Northern Grow Lights Photon 180 Citizen 1825 90 CRI


Well-Known Member
@hotshotisdashit Thanks man. I'm just a little preoccupied with what I'm seeing on some of the growth and can't seem to diagnose what it is correctly. Was hoping for a response here but may have to post to the plant diagnosis section of this forum...


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure what I am looking at with these new young tops with broken leaves or seemingly eaten up leaves. I see no evidence of any type of pest other than a few fungus gnats still. I've let my plants dry out a bit between waterings. I will probably give another neem treatment soon. Considering using cinnamon oil or tea next. Kinda not wanting to disrupt my micro-herds too much with antibacterial treatments in the soil however. I've also removed a few young tops that have been showing poor growth with twisted leaves, grey and necrotic tips, etc.

@Evil-Mobo Your advice on cover cropping is duly noted but I will most likely get started on that in another cycle and not start now, thank you though. I could double down on the clay pellets as the amount I have now still has many gaps where I can clearly see soil. I was thinking of adding a layer of vermiculite on top. Anyone with something to offer in terms of ideas or advice, much welcomed. Thanks.

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Looks like old damage from pinching the tops.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I had the red wigglers in my potted plant and if you throw one egg shells in there they will start making tons of baby's, I had them coming out of the bottom with the run off there was so many!


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure what I am looking at with these new young tops with broken leaves or seemingly eaten up leaves. I see no evidence of any type of pest other than a few fungus gnats still. I've let my plants dry out a bit between waterings. I will probably give another neem treatment soon. Considering using cinnamon oil or tea next. Kinda not wanting to disrupt my micro-herds too much with antibacterial treatments in the soil however. I've also removed a few young tops that have been showing poor growth with twisted leaves, grey and necrotic tips, etc.

@Evil-Mobo Your advice on cover cropping is duly noted but I will most likely get started on that in another cycle and not start now, thank you though. I could double down on the clay pellets as the amount I have now still has many gaps where I can clearly see soil. I was thinking of adding a layer of vermiculite on top. Anyone with something to offer in terms of ideas or advice, much welcomed. Thanks.

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Possibly a small tear made during topping when that now large leaf was at a very small stage right near your top location?


Well-Known Member
[Flower: Day 17]

And then there were 4...

Removed the other male and I've been collecting some pollen. Hopefully trying my hand at that pans out and I don't end up with a super seedy crop. Gotta learn somehow, practice practice.

Today I did a flushing out of my medium using dechlorinated tap water. I tried to keep the pH at about 7 using some organic apple cider vinegar and I captured and measured the pH of the runoff on each plant. Its between 7.5-7.8, but I am not so sure how accurate my test was. Trying to consider now what I could use to drop the pH a bit but following any organic methods. I think I may start with culturing a fungal dominant AACT. I have some liquid humic/fulvic acids coming to me so maybe I can use some of that too...

The girls seem happy with this flushing out. I don't think my liquid nutrients are salt based but could be, along with the 15% coconut medium, the use of Epsom salt and some coconut water, I could have some excess salts.

I placed them all back in the tent and while I was at it, removed dead foliage in the lower canopy as well as a few tops that weren't looking to good. For the non-LST plants, I tied down some of the side branches to spread out the canopy so they'd get better light. I also spread out some of the LST branches as well. From my observation of the growth pattern of this cultivar I'd say it seemingly does better as a topped or trained plant to spread the canopy, indoors at least.

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P.S. - I seemingly pick up really bright shots with the light on, even dimmed. Maybe if I open the tent right after lights off and snap a few with flash that would help?


Well-Known Member
Everything's looking happy and lush in there. Maybe you can slightly bend and tie those girls in the back down a little and lower the light a bit. I would tie them to the opposite front poles if you could.


Well-Known Member
That works but I meant back right plant to front left pole etc so you can get them even lower. Just be careful and go super slow. You should be able to feel how much give the stalk has.
Don't worry about them growing sideways or anything, the buds will turn right up towards the light in a day or two.


Well-Known Member
Do you add CalMag? It looks like the start of the same issues I was getting. Otherwise they look good.
No I haven't given any CalMag. I switched to using principally dechlorinated tap water but I don't know yet about the TDS. I gave a top dressing that included oyster shell powder, bone meal and some Epsom salt. I'm also preparing a solution that is calphos from The Unconventional Farmer but I'm using bone meal instead. Collecting egg shells to do the same with those but it's gunna take me a bit longer (calcium carb I believe).

Beyond some calcium def. I have what's appearing to be some P def as well. I think this cultivar has some purple in it but some petioles are unusually red/pink, and what is showing up on some lower leaves.


Well-Known Member
@NapalmD I tried criss crossing it like you said but they end up overlapping too much that way so I went back to the way I originally tied down, how I understood your comment. But I tied them down a bit further and they're just slightly higher than the LST plants.

...Well I guess they all are LST now, lol.


Well-Known Member
Just a couple close-ups my wife caught on her iPhone 6 which has a better camera than my phone, lol.

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@NapalmD I'm glad I followed your recommendation to tie down the two girls in the back, they've already turned their tops back up and the side branches are looking happier. Since I could drop the light back down the other ones in the front also seem happier now too. Guess my aspirations for having a couple 'au naturale' growth will have to wait for some day that I can grow liberally outdoors and I and my plants can be free, lol.


Well-Known Member
Well 'Operation Pollen Collection' was less than successful. I had delicately captured some pollen into a makeshift envelope made from a non-stick baking paper, knocking some open flowers into it (while sweating profusely) and stuck it in the fridge. Today I decided to cut down the second male. I had him sitting in another room under a 25W CFL (1475 lumens - 2700K). I P ut the bush into a big ziplock bag and shook the shit out of it, what a cruel way to go, lol. Only that afterwards I looked and there was really no quantifiable amount of pollen in the bag, at least none that I could really collect from there. It may have all just stuck to the plant or got absorbed right into the plastic. Guess I'd better revise my methods and study up on it some more. The delicate method yielded a small amount which I did manage to paint on to a few flower pistils with a q-tip. I did that just yesterday, (@ about 19 days from flip) so hopefully it takes. I'm not sweating it though, it was a good learning lesson and got some experience while I was at it. Pollen is tricky shit to work with!

Maybe shoulda listened to @The Dawg and just taken a female out of the tent and danced around her shaking the male like a tambourine, lulz.


I think I will juice the flower tops and use in a FFJ/FPE along with mango, banana, and papaya for flowering.



Well-Known Member
Well, after placing the pollen, together with a few male flowers that I either cut or fell off into the non-stick baking paper envelope into a jar with rice and into the fridge after a day sitting out, it certainly seems to have stayed viable during the week that I waited to pollenate. I didn't take the utmost precautions in making sure I myself was clean of any pollen and it does seem that there has been some pollen drift in my garden as I see a few different sites where the pistil hairs have browned and the calyxes are swelling up. This may have happened as I was pollenating though as I did see some of it float away into the air as I rubbed it on some of the flowers with a q-tip. All in all though, I'd say the majority of my flowers are not pollenated and the flowers I did pollenate seem to have been fertilized.

Just a few shots of the pollinated flowers and one rogue calyx, lol. Hope she doesn't hit me with child support:

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...and one of the garden :weed:


Since the two in the back are now tied down to the tent poles I've just been rotating and switching around the two in the front. I've actually been sitting here now contemplating if there is some way I could maybe hang the second Photon 180 in there, side by side... o_O


Well-Known Member
Oh, P.S.

I chopped most of the flowering parts of the male into the blender along with a mango, papaya and several bananas, blended up and dumped a bunch of mascavo brown sugar and some unrefined large crystal sugar along with several spoonfuls of LAB serum and jarred it up for a FFJ/FPE bloom fertilizer. I find it to be highly appropriate as the lineage of this cultivar is Mango Kush, Pineapple Kush and Platinum OG. Hopefully using it once it's done fermenting will bring out more the specific flavor profiles inherent in the strain.



Well-Known Member
Looks good man. Should have a great GPW
Thanks. Yeah I am not so interested on this first grow with understanding my GPW, just becoming familiar with growing, the plant itself. It's more for my medicinal purposes and to have good quality pure medicine. Maybe later on I'll become more interested in dialing in these aspects such as GPW.