A rapist, a neo-nazi, and a sock puppet walk into a bar...


Active Member
stop being so defensive. i am kind of an expert grower. i know a shitty plant when i see one. you have one.
That's cool your entitled to your opinion but it looks fine to what ive compared it to so i guess ill see at the end n ill update pics :)


Well-Known Member
What about the 'Fox Farm' soil, though? And moss/stones? Should I try and do more than one plant at a time? (Just need enough for myself.)


Well-Known Member
You don't live in fear because your absolutely dillusional lol

I don't know how many times I have to repeat myself but I'll do it one more time for good measure...

Russia has moved its Thermonuclear capable missile's to several locations which are in range of EU and US countries and states.

Russia held a Thermonuclear war drill last week that include 40,000,000 CIVILIANS!!!

Putin has stated that if hilary is elected it will lead to a thermonuclear war...

In Hilary's leaked emails she states she states she wants to put a ring of missiles around china (Russia is one of China's closest allies) ...

You need mental help if you can't understand that we are even closer to thermonuclear war than we were in the cold war!
I participated in START inspections in the military. Yes, Russia actually gets to come on US bases and look around. Sure we hide things from them. I'm sure they hide stuff from us.

The only person with a nuke that scares me is a religious fanatic. They wouldn't care if they killed themselves or others around them when they used it.

Putin knows damn well that if we went to war it would damn near kill the world.

Anyone with sense would stay away from nuclear war.

Only one country has used a weapon of that caliber of destruction and that was the US.


Well-Known Member
I participated in START inspections in the military. Yes, Russia actually gets to come on US bases and look around. Sure we hide things from them. I'm sure they hide stuff from us.

The only person with a nuke that scares me is a religious fanatic. They wouldn't care if they killed themselves or others around them when they used it.

Putin knows damn well that if we went to war it would damn near kill the world.

Anyone with sense would stay away from nuclear war.

Only one country has used a weapon of that caliber of destruction and that was the US.
he's a clueless troll from out of the country, nobody takes him seriously.