Hillary can't be trusted

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Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member

"That attitude shines through the Times story today that treats her a commodity to be sold and not as a leader of the nation.....it treats her as a calculating tactician who is changing her maneuvers about how to sell herself to manipulatable voters"

"I could write a column listing one by one the corporate clients of many of Hillary's closest advisors and many Democrats would puke. I have researched this, and it is appalling,"
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Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member

Bill Clinton signed into law the draconian 1994 crime bill that provided $9.7B to build prisons. #FollowTheMoney

Google's chair asked HRC to hire "low paid" campaign workers. Greedy Neoliberals don't need the encouragement, Eric. https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/37262…

#FollowTheMoney when you see the founder of the world's largest search engine colluding with a presidential candidate.

NAFTA and TPP allow multinational corporations to sue our government in global tribunals to challenge any laws they don't like. #NoTPP

NAFTA destroyed 1 million US jobs, boosted income inequality, & dealt a heavy blow to unions and workers' rights.


Well-Known Member
You are in rare form today, @Flaming Pie . In this one thread you posted 14 spam propaganda truthy stuff in this morning! It must be hard to sleep knowing that none of your spamaganda affect the core of Clinton voters. I understand your dilemma because I see the same thing from Trump voters.

You guys can't get over the fact that 25 or 30 years of smear campaign propaganda made up shit is not switching thought-enabled voters to Trump. I understand that facts are difficult for you to grasp whereas faith is easy, very easy for you given your buffet-style of Christian faith.

We Clinton supporters can't get over how unqualified Trump was in comparison to Clinton during all three debates. We find it hard to understand why Trump supporters are intent upon putting a completely unqualified emotionally volatile sexual predator in office. Yours is an article of faith, we go by verifiable facts, like, Trump took complete advantage of his position to sexually abuse women co-workers and employees. Also, that he was a stammering idiot during the debates whereas Clinton established her readiness to be president. Also, Clinton has shown herself to be above the yammering propaganda machine of the right. In contrast, Trump has a thin skin and cannot help but respond to every little provocation. Trump is not the kind of person who should be in control of the codes to this country's nuclear weapons.

Now, I understand that for you the root of your hatred for all things Clinton is your obsession with other women's fetuses. But really, it's time for you to accept the truth, that the majority of voters agree that if a person is against abortion then they should choose to not have one. It's time for you to recognize the right of people to have religious views that are different from yours, especially when yours are so plastic.


Well-Known Member
You are in rare form today, @Flaming Pie . In this one thread you posted 14 spam propaganda truthy stuff in this morning! It must be hard to sleep knowing that none of your spamaganda affect the core of Clinton voters. I understand your dilemma because I see the same thing from Trump voters.

You guys can't get over the fact that 25 or 30 years of smear campaign propaganda made up shit is not switching thought-enabled voters to Trump. I understand that facts are difficult for you to grasp whereas faith is easy, very easy for you given your buffet-style of Christian faith.

We Clinton supporters can't get over how unqualified Trump was in comparison to Clinton during all three debates. We find it hard to understand why Trump supporters are intent upon putting a completely unqualified emotionally volatile sexual predator in office. Yours is an article of faith, we go by verifiable facts, like, Trump took complete advantage of his position to sexually abuse women co-workers and employees. Also, that he was a stammering idiot during the debates whereas Clinton established her readiness to be president. Also, Clinton has shown herself to be above the yammering propaganda machine of the right. In contrast, Trump has a thin skin and cannot help but respond to every little provocation. Trump is not the kind of person who should be in control of the codes to this country's nuclear weapons.

Now, I understand that for you the root of your hatred for all things Clinton is your obsession with other women's fetuses. But really, it's time for you to accept the truth, that the majority of voters agree that if a person is against abortion then they should choose to not have one. It's time for you to recognize the right of people to have religious views that are different from yours, especially when yours are so plastic.
@Flaming Pie in short... anyone who would vote for Trump is a fucking idiot.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
You are in rare form today, @Flaming Pie . In this one thread you posted 14 spam propaganda truthy stuff in this morning! It must be hard to sleep knowing that none of your spamaganda affect the core of Clinton voters. I understand your dilemma because I see the same thing from Trump voters.

You guys can't get over the fact that 25 or 30 years of smear campaign propaganda made up shit is not switching thought-enabled voters to Trump. I understand that facts are difficult for you to grasp whereas faith is easy, very easy for you given your buffet-style of Christian faith.

We Clinton supporters can't get over how unqualified Trump was in comparison to Clinton during all three debates. We find it hard to understand why Trump supporters are intent upon putting a completely unqualified emotionally volatile sexual predator in office. Yours is an article of faith, we go by verifiable facts, like, Trump took complete advantage of his position to sexually abuse women co-workers and employees. Also, that he was a stammering idiot during the debates whereas Clinton established her readiness to be president. Also, Clinton has shown herself to be above the yammering propaganda machine of the right. In contrast, Trump has a thin skin and cannot help but respond to every little provocation. Trump is not the kind of person who should be in control of the codes to this country's nuclear weapons.

Now, I understand that for you the root of your hatred for all things Clinton is your obsession with other women's fetuses. But really, it's time for you to accept the truth, that the majority of voters agree that if a person is against abortion then they should choose to not have one. It's time for you to recognize the right of people to have religious views that are different from yours, especially when yours are so plastic.
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