It seems like you are set fit to be against the laws of this land. Learn to accept the rules for private and public property. It will help with you not supporting discrimination, bigotry, and racism. Just like laws and rules of the road. If everyone thought like you, we would have people just running lights and driving on which ever side they wanted. We have rules and regulation for a reason. Learn to accept that as a civilize society , it is much needed. Also will help with you getting released.

side note : Saving your hard boiled eggs from breakfast to trade for extra coffee is not running a business, nor blocking the dayroom and charging for entry.

A civilization which has no respect for private property and allows some people to force an interaction on property they do not own, has a fundamental flaw. You can't force people to associate and then declare you are advancing peace. They are opposing concepts.

Also, I think you may have confused "imposed order" with peace. Peace, respects a persons right to self determine, themselves and their property, but no right to forcibly impose on others and their property. To maintain peace, we prohibit the use of offensive force to create a human interaction.

I support a persons right to self determine even when I would chose to use my property differently. Self determination ends and becomes offensive force when people follow the path you endorse, which is to make others choices for them.

I DO accept the rules for private property, that's why I don't endorse a nonowner determining the uses of it.

Public property is an oxymoron, since the term implies two opposing concepts at once.

I love boiled eggs and jail coffee is pretty bad.
Here we go the corruption has been exposed from inside the Clinton campaign by the campaign manager.

The Clinton's are blatant criminals...

There have been 25 years of accusations millions spent on investigations. Very powerful people have done all they could to pin something tangible on Ms Clinton. Nothing ever found. Until somebody actually charges her and she's found guilty, this is all BS.

That video? A perfect example of the hoo-haw bleated by her opponents and the press. Were you awake when it played? The headline did not match what was said in the video. And besides that, it came with a truthy warning label: FOX News. Trump lies on average every six minutes and the only lie in that video was the headline written but the Fake News Network.
There have been 25 years of accusations millions spent on investigations. Very powerful people have done all they could to pin something tangible on Ms Clinton. Nothing ever found. Until somebody actually charges her and she's found guilty, this is all BS.

That video? A perfect example of the hoo-haw bleated by her opponents and the press. Were you awake when it played? The headline did not match what was said in the video. And besides that, it came with a truthy warning label: FOX News. Trump lies on average every six minutes and the only lie in that video was the headline written but the Fake News Network.
All that means is that she used currupt methodd to wriggle her way out of it... What you really need to look at is why there so many investigations in the first place... Its Career politician corruption 101!
A civilization which has no respect for private property and allows some people to force an interaction on property they do not own, has a fundamental flaw. You can't force people to associate and then declare you are advancing peace. They are opposing concepts.

Also, I think you may have confused "imposed order" with peace. Peace, respects a persons right to self determine, themselves and their property, but no right to forcibly impose on others and their property. To maintain peace, we prohibit the use of offensive force to create a human interaction.

I support a persons right to self determine even when I would chose to use my property differently. Self determination ends and becomes offensive force when people follow the path you endorse, which is to make others choices for them.

I DO accept the rules for private property, that's why I don't endorse a nonowner determining the uses of it.

Public property is an oxymoron, since the term implies two opposing concepts at once.

I love boiled eggs and jail coffee is pretty bad.
How peaceful was it when people were allowed to discriminate ? What good does discrimination bring about ? Was America a better place when we had discrimination and segregation ? How can you support that shit.
Very disappointed in you once again.
How peaceful was it when people were allowed to discriminate ? What good does discrimination bring about ? Was America a better place when we had discrimination and segregation ? How can you support that shit.
Very disappointed in you once again.
The majority discrimination that occurs these days is against white people...
All that means is that she used currupt methodd to wriggle her way out of it... What you really need to look at is why there so many investigations in the first place... Its Career politician corruption 101!
Accusations aren't the same as guilt. The extreme right don't seem to understand this.
The majority discrimination that occurs these days is against white people...
Too funny this.

Make America Great Again means "I want this country to be like it was in the '50s", like segregation, cheap black servants, wimin cooked and stayed home and sometimes died in back alley abortions.

Fuck that.
NO you will not speak to me
You will sit and behave like a child who can control him or herself
If trump wins you won't be saying anything like that ;) if a country has done well for itself it is entitled to show favor to its own citizens which contributed to that success whether black, white or green.

But people from countries with less success think they can move to a successful country and make it their own that said country will deteriorate if these people come into power.

Why not try and build there own country and help is prosper?

Because we as human want the best in life and want it asap even if it has negative affects on the country we were made in.

And who can blame us its in our nature to want the best for our families!

But that still doesn't change the fact that if a majority moved from a failing country to a successful county that said country would deteriorate due to the lazy people that can't be bothered to build their own country.

In other words get off your lazy asses and help your own country prosper before selling out to another...
How peaceful was it when people were allowed to discriminate ? What good does discrimination bring about ? Was America a better place when we had discrimination and segregation ? How can you support that shit.
Very disappointed in you once again.

I'm not arguing FOR what a racist does. I'm arguing for his/her ability to self determine and control their OWN justly acquired property, but not the justly acquired property of others.

When a racist or anybody else, goes to ANOTHER persons property and breaks the peace by insisting on creating an unwanted interaction on the property of that other person aren't they breaking the peace ?

America isn't a single place, it's a legal fiction, in reality it's many places held together by people who've prolonged a central government which was created to transfer wealth and property. Their tactics while made legal, weren't very nice.

Do I like what a racist thinks ? No
Do I think they have a right to think things I disagree with? Yes

Would I try to control another persons justly acquired property ? NO
Would you try to control another persons justly acquired property ? YES

Defensive force is morally permissible when defending your own property isn't it ?
Using offensive force is what occurs when you attempt to force an interaction, on property which isn't yours with the owner of said property.

I disavow the use of offensive force and accept the use of defensive force. I try to be consistent with my principles. Peace.
Accusations aren't the same as guilt. The extreme right don't seem to understand this.

Too funny this.

Make America Great Again means "I want this country to be like it was in the '50s", like segregation, cheap black servants, wimin cooked and stayed home and sometimes died in back alley abortions.

Fuck that.
Hell no people deserve the same rights whether black, white or green! Its my opinion that people should focus on their own country's instead of expecting to be given everything from another!
If trump wins you won't be saying anything like that ;) if a country has done well for itself it is entitled to show favor to its own citizens which contributed to that success whether black, white or green.

But people from countries with less success think they can move to a successful country and make it their own that said country will deteriorate if these people come into power.

Why not try and build there own country and help is prosper?

Because we as human want the best in life and want it asap even if it has negative affects on the country we were made in.

And who can blame us its in our nature to want the best for our families!

But that still doesn't change the fact that if a majority moved from a failing country to a successful county that said country would deteriorate due to the lazy people that can't be bothered to build their own country.

In other words get off your lazy asses and help your own country prosper before selling out to another...
I'm not arguing FOR what a racist does. I'm arguing for his/her ability to self determine and control their OWN justly acquired property, but not the justly acquired property of others.

When a racist or anybody else, goes to ANOTHER persons property and breaks the peace by insisting on creating an unwanted interaction on the property of that other person aren't they breaking the peace ?

America isn't a single place, it's a legal fiction, in reality it's many places held together by people who've prolonged a central government which was created to transfer wealth and property. Their tactics while made legal, weren't very nice.

Do I like what a racist thinks ? No
Do I think they have a right to think things I disagree with? Yes

Would I try to control another persons justly acquired property ? NO
Would you try to control another persons justly acquired property ? YES

Defensive force is morally permissible when defending your own property isn't it ?
Using offensive force is what occurs when you attempt to force an interaction, on property which isn't yours with the owner of said property.

I disavow the use of offensive force and accept the use of defensive force. I try to be consistent with my principles. Peace.
You would still need force to impose segregation.

Public and Private property. Learn to understand the meaning and the difference.
Hell no people deserve the same rights whether black, white or green! Its my opinion that people should focus on their own country's instead of expecting to be given everything from another!
Make America Great Again is Trump's slogan, dude. He's recalling a time that was never great for everybody in this country. Trump and his followers want to roll back the rights acts of the 60's and legal precedents that prevent the shit that went down before then.
Make America Great Again is Trump's slogan, dude. He's recalling a time that was never great for everybody in this country. Trump and his followers want to roll back the rights acts of the 60's and legal precedents that prevent the shit that went down before then.
You really think he would have a chance at that? We have evolved a lot as a species over the last few decades and we are a lot more tolerant to other peoples ways of life.

Trump will not be able to change this if elected and everyone knows this.

Clinton is a warmonger and will do literally anything to take control which has become blatantly obvious throughout this election.

Imagine what she will do if she actually got that power?

Its would be a shitstorm!
You would still need force to impose segregation.

Public and Private property. Learn to understand the meaning and the difference.

It's so cute when you lecture me, but please don't get carried away, you'll hurt yourself.
Ahem...Okay, let's break it down now...

To defend property you own is a use of DEFENSIVE force. Morally permissible.

To attempt to control OTHERS property without their voluntary individual consent, is using OFFENSIVE force. Morally impermissible.

The reasons we both don't like a racist doesn't provide us a license for either of us to use OFFENSIVE force, even against a racist.

A better understanding on your part of what property is and isn't might facilitate a better understanding of the difference between using offensive force and defensive force. Nobody has a right to use offensive force and everybody has a right to use defensive force.

I don't favor a third party forcing segregation or forcing integration. I favor voluntary and peaceful human interactions, which is why I harsh on government in the ad nauseum, since they use a coercion based means contrary to voluntary means.