If trump wins you won't be saying anything like that

if a country has done well for itself it is entitled to show favor to its own citizens which contributed to that success whether black, white or green.
But people from countries with less success think they can move to a successful country and make it their own that said country will deteriorate if these people come into power.
Why not try and build there own country and help is prosper?
Because we as human want the best in life and want it asap even if it has negative affects on the country we were made in.
And who can blame us its in our nature to want the best for our families!
But that still doesn't change the fact that if a majority moved from a failing country to a successful county that said country would deteriorate due to the lazy people that can't be bothered to build their own country.
In other words get off your lazy asses and help your own country prosper before selling out to another...