

Well-Known Member
Well I worded it wrong I meant after cooling down.
I'm still wondering why you want to boil it?! I've never heard of such a thing. Sterilization?? Are you in a third world country with contaminated water? If you're looking for pure water there's easier ways to do it. RO water filters.

What issue is being solved by boiling the water?


Well-Known Member
the issue being solved is the result of RO without buying the filters. LETS SAY HE LIVES IN MICHIGAN WHERE THERE IS A WATER CONTAMINATION CRISIS AND HES USING THE LEFT OVER POTABLE BOILED WATER TO WATER HIS PLANTS. damn you guys all attacked this dude and started making fun of him, maybe you shouldnt post in the newbie forum in a wack ass attempt to help people if youre going to act like school children. L

if thats a CFL it should be like 2-3 inches from the tops of the plants, to avoid stretch. and those containers are pretty small to go all the way through with, shoot for a 5 gallon when you transplant.


Well-Known Member
Sterilization?? Are you in a third world country with contaminated water?---Michigan is in the United States of America

If you're looking for pure water there's easier ways to do it. RO water filters.---easier than boiling water? are we serious here?


Well-Known Member
the issue being solved is the result of RO without buying the filters. LETS SAY HE LIVES IN MICHIGAN WHERE THERE IS A WATER CONTAMINATION CRISIS AND HES USING THE LEFT OVER POTABLE BOILED WATER TO WATER HIS PLANTS. damn you guys all attacked this dude and started making fun of him, maybe you shouldnt post in the newbie forum in a wack ass attempt to help people if youre going to act like school children. L

if thats a CFL it should be like 2-3 inches from the tops of the plants, to avoid stretch. and those containers are pretty small to go all the way through with, shoot for a 5 gallon when you transplant.
NO ONE ATTACKED THIS GUY. YOU NEED A LAXATIVE. IF ANYTHING YOU ARE SUGGESTING WERE THE CASE ----> Id surely mention that in the original post. Because boiling water still from his own posts MAKES ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE.

How does one get RO water without filters? EFFICIENTLY?? Assuming it could happen. RO WATER IS RO WATER WITH OR WITHOUT A FILTER. WHAT HARM CAN BE DONE WITH RO WATER? Unless one is not supplying needed elements?

Besides that the original post is from a new member. Which I equate with knowing very little. So yes reading a post from a newbie about watering with boiling water does concern me.


Well-Known Member

I'm using about 90 gallons a week. As it comes out it automatically turns on and doesn't stop until the REZ is filled. THATS set it and forget it. It doesn't get easier. Those pots are small but when they get bigger what's he doing buying an industrial size cooking pot that takes an hour to reach a boil? Then wait 6 hours for it to reach room temp? Or are we then emptying our refrigerator to fit this massive pot in there and going to burn that motor out cooling water every other night. THATS surely the easy way to go.

Hell at this stage buying distilled water at the pharmacy is easier than boiling water!
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Well-Known Member
Do you know how crazy that entire post sounds Desr? You really do need a laxative! Or anger management.

We went from watering plants to enough info to pass a health inspection! Why are we changing subjects?


Well-Known Member
Thank you I live in N.Y. but read that tap water can be unsafe
Unsafe in what way? Interesting and funny because I went to school in NY and live in NY and all the professors said the water was some of the best in the US! It's a big state though anything is possible.


Well-Known Member

I'm using about 90 gallons a week. As it comes out it automatically turns on and doesn't stop until the REZ is filled. THATS set it and forget it. It doesn't get easier. Those pots are small but when they get bigger what's he doing buying an industrial size cooking pot that takes an hour to reach a boil? Then wait 6 hours for it to reach room temp? Or are we then emptying our refrigerator to fit this massive pot in there and going to burn that motor out cooling water every other night. THATS surely the easy way to go.

Hell at this stage buying distilled water at the pharmacy is easier than boiling water!
I love it!