Hillary can't be trusted

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Well-Known Member
The thread topic is & I quote " Hillary can't be trusted " yet every social justice warrior is trying to reframe & redirect the topic into a Trump topic,what's the matter bums,can't find any proof to post proving Hillary can be trusted :cry:

I'm laughing my ass off watching team troll @rollitup work overtime trying to redirect every topic away from corrupt Hillary Clinton :lol:

Pssst trolls,wikileaks 19 just dropped another nuke proving Hillary can't be trusted,ya'll might want to read it lol
WikiLeaks, lol.



Julian Assange: Rejected Bond Villain concept made flesh!


Well-Known Member
It is an expression he could go without.

He should say, " I have great respect for women and treat them the same way I would treat a man."

Talking about pussy grabbing is not the same as actually pussy grabbing. The man is also a joker. He was trying to make billy laugh and billy was cracking up. Then he got off the bus and gave a small air peck to the woman escorting him. Billy was the one who was being disgusting imo. He was sexually harrassing that woman the whole walk into the studio.
Absolutely amazing the latitude you give this creep. Yet you attack Hillary for the vaguest of innuendo.

It will be hard for you on Nov 28th.


Well-Known Member
WikiLeaks, lol.

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Julian Assange: Rejected Bond Villain concept made flesh!
That drip is Julian Assange's pee pee. I hear he does not like to use condoms - he must have picked something up. Guatemala won't give him antibiotics because they really want him to leave. Jeez, imagine Julian Assange showing up at your door and asking to crash - and then never leaving. Ugh. All those nasty white hairs all over. Gross.
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Well-Known Member
So, what's the e-mail de jour for today? Yesterday's big, I mean really big October surprise from Wikileaks was just a re-hash of an issue that was settled legally in June. Come on, @Flaming Pie, drip (or is it drizzle) out another one. I just can't wait to learn of the tomorrow's Clinton-ending scandal.

Oh and talk about drip, drip, drip. Have you seen the latest Trump sex scandal October surprise thingy?

Donald Trump forcibly raped 13 year old girl in 1994, eyewitness claims.
Tiffany Doe, an eyewitness, claimed in Federal Court:

* * * I personally witnessed the plaintiff being forced to perform various sexual acts with Donald J. Trump and Mr. Epstein. Both Mr Trump and Mr. Epstein were advised that she was 13 years old.

I personally witnessed four sexual encounters that the Plaintiff was forced to have with Mr. Trump during this period, including the fourth of these encounters where Mr. Trump forcibly raped her despite her pleas to stop.

I personally witnessed the one occasion where Mr. Trump forced the Plaintiff and a 12-year old female named Maria to perform oral sex on Mr. Trump and witnessed the physical abuse of both minors when they finished the act.

I personally witnessed Defendant Trump telling the Plaintiff that she shouldn’t ever say anything if she didn’t want to disappear like the 12 year old female Maria, and that he was capable of having her whole family killed.

STATUTE of LIMITATIONS: The complaint requests the Court to rule that the Statute of Limitations be tolled because she was told that if she ever revealed what happened she and her family would be physically harmed if not killed, and that she might disappear like the 12 year old Maria. [See: Cullen v Margiotta, 811 F. 2d 698, 722 (2nd Cir. 1987); Ross v United States, 574 F. Supp. 536, 542 (S.D.N.Y. 1983).


Umm, who is Maria and what happened to her?

There is even a more alarming allegation in Jane Doe’s Declaration. She refers to a 12 year old girl named Maria who was forced to perform oral sex on Mr. Trump. Jane Doe states that Trump told her that she should never say anything, if she did not want to disappear like Maria, and that he was capable of having her and her whole family killed. Jane Doe states she never saw 12 year old Maria again. Tiffany Doe said that she personally witnessed Trump telling the Jane Doe that she shouldn’t ever say anything if she didn’t want to disappear like Maria. We do not know what was meant by Maria disappearing, or whatever happened to her, but the implication of the statement is jarring.


Well-Known Member
The thread topic is & I quote " Hillary can't be trusted " yet every social justice warrior is trying to reframe & redirect the topic into a Trump topic,what's the matter bums,can't find any proof to post proving Hillary can be trusted :cry:

I'm laughing my ass off watching team troll @rollitup work overtime trying to redirect every topic away from corrupt Hillary Clinton :lol:

Pssst trolls,wikileaks 19 just dropped another nuke proving Hillary can't be trusted,ya'll might want to read it lol
Whoa! Great stuff! Total game changer. So if TRUMP! losses it will have to be voter fraud. Right?

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Wait, are you dismissing the dozen claims by different women who report being assaulted by trump?

He should say I'm absolutely unqualified for POTUS along every imaginable dimension.
Yes I am. Hillary has been smearing people her entire political career and the women came forward on the day wikileaks started releasing podesta emails.

Anyone can make an accusation. Trump is within his legal rights to take them to court to clear his name.

Hillary can't be trusted.


Well-Known Member
Yes I am. Hillary has been smearing people her entire political career Trump is within his legal rights to take them to court to clear his name.
Even a child recognizes the meaning about 2 wrongs.

It looks as if your instinct is to deny the truth by immediately pivoting to accusations involving a different matter. You're well aware that trump, uninvited, mauls women with impunity. It's heinous.

It must be another conspiracy that trump has a docket full of appointments with the judiciary system. He's sued and suing left and right. Do your instincts tell you that a man who is perpetually taxing the court system is probably the victim of a smear by 12 different women over 20 years? Another conspiracy? He's backed out of so many lawsuits it's a well known joke. His cowardly practice is to threaten at every opportunity. Most of the time he knows thats he's a phony clown and will have to back down. He does back down. He wont be taking any of these women before a jury of their peers. NONE

Your defenses, feeble and ill witted as they are, give an edge in the race to the bottom.
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Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Even a child recognizes the meaning about 2 wrongs.

It looks as if your instinct is to deny the truth by immediately pivoting to accusations involving a different manner. You're well aware that trump, uninvited mauls women with impunity. It's heinous.

It must be another conspiracy that trump has a docket full of appointments with the judiciary system. He's sued and suing left and right. Do your instincts tell you that a man who is perpetually taxing the court system is probably the victim of a smear by 12 different women over 20 years? Another conspiracy? He's backed out of so many lawsuits it's a well known joke. His cowardly practice is to threaten at every opportunity. Most of the time he knows thats he's a phony clown and will have to back down. He does back down. He wont be taking any of these women before a jury of their peers. NONE

Your defenses, feeble and ill witted as they are, give an edge in the race to the bottom.
Assuming that the women's claims are true, why is it worse than what Bill did and Hillary defended?

If my husband was sexually assaulting people, I certainly would not stay with him. Hillary not only stayed, she defended him and slandered the women.


Well-Known Member
2016 Election

Senate Update: GOP Candidates Are Doing Better Than Trump — And May Still Lose
By Harry Enten
In 2012, in contrast, Mitt Romney did considerably better than Republican Senate candidates. In the 32 Senate races that pitted a Democrat against a Republican,2 GOP candidates lost by about 8 percentage points, on average. Romney lost by about 3 points in these same states.3 And again, it’s not one outlier causing this difference. Romney did better than Republican candidates in 21 of the 32 races.

Trump is doing between 4 and 5 percentage points worse than down-ballot Republicans, on average. Romney did 5 points better.


Well-Known Member
Assuming that the women's claims are true, why is it worse than what Bill did and Hillary defended?

If my husband was sexually assaulting people, I certainly would not stay with him. Hillary not only stayed, she defended him and slandered the women.
NO the question really is why you refuse to accept that the Clintons have zero significance with regard to trumps character. NONE
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