The UK Growers Thread!

Ur poor missus
You should see what she's getting for pudding.
I do stodgy food on a Sunday so she gets tired and goes to bed early.
Then I can get the canoe out. It's becoming my regular habit on a Sunday now lol
It helps to get my body clock back in the right place for working nights too.
I think I'll give that black domino a try tonight.
I've ordered some red Levi's from partyflocknl that should be here next week sometime
Baking soda and some lemon juice will do until then.


Baking soda (Sodium Bicarbonate) is a weak base so you need quite a bit of it to raise PH.
And too much Sodium fucks with Calcium, which in turn fucks with Nitrogen.

Lemon juice (Citric Acid) is also weak but will work but again, if you use a fair bit. It won't hold the PH stable for very long either.

Neither is to be advised.
Ha ha iv ordered one dude nowt I can do right I'm not in town

While you're there order yourself a bottle of Canna Mono Calcium because that will go with the tub of Epsom Salts (Magnesium Sulphate) from Boots to be your Cal/Mag supplimentation (make sure you choose Calcium)........

You won't need any Calcium in the feed just yet but you will before long.

That litre bottle will last ages, several decent sized grows.
Not quite yet lol he's trying though.
I can't really mess with too many benzos because of my job. I just use them as an off switch.
One xanax flattens me in half an hour because I have zero tolerance to them.
I don't know how people manage to function when they're having them for breakfast lol