it pleases." The Kremlin was likely more interested in Uranium One’s assets in Kazakhstan, the world’s largest producer.
lol and it back fired trump owns Florida and up on her .

London it seems you approve Of Hilarious corrupt operation
You still looking for a job ? i here the Russian uranium mine working in Oregon USA is hiring

listen to her now in her speeches lol screaming not going after trump any more but his supporters lmao
she is done 5 days and counting
I don't approve of men disrespecting respectable women. Trump is unfit to hold the office of the POTUS.
Why would I need a job ? I count coinage for a living now and sometimes I buy large amounts of single load laundry detergent.
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more for ya:
Our ruling

Trump said, "Hillary Clinton’s State Department approved the transfer of 20 percent of America’s uranium holdings to Russia, while nine investors in the deal funneled $145 million to the Clinton Foundation."

There’s a grain of truth in this claim. Clinton’s State Department was one of nine government agencies to approve Russia’s acquisition of a company with U.S. uranium assets. Nine people related the company at some point in time donated to the Clinton Foundation, but we only found evidence that one did so "while" the Russian deal was occurring. The bulk of the $145 million in donations came two years before the deal.

Trump is certainly within his right to question the indisputable links between Clinton Foundation donors and their ties to Uranium One, but Trump’s charge exaggerates the links. More importantly, his suggestion of a quid pro quo is unsubstantiated, as Schweizer the author of Clinton Cash himself has admitted.

On the most basic level, Trump’s timeline is off. Most of the donations occurred before Clinton was named secretary of state.

We rate Trump’s claim Mostly False