White privilege sets Oregon militia members free


Well-Known Member
Deny it if you want, but white privilege is a powerful thing.

After taking over the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge for 41 days in an armed siege, the Bundy brothers (Ammon & Ryan) and five other co-defendants were found not guilty of all federal charges - including possession of guns in a federal facility and impeding federal employees from doing their work. It seemed like pretty much everybody in the courtroom was surprised. The men had guns and took over federal offices - where they indeed impeded federal employees from doing their work.

Imagine just for a moment that heavily-armed Black Lives Matter activists took over a federal building. It’s doubtful that such a siege would last longer than a day. By and large, unarmed, non-violent peaceful black protestors are arrested on sight when they even block the entrance to a federal building. Many are still facing charges for such simple acts of civil disobedience to this very day and they did nothing like what the Bundy clan did in Oregon.

Or imagine that an armed group of Muslim-American activists took over a federal building. I’m not talking about immigrants or people on the terrorist watch list, but just good, old fashioned American students who happened to be Muslims. Do you think they’d be allowed to continue their takeover for 41 days? Do you think they’d be acquitted at trial? Those young men would likely be taken to Gitmo. I’m not even kidding.

My argument here is not even that I want the crew who took over the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge to be in prison. I’m ambivalent toward that. My frustration, and the frustration of thousands of others, is that we all know good and well that if they were anything other than white that they would’ve likely had the book thrown at them. It’s for that very reason that you pretty much won’t see anyone other than white folk even do such a thing - it would be a suicide mission.

Do you think Donald Trump will speak out on “law and order” regarding the Bundy crew? They broke laws and disrupted order and disrespected police and federal agents, who Trump claims to love, over and over and over again. But you know, like I know, that when Trump speaks about “law and order” he is speaking in racial code for how he aims to crack down on people of color - whenever and however he can. He’s not interested in universal law and order - that would impact white folk as much as anyone - but one that targets undocumented immigrants and inner cities - and somehow pretends the Bundy brothers and their band of bandits don’t even exist.

This is America. 2016.

Former Attorney Genital Eric Holder was a student at Columbia in 1970 who participated in an armed "takeover" of an abandoned Naval Reserve property.

You may notice he had a decent afro and some Artis Gilmore sideburns going on, not sure if he could rebound or block shots though.


He faired better than
Deny it if you want, but white privilege is a powerful thing.

we all know good and well that if they were anything other than white that they would’ve likely had the book thrown at them.

The govt and probably Bush/Clinton/Obomba cronies were trying to steal the ranchers land in Oregon because it has uranium deposits. Jurors saw through the corruption in a court room in Portland. Portland is not a hot bed of conservatism.

Good job by the jurors. Laughable seeing pro-MMJ people here supporting the police state.
Deny it if you want, but white privilege is a powerful thing.

After taking over the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge for 41 days in an armed siege, the Bundy brothers (Ammon & Ryan) and five other co-defendants were found not guilty of all federal charges - including possession of guns in a federal facility and impeding federal employees from doing their work. It seemed like pretty much everybody in the courtroom was surprised. The men had guns and took over federal offices - where they indeed impeded federal employees from doing their work.

Imagine just for a moment that heavily-armed Black Lives Matter activists took over a federal building. It’s doubtful that such a siege would last longer than a day. By and large, unarmed, non-violent peaceful black protestors are arrested on sight when they even block the entrance to a federal building. Many are still facing charges for such simple acts of civil disobedience to this very day and they did nothing like what the Bundy clan did in Oregon.

Or imagine that an armed group of Muslim-American activists took over a federal building. I’m not talking about immigrants or people on the terrorist watch list, but just good, old fashioned American students who happened to be Muslims. Do you think they’d be allowed to continue their takeover for 41 days? Do you think they’d be acquitted at trial? Those young men would likely be taken to Gitmo. I’m not even kidding.

My argument here is not even that I want the crew who took over the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge to be in prison. I’m ambivalent toward that. My frustration, and the frustration of thousands of others, is that we all know good and well that if they were anything other than white that they would’ve likely had the book thrown at them. It’s for that very reason that you pretty much won’t see anyone other than white folk even do such a thing - it would be a suicide mission.

Do you think Donald Trump will speak out on “law and order” regarding the Bundy crew? They broke laws and disrupted order and disrespected police and federal agents, who Trump claims to love, over and over and over again. But you know, like I know, that when Trump speaks about “law and order” he is speaking in racial code for how he aims to crack down on people of color - whenever and however he can. He’s not interested in universal law and order - that would impact white folk as much as anyone - but one that targets undocumented immigrants and inner cities - and somehow pretends the Bundy brothers and their band of bandits don’t even exist.

This is America. 2016.


We don't have to imagine. BLM aka a Soros backed group, burned down businesses and caused riots.

White privilege? The case went to the jurors and they found the people not guilty. The govt is trying tp steal the ranchers land because it has uranium on it. Bundy's land is trying to be stolen because Harry Reid made a deal with Chinese company for a powerline. Facts and reality must be hard for you to deal with.
We don't have to imagine. BLM aka a Soros backed group, burned down businesses and caused riots.

White privilege? The case went to the jurors and they found the people not guilty. The govt is trying tp steal the ranchers land because it has uranium on it. Bundy's land is trying to be stolen because Harry Reid made a deal with Chinese company for a powerline. Facts and reality must be hard for you to deal with.
can't spell "cuckoo clock" without "cuck".
Deny it if you want, but white privilege is a powerful thing.

After taking over the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge for 41 days in an armed siege, the Bundy brothers (Ammon & Ryan) and five other co-defendants were found not guilty of all federal charges - including possession of guns in a federal facility and impeding federal employees from doing their work. It seemed like pretty much everybody in the courtroom was surprised. The men had guns and took over federal offices - where they indeed impeded federal employees from doing their work.

Imagine just for a moment that heavily-armed Black Lives Matter activists took over a federal building. It’s doubtful that such a siege would last longer than a day. By and large, unarmed, non-violent peaceful black protestors are arrested on sight when they even block the entrance to a federal building. Many are still facing charges for such simple acts of civil disobedience to this very day and they did nothing like what the Bundy clan did in Oregon.

Or imagine that an armed group of Muslim-American activists took over a federal building. I’m not talking about immigrants or people on the terrorist watch list, but just good, old fashioned American students who happened to be Muslims. Do you think they’d be allowed to continue their takeover for 41 days? Do you think they’d be acquitted at trial? Those young men would likely be taken to Gitmo. I’m not even kidding.

My argument here is not even that I want the crew who took over the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge to be in prison. I’m ambivalent toward that. My frustration, and the frustration of thousands of others, is that we all know good and well that if they were anything other than white that they would’ve likely had the book thrown at them. It’s for that very reason that you pretty much won’t see anyone other than white folk even do such a thing - it would be a suicide mission.

Do you think Donald Trump will speak out on “law and order” regarding the Bundy crew? They broke laws and disrupted order and disrespected police and federal agents, who Trump claims to love, over and over and over again. But you know, like I know, that when Trump speaks about “law and order” he is speaking in racial code for how he aims to crack down on people of color - whenever and however he can. He’s not interested in universal law and order - that would impact white folk as much as anyone - but one that targets undocumented immigrants and inner cities - and somehow pretends the Bundy brothers and their band of bandits don’t even exist.

This is America. 2016.


Nice video showing you are advocating violence. Typical BLM conduct.
We don't have to imagine. BLM aka a Soros backed group, burned down businesses and caused riots.

White privilege? The case went to the jurors and they found the people not guilty. The govt is trying tp steal the ranchers land because it has uranium on it. Bundy's land is trying to be stolen because Harry Reid made a deal with Chinese company for a powerline. Facts and reality must be hard for you to deal with.

CNN & MSNBC don't cover these issues so he will never investigate on his own & learn truth .

A white rancher assassinated in front of his daughter & grand children yet MR BLM supporter thinks he deserved to die .
Well, this certainly drew out the most hardcore white supremacists on the forum.
with more to come piling in. A few new socks and some old timers. Like flies attracted to a fresh turd.

Of course @bearkat42 is right.

Of course black men would have been treated differently, if not killed outright. Of course if Native Americans had done something similar -- they actually are the first people of this land -- they would not only be dead but would be tarred for causing strife in relations between first people and the westerners that now hold the lands around the reserve. Of course the hands off treatment the militants got reeked of white privilege. Of course white supremacists can't stand hearing that message because it interferes with their "endangered white guy" crybaby crap.
with more to come piling in. A few new socks and some old timers. Like flies attracted to a fresh turd.

Of course @bearkat42 is right.

Of course black men would have been treated differently, if not killed outright. Of course if Native Americans had done something similar -- they actually are the first people of this land -- they would not only be dead but would be tarred for causing strife in relations between first people and the westerners that now hold the lands around the reserve. Of course the hands off treatment the militants got reeked of white privilege. Of course white supremacists can't stand hearing that message because it interferes with their "endangered white guy" crybaby crap.
How's your support of the Dakota Pipeline demonstration going? ;)