Hillary can't be trusted

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In other news, Trump has become the most lawsuitingest major presidential candiadate at any time in US history. The following is a list of lawsuits threatened during his run for POTUS. Some of the earlier ones were really funny too. Such as this one:

Trump's lawyers threaten to sue USA Today because columnist Al Neuharth called him a "clown."

He never filed the suit. Probably because his lawyer advised him that the claim was accurate. Too funny this.

10/22/2016 12:15 PM: Trump: The media "is trying to poison the minds" of the voters. "Every woman lied when they came forward to hurt my campaign. Total fabrication. The events never happened. Never. All of these liars will be sued after the election is over." (Donald Trump)
10/13/2016 1:24 PM: Trump is "preparing a lawsuit" against the New York Times for "Two Women Say Donald Trump Touched Them Inappropriately." Trump hasn't filed a lawsuit. (Donald Trump)
10/13/2016 12:25 AM: Trump's lawyer threatens the New York Times over an article entitled, "Two Women Say Donald Trump Touched Them Inappropriately" Trump hasn't filed a lawsuit. (McKay Coppins)
10/12/2016: Trump campaign official says the New York Times and "politically-motivated accusers better lawyer up." Trump hasn't filed a lawsuit. (CNN)
10/2/2016: Trump's lawyer threatens the New York Times for publishing copies of some of his tax returns. Trump hasn't filed a lawsuit. (Trevor Timm)
9/17/2016: Trump suggests he might sue the New York Times for "irresponsible intent." Trump hasn't filed a lawsuit. (Donald J. Trump)
7/18/2016: Trump's lawyer threatens Tony Schwartz, co-author of "The Art of the Deal," over statements he made in an interview with the New Yorker. Trump hasn't filed a lawsuit. (New Yorker)
5/18/2016: Trump says he "will be bringing more libel suits" against unidentified critics, perhaps even "you folks," the Washington Post reporters interviewing him. Trump hasn't filed any lawsuits. (Washington Post)
5/13/2016: Trump threatens Amazon.com and Jeff Bezos, owner of the Washington Post, with tax audits if he becomes president, over Washington Post stories critical of Trump. Trump hasn't been elected and can't direct tax audits -- yet. (Vox)
4/27/2016: Trump threatens Daily Beast columnist and author of "The Making of Donald Trump" David Cay Johnston for unknown reasons. Trump hasn't filed a lawsuit. (Trevor Timm)
4/20/2016: Unidentified person, believed to be involved with Trump, threatens an artist over a nude and unflattering painting of Trump. Trump hasn't filed a lawsuit. (Hyperallergetic)
4/12/2016: Trump's lawyer threatens the Associated Press, for reporting on a business dispute involving Trump. Trump hasn't filed a lawsuit. (Washington Post)
3/27/2016: Trump threatens to sue over getting fewer delegates than Ted Cruz in the Louisiana primary: "Lawsuit coming." A lawsuit was never filed. (Donald J. Trump)
2/26/2016: Trump vows to "open up the libel laws" in order to sue the New York Times and Washington Post. (Politico)
2/16/2016: Trump's lawyers send a letter to Ted Cruz's campaign demanding that they cease airing a television ad quoting Trump. Trump never filed the lawsuit. (CNN)
2/12/2016: Trump threatens to sue Ted Cruz for "negative ads" and not being a "natural born citizen." Trump never filed the lawsuit. (Donald J. Trump)
1/18/2016: Trump threatens the Washington Post for covering Trump's failed Taj Majal casino. "If you write this one, I’m suing you." Trump hasn't filed a lawsuit. (Washington Post)
12/4/2015: Trump's lawyer threatens a Jeb Bush donor who paid for ads calling Trump a "narcissistic BULLYionaire." Trump never filed a lawsuit. (Miami Herald)
11/19/2015: Trump tweets that if John Kasich "is not truthful in his negative ads I will sue him just for fun!" Trump didn't file a lawsuit. (Donald J. Trump)
11/19/2015: Trump's lawyer threatens John Kasich for advertisements run by a pro-Kasich super PAC. Trump didn't file a lawsuit. (Politico)
10/29/2015: Trump's companies sue a union over flyers claiming that Trump slept in a union-affiliated hotel during a campaign stop. (Las Vegas Sun)
9/22/2015: Trump's lawyer threatens a website selling anti-Trump shirts, StopTrump.us, demanding that its owners confirm that they had "ceased all uses of Mr. Trump's name". Trump never filed a lawsuit. (Washington Post)
9/21/2015: Trump's lawyer threatens Club for Growth for a political ad Trump didn't like. Trump never filed the lawsuit. (NJ.com)
7/27/2015: Trump's lawyer threatens the Daily Beast for reporting that Trump's ex-wife once used the word "rape" to describe an incident with Trump. Trump never filed the lawsuit. (Daily Beast)
7/2/2015: Trump's lawyer threatens the National Hispanic Media Coalition for criticizing Trump's "bigoted, racist, anti-Latino rant." Trump never filed the lawsuit. (The Wrap)
6/30/2015: Trump sues Univision's president for defamation over an Instagram post comparing Trump's appearance to Dylann Roof. The case was settled. (Deadline.com)
2/29/2014: Trump suggests he'll sue a Twitter user who tricked him into retweeting a photo of two serial killers. Trump never filed the lawsuit. (Washington Post)
2013: Trump's lawyer threatens satirical newspaper The Onion over article entitled, "When You're Feeling Low, Just Remember I'll Be Dead In About 15 Or 20 Years." Trump never filed the lawsuit. (TODAY)
2/19/2013: Trump threatens an internet campaigner who started an online petition calling on Macy's to part ways with Trump. Trump never filed the lawsuit. (Business Insider)
2/4/2013: Trump sues Bill Maher over a joke offer to "donate $5 million to charity if Trump provided a copy of his birth certificate proving that he’s not “spawn of his mother having sex with orangutan.” (Trump dismissed the lawsuit.) (The Hollywood Reporter)
1/31/2013: Trump threatens to teach a rapper "a big boy lesson about lawsuits" over a song called "Donald Trump." Trump never filed the lawsuit. (Donald Trump)
11/9/2012: Trump suggests "somebody" (apparently David Letterman or the Golf Channel) would sue documentary filmmaker Anthony Baxter over a documentary critical of Trump's golf courses. No lawsuit was filed. (International Business Times)
2012: Trump's lawyers threaten to sue USA Today because columnist Al Neuharth called him a "clown." Trump never filed the lawsuit. (USA Today)
2012: Trump wins an arbitration award against a Miss USA contestant who posted on Facebook that the pageant was "fraudulent," "trashy," and "rigged." The contestant's father says she later settled the case and never paid "a penny," but Trump's lawyer says they "recovered funds." Trump's lawyer later bragged that he had "destroy[ed]" her life. (The Atlantic)
Oooooo, you are really onto something here, Pie! This DAMNING revelation negates FIFTY YEARS WORTH of documented Drumpf grotesqueries! Election OVER!!

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Her accepting donations from foreign governments and awarding government contracts to foundation donors is a bigger problem.

She will make her donors richer.

Trump will force companies to rely on american labor if they want to sell their products in America.

No fly zone in Syria is a recipe for disaster.
Her accepting donations from foreign governments and awarding government contracts to foundation donors is a bigger problem.

She will make her donors richer.

Trump will force companies to rely on american labor if they want to sell their products in America.

No fly zone in Syria is a recipe for disaster.


Poor Pie.....yet another brainwashed red stater with no clue about how the actual world outside her shotgun shack works, tsk tsk tsk...
It's not that they communicated. It's the fact that they both knowingly communicated state business through a non-government and unsecured server.
Oh wow, I was so misinformed. So, Clinton sends an e-mail that doesn't contain the "state.gov" label and this means Obama knowingly communicated. I mean this is iron clad cause for impeachment. What did Comey say about it? Let me see. Ah here it is.

In looking back at our investigations into mishandling or removal of classified information, we cannot find a case that would support bringing criminal charges on these facts. All the cases prosecuted involved some combination of: clearly intentional and willful mishandling of classified information; or vast quantities of materials exposed in such a way as to support an inference of intentional misconduct; or indications of disloyalty to the United States; or efforts to obstruct justice. We do not see those things here.

Yup, clearly a case for impeachment. And LOCK HER UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hillary Clinton took $48.5 million in donations from Wall street Hedge funds alone,the total wall street graft she's taken is over $100 million dollars,her wall street speaches have been released via wikileaks that show her telling wall street she lies to voters & plans on being there for wall street,the $48.5 million she just got from them proves wall street knows she will never "tax the rich " as she claims .

At this point anybody who believes a single word out of Hillary's mouth as truth needs to see a head shrinker .
Hillary Clinton took $48.5 million in donations from Wall street Hedge funds alone,the total wall street graft she's taken is over $100 million dollars,her wall street speaches have been released via wikileaks that show her telling wall street she lies to voters & plans on being there for wall street,the $48.5 million she just got from them proves wall street knows she will never "tax the rich " as she claims .

At this point anybody who believes a single word out of Hillary's mouth as truth needs to see a head shrinker .

virtue signal some more.
Hillary Clinton took $48.5 million in donations from Wall street Hedge funds alone,the total wall street graft she's taken is over $100 million dollars,her wall street speaches have been released via wikileaks that show her telling wall street she lies to voters & plans on being there for wall street,the $48.5 million she just got from them proves wall street knows she will never "tax the rich " as she claims .

At this point anybody who believes a single word out of Hillary's mouth as truth needs to see a head shrinker .

Well you certainly aren't as well informed.
I don't believe it is a learning disorder so much as a fear of being wrong.

Corrupt politicians are into globalization because it provides cheap labor and materials for their donors. They are ok with starting wars through arming rebels because it makes their defense contractor friends rich.

Wake up.
pie, some sage advice for you:

"You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them"
trump will force companies to rely on american labor if they want to sell their products in america.

he already does so himself. so do his kids.
I never said he did. He does employ labor around the world because his properties are around the world.

Ivanka is competing globally with her clothing line so she goes to the cheapest means of production. If the laws changed she would still be in the same position with her competitors. Costs for production would go up for everyone not just them.

Business is about profit and competition.

Local business is what creates jobs. If there are closing businesses that means loss of jobs.

We can't all work for the government. How will the government raise money?

80% of tax revenue comes from labor taxes.
America just says no to Trump. You must not watch the news much.

Are you afraid of rejection?
It still looks close to me and polls have been wrong before. When you oversample it can skew polls as well. Ask more latinos or blacks and you get 60-80% hillary votes.

Haven't you seen all the videos and news reports of frauds? Big bust in Indiana with 9 counties under investigayion for voter fraud.
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