Can't wait to move and get settled.
Got a phone call the other day from a buddy telling me that he went to shake the tarp I had above my girls up north and they were gone.
6 6' tall plants that weren't even close to being done.
Pisses me off to think that no one will get anything worthwhile from them yet some asshat thought they were still worth stealing.
So since this is not the first time this has happened to me I'm 100% never putting another plant outside.
It isUnless it's your own property, at least.
It is
My own property
Covered in no hunting/trespassing signs.
Karma will hopefully catch the culprit instead of me.
Thanks broWell fuck. Probably best for your karma if you don't. Sorry, man.
Summer of 02 I lost more than I'm even comfortable admitting bro.That sucks torontoke. I got hit and lost a number of plants. For me that's the risk of guerilla growing.
Also need a different fan in this thing the two 4" pc fans just weren't keeping up.
Can a 6" inline be turned down enough to not sound like a plane landing
Thanks budI use a DIY fan controller on a 6" inline fan and it's doing the job running at half speed and is way quieter. You don't want a light dimmer but one that's for ceiling fans. I just put it in an metal electrical box, should have used a plastic one, and wired in cords on either end. To buy all the parts is probably as much or more than buying a speed controller online but I had all the parts other than the controller which was about $12.
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How does this Gas Light thing work? I expect to be running close to 3K worth of lighting soon and with the high cost of power here in northern Alberta I wouldn't mind saving a few kwh if I can and still get good results.
Great thread!
Thanks for stopping byWhatever works man!
Thanks bud
Gas light routine or 12:1 is
A 13 hr veg cycle instead of the conventional 18 or 24.
So it's 12 on 5.5 off 1 on 5.5 off
Saves at least 5 hrs a day minimum while keeping the plants in veg.
Mid day depression. Makes sense that it works.Here's a twist; instead of running veg 18 on and 6 off, a friend suggested I try 6 on and 2 off, the times a day. The theory was that plants do their best growing in the first part of the day, so replicate that.
The plants- none of which are auto flowers- in this regime are remaining in veg state. No surprise but it's always nice to have confirmation, right?
They do seem to like it and grow vigorously. I see no ill effects. I noticed a slowdown in growth rates under standard 12/1 gaslight timing, these grow easily as fast- or faster.
I don't have proof so I'm not making the claim, but they 'seem' to be growing a bit faster than when I ran 18/6. One theory is above. Another possibility is that the room doesn't get as hot over 6 hours as it would with 18 hours of continuous lighting, so plants are in better conditions.
Here's a twist; instead of running veg 18 on and 6 off, a friend suggested I try 6 on and 2 off, the times a day. The theory was that plants do their best growing in the first part of the day, so replicate that.
The plants- none of which are auto flowers- in this regime are remaining in veg state. No surprise but it's always nice to have confirmation, right?
They do seem to like it and grow vigorously. I see no ill effects. I noticed a slowdown in growth rates under standard 12/1 gaslight timing, these grow easily as fast- or faster.
I don't have proof so I'm not making the claim, but they 'seem' to be growing a bit faster than when I ran 18/6. One theory is above. Another possibility is that the room doesn't get as hot over 6 hours as it would with 18 hours of continuous lighting, so plants are in better conditions.
Fair enough sirI have no problem keeping temps steady under 24/0 if I wanted that but I'm a believer that plants need a sleepy time too to be as healthy as possible so stick to 18/6 or 20/4 so they get a solid few hours of sleep. I know I wouldn't want to get up after two hours, be awake for 6 then sleep for two more. I'm more of an 18/6 guy in real life.
As the plants do most all their growing and producing sugars etc that they need to grow using light as their energy source it just doesn't seem logical that they could do as well with a broken light schedule and less hours of light. Time is wasted shutting down and getting going again and it goes against what millions of years of evolution has fine-tuned the plants genetics to want.
I'm not saying there isn't merit in either idea but put me down as skeptical.
Thanks for the response.
Mid day depression. Makes sense that it works.