Hillary can't be trusted

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No, I'm just asking because you keep flogging the shit. I'm really pointing out that you know nothing of which you speak. The GOP has cut taxes and restricted infrastructure repair so that the 1% can have their jets and super yachts. You support the GOP because you have a fixation of other women's fetuses. Now all of a sudden you say Trump will fix the infrastructure of the country. He's specific about tax cuts but vague about his great modernization plans. And I'm here to say that Trump has nothing but fern seed in his pocket.
I know what is best for me and my family. It is not a larger federal government.

Strong military, strong economy, strong border.

Ethics reform! Look that shit up. Trump has a plan for term limits on congress, lobbying bans, and so on.
Ok, so when Comey comes out to say that nothing is there, will you buy it? I'll buy it if he says Clinton comitted a crime. Will you accept his decision if he says she didn't or that he finds nothing that merits charges?
Honestly I think his lowers found something and they wouldn't let him dismiss it. He sure as hell doesnt want to be doing it.

He has two connections to Hillary prior to investigation. Hes connected to one of her donors and to clinton foundation.
I know what is best for me and my family. It is not a larger federal government.

Strong military, strong economy, strong border.

Ethics reform! Look that shit up. Trump has a plan for term limits on congress, lobbying bans, and so on.
It all starts with other women's fetuses. Tell me, have you ever voted for a pro-choice candidate?

You know that Trump's tax cut and spending increase is almost the exactly the same as Bush's and every Republican candidate for prez since Gerald Ford. How'd that work out.

What is his plan for the economy?
First: I am going to re-institute a 5-year ban on all executive branch officials lobbying the government for 5 years after they leave government service. I am going to ask Congress to pass this ban into law so that it cannot be lifted by executive order.

Second: I am going to ask Congress to institute its own 5-year ban on lobbying by former members of Congress and their staffs.

Third: I am going to expand the definition of lobbyist so we close all the loopholes that former government officials use by labeling themselves consultants and advisors when we all know they are lobbyists.

Fourth: I am going to issue a lifetime ban against senior executive branch officials lobbying on behalf of a foreign government.

Fifth: I am going to ask Congress to pass a campaign finance reform that prevents registered foreign lobbyists from raising money in American elections.
Honestly I think his lowers found something and they wouldn't let him dismiss it. He sure as hell doesnt want to be doing it.

He has two connections to Hillary prior to investigation. Hes connected to one of her donors and to clinton foundation.
Will you accept his findings if he says nothing was found to justify charges?
Ok, so when Comey comes out to say that nothing is there, will you buy it? I'll buy it if he says Clinton comitted a crime. Will you accept his decision if he says she didn't or that he finds nothing that merits charges?
Everybody already knows she's guilty. Let the justice system play out, sure. But it would take a complete idiot to not see that there is sufficient evidence for an indictment
First: I am going to re-institute a 5-year ban on all executive branch officials lobbying the government for 5 years after they leave government service. I am going to ask Congress to pass this ban into law so that it cannot be lifted by executive order.

Second: I am going to ask Congress to institute its own 5-year ban on lobbying by former members of Congress and their staffs.

Third: I am going to expand the definition of lobbyist so we close all the loopholes that former government officials use by labeling themselves consultants and advisors when we all know they are lobbyists.

Fourth: I am going to issue a lifetime ban against senior executive branch officials lobbying on behalf of a foreign government.

Fifth: I am going to ask Congress to pass a campaign finance reform that prevents registered foreign lobbyists from raising money in American elections.
What does that have to do with his plans for the economy? How does his tax cut and spending increase work when Bush's exact same actions brought on the worst recession since 1929?
It all starts with other women's fetuses. Tell me, have you ever voted for a pro-choice candidate?

You know that Trump's tax cut and spending increase is almost the exactly the same as Bush's and every Republican candidate for prez since Gerald Ford. How'd that work out.

What is his plan for the economy?



I am not going to type it all out you. Nor will I link it. It is all on his site and you are an adult. Try acting like one.
What does that have to do with his plans for the economy? How does his tax cut and spending increase work when Bush's exact same actions brought on the worst recession since 1929?
War and Nafta wrecked our economy.

Plus bush was in on the regime change for oil game.
Everybody already knows she's guilty. Let the justice system play out, sure. But it would take a complete idiot to not see that there is sufficient evidence for an indictment
Nope. You are just regurgitating made up shit. I'm happy to let the justice system play out. How about you? Will you accept Comey's findings as the final word if he says that nothing was found to justify charges?

I'll accept his word if he says that charges are justified.
You keep assuming things about me and expect me to talk to you.

Rediculous. You don't know my background, circumstances, or current obligations.
I only can go by what you tell us.
Tell me what I get wrong.
You are married to a man of Mexican heritage. You both have one child which is a beautiful girl. Your husband was booted out the military ( not sure for what but should we go by what Donald says about Mexicans ?).
You don't work, but prefer to stay at home, taking care of your daughter and receiving food stamps.
You sometimes enjoy your husband eating you out whilst you think about another man cock in your mouth. You enjoy Trump and no matter what disgusting thing he says about women you still find a way to make an excuse for him. Which leaves me to believe that you have been beaten physically and mentally your whole life...oh you also are very insecure about your looks.
Ok what did I get wrong ?



I am not going to type it all out you. Nor will I link it. It is all on his site and you are an adult. Try acting like one.
You are the one who keeps trumpeting his whatever they are. I'm completely skeptical and have read up on it. So, tell me something I don't know. I'm saying you are ignorant and supporting a clown. Show me how I'm wrong by posting something convincing to show how Trumps plans to cut taxes, increase spending and institute trade wars will do anything other than balloon the debt while triggering a recession. Something from a few well known economists will do.
Will you accept his findings if he says nothing was found to justify charges?
He is linked to Hillary. I certainly do not trust him. There was enough evidence to prove intent. Destruction of devices and deletions of emails is a crime.

Besides it doesnt matter whether or not I as an individual accept it.

The nation will decide.
Nope. You are just regurgitating made up shit. I'm happy to let the justice system play out. How about you? Will you accept Comey's findings as the final word if he says that nothing was found to justify charges?

I'll accept his word if he says that charges are justified.
Final word? Drip. Didn't you hear him say that new evidence and information keeps coming in every day? Drip. You are getting way ahead of yourself buddy. Drip. This will be a major topic up to election, and then after it. Drip
He is linked to Hillary. I certainly do not trust him. There was enough evidence to prove intent. Destruction of devices and deletions of emails is a crime.

Besides it doesnt matter whether or not I as an individual accept it.

The nation will decide.
That's not how a justice system works. It works on evidence that is verified and examined carefully by a judge and jury. We can't just vote Clinton into jail. derp

And so, it doesn't matter what the justice system comes up with. You will take the simpleton's approach and claim rigged.

Weak, weak, weak
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